hSCRP on closeStack compact stack pass closeStack end closeStack on openStack global currentState, filePath, dataDir, dataFile, textExt, pictExt, movieExt global movieFileType, pictFileType, textFileType global dogDirPrefix, artDirPrefix, credDirPrefix, bookDirPrefix global textDirSuffix, pictDirSuffix, capDirSuffix, thumbDirSuffix global slideDirSuffix, movieDirSuffix, topDogsListSaver global sizeWords, coatWords, barkWords, friendWords, indepWords global trainWords, uTrainWords, exerWords, groomWords, profgWords, dockWords global childwords, petWords, spaceWords, climateWords, serviceWords, jogWords global uClimateWords, myBusy, busyMax, readOnly global typesIDs, sizeIDs, coatIDs, careIDs, environIDs, childrenIDs, petsIDs global interactIDs, userDominance1, userDominance2, userActivities, userCare global matchNumbers -- We need a screen of at least 256 colors put the systemColors into temp if temp = 2 or temp = 16 or temp = "gray" then go card "No Color" end if put false into deepColors if temp = "thousands" or temp = "millions" then put true into deepColors if the platform is "Windows" then go card "Exact Colors" end if end if -- If QuickTime is not installed on this machine, we have to abort. put the movieTypes into temp if "QuickTime" is not in temp then go card "No QuickTime" end if -- We need a screen at least 640 x 480 put the screenRect into temp if the third item of temp < 640 or the fourth item of temp < 480 then go card "Screen too small" end if if the platform is "Macintosh" then put "Dogs:TGD:" into filePath put ":" into dirSep else GetBaseDirectory put the result into filePath put "\" into dirSep end if put "DATA" & dirSep into dataDir put "DOG_" into dogDirPrefix put "ART_" into artDirPrefix put "CRED_" into credDirPrefix put "BOOK_" into bookDirPrefix put "TXT" & dirSep into textDirSuffix put "CAP" & dirSep into capDirSuffix put "SLD" & dirSep into slideDirSuffix put "MOV" & dirSep into movieDirSuffix if deepColors is true then put "PIC" & dirSep into pictDirSuffix put "THM" & dirSep into thumbDirSuffix --import filePath & dataDir & "Splash.pic" into card bitmap id 35 of card id 51 else put "PM8" & dirSep into pictDirSuffix put "TM8" & dirSep into thumbDirSuffix --import filePath & dataDir & "Splash.pm8" into card bitmap id 35 of card id 51 end if put ".txt" into textExt put ".pic" into pictExt put ".mov" into movieExt put "dogdata.bin" into dataFile if the platform is "Macintosh" then put "MooV" into movieFileType put "PICT" into pictFileType put "TEXT" into textFileType else put "MOV" into movieFileType put "PIC" into pictFileType put "TXT" into textFileType end if put "--,v. small,small,medium,large,v. large" into sizeWords put "--,short,curly,wiry,medium,featherd,fluffy,med.long,long" into coatWords put "--,v. little,average,baying,howling,a lot" into barkWords put "--,very wary,wary,reserved,fairly fr.,very fr." into friendWords put "--,v.depnd't,depend't,middling,independ.,v. indep." into indepWords put "--,dif'cult,not easy,fairly easy,easy,very easy" into trainWords put "--,none,manners,basic,basic,advanced" into uTrainWords put "--,v. little,little,moderate,lots,vigorous" into exerWords put "--,v. little,little,regular,extensive,daily" into groomWords put "--,none,little,moderate,skilled,elaborate" into profgWords put "--,ears,tail,ears&tail,none" into dockWords put "none,not good,frm ppyhd,older,good,excellent" into childWords put "none,not good,othr dogs,othr dogs,frm ppyhd,good" into petWords put "--,no yard,small,average,large,acreage" into spaceWords put "--,warm,cold,any" into climateWords put "moderate,warm,cold,hot&cold" into uClimateWords put "--,hearing,blind,service" into serviceWords put "--,poor,fair,ok,good,v. good" into jogWords put the cantmodify of this stack into readOnly set the cardCaching to true set the cardCacheCount to 20 -- We can't seem to rely on OMO to initialize. put empty into currentState put empty into typesIDs put empty into sizeIDs put empty into coatIDs put empty into careIDs put empty into interactIDs put empty into userCare put empty into userDominance1 put empty into userDominance2 put empty into environIDs put empty into childrenIDs put empty into petsIDs put empty into userActivities put empty into topDogsListSaver put empty into matchNumbers put 1010 into myBusy -- Watch put 8 into busyMax -- Insurance so that we won't try to prepare it when we first open -- the main background. set the myVisible of bg movie "Little Movie" of bg "The Main Background" to false set the myVisible of bg movie "Slide Show" of bg "The Main Background" to false end openStack -------------------------------------- on getAllTables send getDogTable to card picklist "Dog List" of card "Main Card-1" send getArtTable to card picklist "Article List" of card "Main Card-3" send getIndexTable to card picklist "Index List" of card "Main Card-4" send getBookTable to card picklist "Book List" of card "Main Card-5" send getCreditsTable to card picklist "Credits List" of card "Main Card-6" end getAllTables on getDogTable send getDogTable to card picklist "Dog List" of card "Main Card-1" end getDogTable on getArtTable send getArtTable to card picklist "Article List" of card "Main Card-3" end getArtTable on getIndexTable send getIndexTable to card picklist "Index List" of card "Main Card-4" end getIndexTable on getBookTable send getBookTable to card picklist "Book List" of card "Main Card-5" end getBookTable on getCreditsTable send getCreditsTable to card picklist "Credits List" of card "Main Card-6" end getCreditsTable -------------------------------------- on getDogAttrs global filePath, dataDir global dogAttrs, numDogs -- Read the attributes of all the dogs. put filePath & dataDir & "dogdata.bin" into dogData open file dogData repeat with numDogs=1 to 500 read from file dogData until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it after dogAttrs --put numDogs end repeat close file dogData put numDogs - 1 into numDogs end getDogAttrs -------------------------------------- function fileExists thePath, theName, theType if the platform is "Windows" then -- Hack return true else put the list of files of type theType in thePath into temp if theName is in temp then return true else return false end if end fileExists PFONT 1STONE SERIF 2STONE SANS 3STONE INFORMAL ACASLON BOLD ACASLON BOLDITALIC` ACASLON ITALIC ACASLON REGULAR ACASLON SEMIBOLD ACASLON SEMIBOLDITALIC AGARAMOND AGARAMOND ITALIC AGARAMOND SEMIBOLD AGARAMOND SEMIBOLDITALIC AMERICAN HERITAGE AMERICAN HERITAGE A AMERICAN HERITAGE B AMERICANINDIAN APPLEICON ARIAL ASHLEY ATHENS AVANT GARDE B 1STONE SERIF BOLD B 2STONE SANS BOLDP B 3STONE INFORMAL BOLD B AVANT GARDE DEMI B BODONI BOLD B BOOKMAN DEMI` B COURIER BOLD B FRANKLIN GOTHIC DEMI` B FRUTIGER BOLD B FUTURA BOLD B GALLIARD BOLD B GARAMOND BOLD B GOUDY BOLD B HELVETICA BOLD B KORINNA BOLD B MELIOR BOLD B NEW CALEDONIA BOLD B OPTIMA BOLD B PALATINO BOLD B TIMES BOLD B UNIVERS 65 BOLD B VAG ROUNDED BOLD B WALBAUM BOLD BANNER BASKERVILLE MT BASKERVILLE MT BD BASKERVILLE MT BD IT BASKERVILLE MT IT BELLEVUE BEMBO BEMBO BOLD` BEMBO BOLDITALIC BEMBO ITALIC BERKELEY BERNHARDMOD BD BT BERNHARDMOD BDIT BT BERNHARDMOD BT` BERNHARDMOD IT BTx` BERTHOLD SCRIPT REGULAR BI 1STONE SERIF BOLDITALIC3 BI 2STONE SANS BOLDITALIC BI 3STONE INFORMAL BOLDITALICx` BI AVANT GARDE DEMIOBLIQUE BI BODONI BOLDITALIC BI BOOKMAN DEMIITALICx` BI COURIER BOLDOBLIQUE* BI FRANKLIN GOTHIC DEMIOBLIQUE` BI FRUTIGER BOLDITALIC BI GALLIARD BOLDITALIC BI GARAMOND BOLDITALIC BI GOUDY BOLDITALIC BI HELVETICA BOLDOBLIQUE BI KORINNA KURSIVBOLD BI MELIOR BOLDITALIC BI NEW CALEDONIA BOLDITALIC BI OPTIMA BOLDOBLIQUE BI PALATINO BOLDITALIC BI TIMES BOLDITALIC BI WALBAUM BOLDITALICx` BIFFO MT BL FRUTIGER BLACKfM BLADES BLI FRUTIGER BLACKITALIC BLK NEW CALEDONIA BLACK BLK UNIVERS 75 BLK VAG ROUNDED BLACK BLKI NEW CALEDONIA BLACKITALICy BLKO UNIVERS 75 BLACKOBLIQUE BLUEPRINT BO FUTURA BOLDOBLIQUE BO UNIVERS 65 BOLDOBLIQUE BODONI BODONI BD BT BODONI BDIT BT` BODONI BT BODONI IT BT BODONI MT CN BD BODONI MT UT BD BODONI MT UT BD IT BOOKMAN BOOKMAN OLD STYLEx` BOOKMAN OLD STYLE BD BOOKMAN OLD STYLE BD IT BOOKMAN OLD STYLE ITM BORDEAUXBLACKM BORDEAUXHEAVYf BORDEAUXLIGHT BORDEAUXMEDIUM BRAGGADOCIO MT BRUSH SCRIPT BRUSHHAND BRUSHSCRIPT C FUTURA CONDENSED C HELVETICA CONDENSED C UNIVERS 57 CONDENSEDL CAIRO CANDY CARTAfe CASLON OPEN FACEf:f CASQUEOPENFACE CASTELLAR MT CAVANAUGH CB FUTURA CONDENSEDBOLD CB HELVETICA CONDENSED BOLD CB UNIVERS 67 CONDENSEDBOLD CBI HELVETICA CONDENSED BOLDOBL CBO FUTURA CONDBOLDOBLIQUE` CBO UNIVERS 67 CONDBOLDOBL CELTIC CHICAGO CI HELVETICA CONDENSED OBLIQUE CITY BOLD CITY BOLD ITALIC CITY MEDIUM CITY MEDIUM ITALIC CL FUTURA CONDENSEDLIGHT CL HELVETICA CONDENSED LIGHT CL UNIVERS 47 CONDENSEDLIGHT CLARENDON CLB HELVETICA CONDENSED BLACKx` CLBI HELVETICA CONDENSED BLACKO CLEARFACE GOTHIC MT BD` CLI HELVETICA CONDENSED LIGHTOB CLO FUTURA CONDLIGHTOBLIQUE CLO UNIVERS 47 CONDLIGHTOBL CO FUTURA CONDENSEDOBLIQUE CO UNIVERS 57 CONDOBLIQUE CODETHIRTYNINE COMMERCIALPI BT COOKIE COPPERPLATE29AB COPPERPLATE31AB COPPERPLATE33BC CORNET` COURIER COURIER NEW CUPERTINO CUPERTINO CXB FUTURA CONDEXTRABOLD CXBO FUTURA CONDEXTRABOLDOBLIQU DEARTEACHER-NORMAL` DEEP BOX DETROIT DOBKIN-SCRIPT DRAGONWICK` ELLINGTON MT EX BDM EMPIRE ENGRAVERS MT ERASERDUST ESPY SANS ESPY SANS BOLD` EWORLD TIGHT FETTE FRAKTUR FLOOR PLAN` FORMALSCRIPT FORTE MT FRANCAIS FRANKLINGOTHIC FREESTYLE SCRIPT FUTURA FUTURA BD BT FUTURA BDIT BT FUTURA BK BT FUTURA BKIT BT FUTURA BOOK FUTURA MD BT FUTURA MDIT BT GALLIARD GARAMOND GENEVA` GENEVA GIBSON GILLSANS GILLSANS BOLD GILLSANS BOLDCONDENSED` GILLSANS BOLDITALIC GILLSANS CONDENSED` GILLSANS EXTRABOLD` GILLSANS ITALIC GILLSANS LIGHT GILLSANS LIGHTITALIC GILLSANS ULTRABOLD GILLSANS ULTRABOLDCONDENSED GOODCITYMODERN` GOUDY GOUDY SC GOUDY TEXT MT H AVENIR HEAVY H FRANKLIN GOTHIC HEAVY H FUTURA HEAVY H GOUDY HEAVYFACE HAMMERFAT HAMMERTHINP HARTING HEADLINE MT BDz HELVETICA HELVETICAINSERAT ROMAN` HI FRANKLIN GOTHIC HEAVYOBLIQUE HI GOUDY HEAVYFACEITALIC HO FUTURA HEAVYOBLIQUE HOBBYHEADLINE HOLLYWOOD I 1STONE SERIF ITALIC I 2STONE SANS ITALIC I 3STONE INFORMAL ITALIC I AVANT GARDE BOOKOBLIQUE I BODONI ITALIC I BOOKMAN LIGHTITALIC I COURIER OBLIQUE I FRANKLIN GOTHIC BOOKOBLIQUEx` I FRUTIGER ITALICx` I GALLIARD ITALICx` I GARAMOND LIGHTITALIC I GOUDY ITALIC` I HELVETICA OBLIQUE I KORINNA KURSIVREGULAR I MELIOR ITALIC I NEW CALEDONIA ITALIC I OPTIMA OBLIQUE I PALATINO ITALIC I TIMES ITALIC` I WALBAUM ITALIC IMPRESS BT? INDUSTRIA INLINE INDUSTRIA INLINEA INDUSTRIA SOLID INDUSTRIA SOLIDA INFOCOM KEYCAPS KLANG MT KORINNA KRAMER` KUENST480 BD BT KUENST480 BDIT BT KUENST480 BLK BT? KUENST480 BT KUENST480 IT BT KUENSTLERSCRIPT BLACK KUENSTLERSCRIPT MEDIUM KUENSTLERSCRIPT TWOBOLD L FRUTIGER LIGHT L FUTURA LIGHT* L UNIVERS 45 LIGHT L VAG ROUNDED LIGHT LI FRUTIGER LIGHTITALIC LIFFO LILITH LILITH-HEAVY LINEAL LITHOS BLACK LITHOS BOLD LITHOS EXTRALIGHT LITHOS LIGHT*( LITHOS REGULAR LO FUTURA LIGHTOBLIQUE LO UNIVERS 45 LIGHTOBLIQUE` LONDON LOS ANGELES LSILOGO MACHINESCRIPT MADRONE MANHATTAN MARKERFELTTHINP MARQUEE MARQUEEENGRAVED MATHMETEOR` MELIOR MERCURIUS BOLD SCRIPT MT MIDDLETON MINIPICSLILEDIBLESo MINIPICSLILFOLKS MINIPICSLILSTUFF MISHAWAKA MISHAWAKA BOLD MISTRAL MOBILE` MONACOP MONOLINE SCRIPT MTP MONOTYPE CORSIVA MONOTYPE SORTS` MOS EISLEY MT EXTRA N HELVETICA NARROW` NAUERTP NEW BEROLINA MT NEW CALEDONIA NEW CENTURY SCHLBK NEW YORKA O FUTURA BOOKOBLIQUE O FUTURA OBLIQUE O UNIVERS 55 OBLIQUE OCR-A OCR-AREGULAR OLD STYLE MT BD OU OLDENGLISHP OPTIMA ORACLE OREGONWET P BODONI POSTER PALATINO PARK AVENUE PEPITA MT PHOTINA MT UT BD PIXIEFONTx` PLACARD MT BD CN x` PLAYBILL POPLAR PRESENT PROGRAMMER'S MONACO PROVENCE B PROVENCE C` PSYCHEDELICSMOKE QUICKTYPE QUICKTYPE CONDENSED QUICKTYPE MONOP QUICKTYPE PI R AVENIR ROMAN R FRUTIGER ROMAN R WALBAUM ROMAN RANSOMNOTE` RECHTMAN REGENCYSCRIPT REPORTER TWO REVERE REVUE RIVERSIDEx` ROCKWELL BD CN ROCKWELL EX BD ROUNDERS RUSSELLSQUARE RUSSELLSQUARE OBLIQUE SAINTFRANCIS SAN FRANCISCO SANTA MONICA SB 1STONE SERIF SEMIBOLD SB 2STONE SANS SEMIBOLD SB 3STONE INFORMAL SEMIBOLD SB NEW CALEDONIA SEMIBOLDx` SBI 1STONE SERIF SEMIBDITAL SBI 2STONE SANS SEMIBDITAL` SBI 3STONE INFORMAL SEMBDITAL SBI NEW CALEDONIA SEMI BOLD ITA SCRIPT BOLD MT SHELLEY ALLEGRO SCRIPT SHELLEY ANDANTE SCRIPT SHELLEY VOLANTE SCRIPT` SILLYCONVALLEY SNOOTY` STARBURST STEEL BRUSH STENCIL SYMBOL T VAG ROUNDED THIN TAXTYPE TAXTYPE MONO TAXTYPE PI` TAXTYPECONDENSED TECHNICAL TEKTON TEKTON BOLD TEKTON PLUS REGULAR TIMES TIMES NEW ROMAN TORONTO TOYLAND1 TOYLAND2 TRIBECA UB FRUTIGER ULTRABLACK UECKER ULTRASHADOW UNCIAL UNIVERS 55 UNIVERSITY ROMAN UNIVERSITYROMAN UPPERWESTSIDE VARSITY REGULAR001.001 VENICE VOYAGER VT100 WESTERNSLANT WHITE SHADOW WILL-HARRIS WILLOW WINGDINGSx` WOODTYPE ORNAMENTS 2G} XB FUTURA EXTRABOLD XB GOUDY EXTRABOLD XBO FUTURA EXTRABOLDOBLIQUE ZAPF CHANCERY ZAPF DINGBATS ZAPFHUMNST BD BT ZAPFHUMNST BDIT BT ZAPFHUMNST BT ZAPFHUMNST IT BT ZAPFHUMNST ULT BT ZAPFHUMNST ULTIT BT PIDMO hIDBK 2IDCD YTAIL CRDHmain card-1 BKGDhelp box bkgnd IBKGDpuptest table bkgnd !CRDHdominance BKGDactivities bkgnd BKGDalert background BKGDhelp background BKGDmain background BKGDplain background BKGDprinting bkgnd BKGDquestionnaire bkgnd BKGDsplash bkgnd "BKGDthe main background 8CRDHcomp table print *CRDHcomparison help CRDHdominance questions CRDHexact colors @CRDHexercise CRDHhelp card $CRDHmain card-5 >CRDHno quicktime LCRDHpuptest3 )CRDHsplash card 9CRDHmain card-2 :CRDHmain card-3 ;CRDHmain card-4 =CRDHmain card-6 CRDHmatch list print QCRDHmovie bar help KCRDHno color 2CRDHorder form ECRDHpopup 1 CRDHpuptest print1 &CRDHpuptest print2 (CRDHpuptest1 CRDHpuptest2 CRDHquestionnaire help GCRDHscrren too small 4CRDHselector check #CRDHthe dog CRDHthe environment CRDHtop dogs alert PCRDHwait card /CRDHyou and the dog =BKGD CRDH BKGD "CRDH #BKGD %CRDH &CRDH (CRDH *CRDH +CRDH ,BKGD -BKGD .CRDH /CRDH 5BKGD 6CRDH 7BKGD 8CRDH 9CRDH :CRDH ;CRDH 6 then put 1 into currentState end if go card "Main Card-" & currentState if readOnly then send restoreMode to this background unlock screen with visual effect wipe right in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Home Down" hide bg bitmap "Home Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Home Down" hide bg bitmap "Home Up" else show bg bitmap "Home Up" hide bg bitmap "Home Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL ,INFO Help DownEXTI ddata """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo MMMMMMMMMMM *INFO Help UpEXTI ddata bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbbbbb xxxbb +INFO HelpSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy show bg bitmap "Help Up" hide bg bitmap "Help Down" lock screen push this card go card "Questionnaire Help" unlock screen with visual effect scroll down in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Help Down" hide bg bitmap "Help Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Help Down" hide bg bitmap "Help Up" else show bg bitmap "Help Up" hide bg bitmap "Help Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL 'INFO Quit DownEXTI ddata """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo DDWIWI You and the DogSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy if the id of this card is not "card id 30" then set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card id 30 unlock screen with visual effect iris open in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end if end mouseUp TTAIL The Dog's EnvironmentSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy if the id of this card is not "card id 29" then set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card id 29 unlock screen with visual effect iris open in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end if end mouseUp TTAIL The Dog's TalentsSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy if the id of this card is not "card id 31" then set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card id 31 unlock screen with visual effect iris open in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end if end mouseUp TTAIL DominanceSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy if the id of this card is not "card id 36" then set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card id 36 unlock screen with visual effect iris open in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end if end mouseUp TTAIL The DogSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy if the id of this card is not "card id 6" then set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card id 6 unlock screen with visual effect iris open in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end if end mouseUp TTAIL QuitSCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch show bg bitmap id 29 -- up hide bg bitmap id 39 -- down send quit to stack end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap id 39 -- down hide bg bitmap id 29 -- up repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap id 39 -- down hide bg bitmap id 29 -- up else show bg bitmap id 29 -- up hide bg bitmap id 39 -- down end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL 00000 00000 0,000 0,0000 00000 0000000 ,00000000 0,000 00000 00,00 00000, 0,,00 000000 000,0 0,000 ,0000 00000 ,0000 000,0 ,000000 00000 0000,00, 00000 00000 00000 ,0000 0000000 0,000 000000 000000 000000 00000 ****** 00000 0000000 00000 A000q 0000000 000000 00000 00000 00000 00000 000000 0,000 0,0000000 0000000 00000 000000 00000 00000000 00000 000000 ,0000 000000 ,0000 0000000 00000 00000 00000 0000000 ,000, 00000 00000 00000 00000 ,0000000 0000000 0,000000 00000 00000 00000 0,000 ,0000, ,00,, 0000000000 00000 000000 ?**4? 000000000 000,0 000000 00000 00000 00,000,0000 0,000 0000,0 000,0 000000 00000 00000 000000 000000, 7*4*7 4**4* 4*44* ?4!**? 0GA0GG 0v0G0 _6qqqa0q0 qrG60 ??;;4 0 wr rFr0G 55GGr1rwrvBB5r0BwB BAB05 rw55q6 arB0Q B5rA55 q5Grq5 rqBab0 Q ??;;??; ??????? The EnvironmentSCRP on openCard global readOnly, environIDs, childrenIDs, petsIDs enable bkgnd button id 26 -- "More" show bg bitmap "More Up" if readOnly then if environIDs is not empty then repeat with idx = 1 to the number of items in environIDs send mouseUp to card button id (item idx of environIDs) end repeat end if if childrenIDs is not empty then unhilite card button id 5 unhilite card button id 4 unhilite card button id 46 repeat with idx = 1 to the number of items in childrenIDs hilite card button id (item idx of childrenIDs) end repeat end if if petsIDs is not empty then unhilite card button id 10 unhilite card button id 11 unhilite card button id 49 repeat with idx = 1 to the number of items in petsIDs hilite card button id (item idx of petsIDs) end repeat end if end if pass openCard end openCard ------------------------------ on closeCard global userEnvirons, environIDs, childrenIDs, petsIDs -- Children - We check for older children first so that if the user has small -- children that will override. Elderly persons are treated as older children. put 0 into char 1 of userEnvirons put empty into childrenIDs put 1 into idx if hilite of card button id 5 is true then put 3 into char 1 of userEnvirons put 5 into item idx of childrenIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 46 is true then put 3 into char 1 of userEnvirons put 46 into item idx of childrenIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 4 is true then put 5 into char 1 of userEnvirons put 4 into item idx of childrenIDs add 1 to idx end if -- Other Pets - Again, check for dogs first so that non-canines will override. put 0 into char 2 of userEnvirons put empty into petsIDs put 1 into idx if hilite of card button id 10 is true then put 3 into char 2 of userEnvirons put 10 into item idx of petsIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 11 is true then put 5 into char 2 of userEnvirons put 11 into item idx of petsIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 49 is true then put 5 into char 2 of userEnvirons put 49 into item idx of petsIDs add 1 to idx end if put item 2 of field id 23 into char 3 of userEnvirons -- Space put item 1 of field id 23 into item 1 of environIDs put item 2 of field id 30 into char 4 of userEnvirons -- Climate put item 1 of field id 23 into item 2 of environIDs pass closeCard end closeCard 6INFO shape id 54TAIL 5INFO shape id 53TAIL 4INFO shape id 52TAIL 3INFO shape id 51TAIL Peopledata 4,5TAIL Small childrenPROP childprop 5TAIL Older childrenPROP childprop 1TAIL Other Petsdata 9,0TAIL Other dogsPROP childprop 5TAIL CatsPROP childprop 1TAIL field id 22data The dog will be living with (or will have as regular visitors):TAIL Outdoor Spacedata 25,1TAIL field id 24data Where the dog will be living:TAIL No outdoor yardSCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 23 into buttonRef set the hilite of button id buttonRef to false set the hilite of me to true put (the id of me) & ",1" into card field id 23 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL Small outdoor yardSCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 23 into buttonRef set the hilite of button id buttonRef to false set the hilite of me to true put (the id of me) & ",2" into card field id 23 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL Average-size yardSCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 23 into buttonRef set the hilite of button id buttonRef to false set the hilite of me to true put (the id of me) & ",3" into card field id 23 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL Large yardSCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 23 into buttonRef set the hilite of button id buttonRef to false set the hilite of me to true put (the id of me) & ",4" into card field id 23 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL AcreageSCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 23 into buttonRef set the hilite of button id buttonRef to false set the hilite of me to true put (the id of me) & ",5" into card field id 23 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL Climatedata 33,0TAIL INFO Usually cool to very coldSCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 30 into buttonRef set the hilite of button id buttonRef to false set the hilite of me to true put (the id of me) & ",2" into card field id 30 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL !INFO Moderate (rarely cold or hot)SCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 30 into buttonRef set the hilite of button id buttonRef to false set the hilite of me to true put (the id of me) & ",0" into card field id 30 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL (INFO ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch popUp card id 34 as dialog end mouseUp *INFO Usually warm to very hotSCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 30 into buttonRef set the hilite of button id buttonRef to false set the hilite of me to true put (the id of me) & ",1" into card field id 30 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL .INFO Elderly personsPROP childprop 1TAIL /INFO Check any that apply:TAIL 0INFO Check any that apply:TAIL 1INFO Other non-caninesPROP childprop 1TAIL 2INFO Cold winters & warm summersSCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 30 into buttonRef set the hilite of button id buttonRef to false set the hilite of me to true put (the id of me) & ",3" into card field id 30 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL MbbMMMM MbbMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMM bMbMMM MbMbMM bMbMMM MMbMbM MMM/MMbMbM MMbMbM MMMbM MbMbM MbMbM MbMbM MbMbM MMMb/ bMMMMb/ MMMb/ MMMMMb/ MbMMbMb MMMb/ MMMb/ MbMMbMb MMMb/ bMMMMb/ MMMb/ MbMMbMb MMMb/ MMMMb/ 00000 00000 00000 ,00,0 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000,0 0000, 000,0 000000 00000 000000 0,0000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Help box bkgndbkgd INFO OK DownEXTI ddata """Mooo [ZWWW """Mooo WO555 ZZZFW """Mooo WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 OK UpEXTI ddata bbbbbbb [ZWWW WO555 ZZZFW WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 Return to MainSCRP on mouseUp show bg bitmap "OK Up" hide bg bitmap "OK Down" set cursor to watch dismiss end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "OK Down" hide bg bitmap "OK Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "OK Down" hide bg bitmap "OK Up" else show bg bitmap "OK Up" hide bg bitmap "OK Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL field id 3EXTI TTAIL field id 5EXTI TTAIL "TAIL INFO Main BackgroundSCRP -------------------------------------- on openCard send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" pass openCard end openCard -------------------------------------- on closeCard send stopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send stopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" pass closeCard end closeCard -------------------------------------- on stateChange newState -- newState=1 for the Dog List -- newState=2 for the Ranking List -- newState=3 for the Article List -- newState=4 for the Index -- newState=5 for the Book List global currentState, currentMode set cursor to watch lock screen -- Mode 3 (the comparison table) is only valid on the one card, so if we're in that -- mode and we're leaving, we need to switch to text mode first. if currentMode=3 then send mouseUp to bg button id 18 -- "Text" end if if currentState=5 then -- We're coming out of state 5, so we need to reset the currentMode if hilite of bg button id 18 is true then -- "Text" put 1 into currentMode else put 2 into currentMode end if end if go card "Main Card-" & newState put newState into currentState put empty into bg field "Dog Caption" put empty into bg movie "Little Movie" if newState is not 5 then put empty into card bitmap "Little Picture" -- the above 'if' goes away when the bitmap goes back to the background. put empty into bg field "Dog Info" put empty into bg movie "Slide Show" if newState is not 5 then put empty into card bitmap "Big Picture" if newState=5 then send modeChange && 5 to me hide bg button id 16 -- "Find Top Dogs" hide bg button id 17 -- "Print" else show bg button id 16 show bg button id 17 send showStuff to me end if unlock screen with visual effect iris open very fast end stateChange -------------------------------------- on modeChange newMode -- newMode=1 for text mode -- newMode=2 for picture mode -- newMode=3 for comparison table mode -- newMode=5 for the Book List global currentMode, littleGraphic, bigGraphic lock screen if currentMode=2 then -- We're coming from picture mode. hide bg field "Dog Caption" if newMode is not 5 then hide card bitmap "Big Picture" send hideYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" else if newMode is not 5 then hide card bitmap "Little Picture" send hideYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" if currentMode=1 then -- We're coming from text mode. hide bg field "Dog Info" else if currentMode=3 then -- We're coming from comparison mode. hide card datasheet "Comparison Table" end if end if put newMode into currentMode if newMode is not 5 then send showStuff to me unlock screen with visual effect iris open very fast end modeChange -------------------------------------- on showNewDog set cursor to watch lock screen put empty into card bitmap "Little Picture" put empty into bg movie "Little Movie" put empty into bg field "Dog Caption" put empty into card bitmap "Big Picture" put empty into bg movie "Slide Show" put empty into bg field "Dog Info" send showStuff to me unlock screen with visual effect iris open very fast end showNewDog -------------------------------------- on showStuff global currentDirFrom, currentMode, littleGraphic, bigGraphic if currentDirFrom = 1 then set name of bg button id 18 to "Description" else if littleGraphic = "V" then set name of bg button id 18 to "Movie & Text" else set name of bg button id 18 to "Text" end if end if enable bg button id 21 -- "Picture " if bigGraphic = "P" then set name of bg button id 21 to "Picture" else if bigGraphic = "S" then set name of bg button id 21 to "Slide Show" else -- There's no big picture or slide show, so let's make sure we're -- in text mode and then disable the Picture button. send mouseUp to bg button id 18 -- "Text" set name of bg button id 21 to "Picture" disable bg button id 21 -- "Picture " end if if currentMode = 2 then -- Picture mode disable bg button id 17 -- "Print" send showYourself to bg field "Dog Caption" if bigGraphic = "P" then send hideYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" send showYourself to card bitmap "Big Picture" else if bigGraphic = "S" then hide card bitmap "Big Picture" send showYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if else -- Text or Comparison mode -- This won't be necessary when this can go back to being a background bitmap, -- but for now, since it's on the card, we need to make sure it's hidden in text mode. hide card bitmap "Big Picture" enable bg button id 17 -- "Print" if currentMode=1 then -- Text Mode send showYourself to bg field "Dog Info" else -- Comparison mode send showYourself to card datasheet "Comparison Table" end if if littleGraphic = "V" then hide card bitmap "Little Picture" send showYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" else if littleGraphic = "L" then send hideYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send showYourself to card bitmap "Little Picture" end if end if end showStuff on hypertext whatWord --put offset of whatWord in card picklist "Index List" of card "Main Card-4" into wOff put card picklist "Index List" of card "Main Card-4" into theList repeat with wRow=1 to the number of lines in theList put line wRow of theList into theLine put offset(whatWord, theLine) into wOff if wOff > 0 then exit repeat end repeat if wOff = 0 then beep else set cursor to watch lock screen go card "Main Card-4" unhilite card picklist "Index List" hilite row wRow of card picklist "Index List" send mouseUp && wRow to card picklist "Index List" unlock screen with visual effect iris open very fast end if end hypertext shape id 23EXTI on +RGr shape id 19EXTI QuitSCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch send quit to stack end mouseUp pTAIL on mouseUp+BUT HelpEXTI TAIL very fast end+BUT Find Top DogsSCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch lock screen go card id 6 unlock screen with visual effect scroll down very fast end mouseUp hTAIL uranc+BUT PrintSCRP on mouseUp global currentDirFrom, currentMode, filePath, artTxtDir, dogTxtDir, curFileDog, textExt -- Pathological insurance. send stopYourself to card movie "Little Movie" send stopYourself to card movie "Slide Show" if the visible of card datasheet "Comparison Table" is true then set cursor to watch put card datasheet "Comparison Table" of this card into card datasheet "Comparison Table" of card "Comp Table print" push this card lock screen print card "Comp Table print" pop card else -- We don't need to check for all possible states here, because the button is -- only enable when there is text displayed. if currentDirFrom = 3 then put filePath & artTxtDir & curFileDog & textExt into dogFile else put filePath & dogTxtDir & curFileDog & textExt into dogFile end if PrintAFile dogFile end if end mouseUp iTAIL ow bg shape id +BUT DescriptionSCRP on mouseUp global currentMode if hilite of me is false then set cursor to watch hilite me show bg shape id 19 if currentMode=2 then unhilite bg button id 21 -- "Picture" hide bg shape id 23 else if currentMode=3 then unhilite card button id 3 -- "Comparisons" hide card shape id 4 end if send modeChange && 1 to this background end if end mouseUp id 23 +BUT PictureSCRP on mouseUp global currentMode if hilite of me is false then set cursor to watch hilite me show bg shape id 23 if currentMode=1 then unhilite bg button id 18 -- "Text" hide bg shape id 19 else unhilite card button id 3 -- "Comparisons" hide card shape id 4 end if send modeChange && 2 to this background end if end mouseUp if+TXT Dog InfoSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, dogTxtdir, artTxtdir, textExt, currentDirFrom show me if me is empty then set cursor to watch set the multifont of me to false -- Kludge to get around an OMO bug set the multifont of me to true put empty into bolders put empty into italicers put empty into headers if currentDirFrom = 3 then put filePath & artTxtDir & curFileDog & textExt into dogFile else put filePath & dogTxtDir & curFileDog & textExt into dogFile end if if char 1 of dogFile = "." then put "wierdness:" && dogFile exit showYourself end if open file dogFile put 0 into idx repeat forever add 1 to idx --put idx read from file dogFile until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it into lyne put offset("", lyne) into boffset if boffset > 0 then delete char boffset to boffset+2 of lyne put offset("", lyne) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+2 of lyne put boffset & "," & eoffset-1 & "," & idx & return after bolders end if put offset("", lyne) into boffset if boffset > 0 then delete char boffset to boffset+2 of lyne put offset("", lyne) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of lyne put boffset & "," & eoffset-1 & "," & idx & return after italicers end if put offset("", lyne) into boffset if boffset > 0 then delete char boffset to boffset+2 of lyne put offset("", lyne) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of lyne put boffset & "," & eoffset-1 & "," & idx & return after headers end if put lyne after holder end repeat if holder is empty then put "holder is empty, dogFile is" && dogFile & return into me else put holder into me end if set the textSize of me to 12 --10 set the textFont of me to Times close file dogFile repeat with idx=1 to the number of lines in bolders put line idx of bolders into tempLine set the textStyle of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to bold set the textColor of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to 201 --230 end repeat repeat with idx=1 to the number of lines in italicers put line idx of italicers into tempLine set the textStyle of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to underline end repeat repeat with idx=1 to the number of lines in headers put line idx of headers into tempLine set the textColor of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to 143 --218 end repeat end if end showYourself gdata activity to sh+BUT Top DogsSCRP on mouseUp if the short name of this card is not "Main Card-2" then lock screen send stateChange && 2 to this background unlock screen with visual effect iris open very fast end if end mouseUp bTAIL ectly and qu+BUT ArticlesSCRP on mouseUp if the short name of this card is not "Main Card-3" then lock screen send stateChange && 3 to this background unlock screen with visual effect iris open very fast end if end mouseUp TAIL order to qua+BUT IndexSCRP on mouseUp if the short name of this card is not "Main Card-4" then lock screen send stateChange && 4 to this background unlock screen with visual effect iris open very fast end if end mouseUp TAIL gether to produ+BUT BreedsSCRP on mouseUp if the short name of this card is not "Main Card-1" then lock screen send stateChange && 1 to this background unlock screen with visual effect iris open very fast end if end mouseUp eTAIL es in the Unit+TXT Dog CaptionSCRP on showYourself global currentDirFrom, filePath, curFileDog, dogCapDir, artCapDir, textExt show me if me is empty then if currentDirFrom = 3 then put filePath & artCapDir & curFileDog & textExt into dogFile else put filePath & dogCapDir & curFileDog & textExt into dogFile end if open file dogFile repeat with idx=1 to 500 --put idx read from file dogFile until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it into line idx of me end repeat close file dogFile end if end showYourself edata Ch. Wright's Paladin of Jaybar. Owned and photographed by by Theresa Wright, Wright's American Eskimos. TAIL For their sMOOV INFO -Aristillus:Telemark:ARTICLES.MOV:dog_agil.mov Little MovieSCRP on showYourself dontPrepare global filePath, curFileDog, artMovDir, movieExt show me put filePath & artMovDir & curFileDog & movieExt into mFile set the moviefile of me to mFile -- For some reason, when this is called from another card (like from the stack -- script when the Splash card is up), the prepare fails. Fortunately, in that case, -- we'll be doing the prepare when maybeShowYourself gets called on card open. if dontPrepare is empty then prepare me seek me to 0 end if end showYourself on maybeShowYourself if the visible of me is true then prepare me seek me to 0 end if end maybeShowYourself on hideYourself hide me if the isPlaying of me is true then stop me end hideYourself on stopYourself if the isPlaying of me is true then stop me seek me to 0 end if end stopYourself TAIL oin an AgilMOOV !INFO )Aristillus:Telemark:DOGS.SLD:alasmala.mov.mov Slide ShowSCRP on showYourself dontPrepare global currentDirFrom, filePath, curFileDog, artSldDir, dogSldDir, movieExt show me if currentDirFrom = 3 then put filePath & artSldDir & curFileDog & movieExt into mFile else put filePath & dogSldDir & curFileDog & movieExt into mFile end if set the moviefile of me to mFile if dontPrepare is empty then prepare me seek me to 0 end if end showYourself on maybeShowYourself if the visible of me is true then prepare me seek me to 0 end if end maybeShowYourself on hideYourself hide me if the isPlaying of me is true then stop me end hideYourself on stopYourself if the isPlaying of me is true then stop me seek me to 0 end if end stopYourself TAIL year old). +BUT #INFO Book ListSCRP on mouseUp if the short name of this card is not "Main Card-5" then lock screen send stateChange && 5 to this background go card "Main Card-5" unlock screen with visual effect iris open very fast end if end mouseUp STAIL LBMAP MNMt NMtMNNtN tMNNtMNNf MNNNNNNN NtNNNtNN tMtMNMtM: MNMNMNMN MNNtMNNt MNNNN :NNNt NtNtNtNt tNNN: :MtMt lNtNtNtN NtNtNtMt NNNNNNtN NMNNNNNN NtMNN NNNtNN tNNN: :NtMN :NNNN NtNtNtMN NNtNNNtN lMtNtMtNt NNNNNNNN NtMNN NtNtNtNt tMNN: :MNNN lNtNtNtNt NtNtN NNNNNNtN MtNtMtNt NNNNNNNN NNMNN tNtNtNtNl :NtNNNtNN NtNtMNN tMNNNMNN: MtMNMtMN NNNMNNNM MNNNMNMN NtMtN NNtNNNtN: MtNtMtN NNNNNNNN: NtNNN :NtNtN HTAIL Alert backgroundBMAP gTAIL The DogSCRP on openCard global userTypes, userSize, userCoat, userBark global typesIDs, sizeIDs, coatIDs, readOnly enable bkgnd button id 26 -- "More" show bg bitmap "More Up" if readOnly then -- Size of Dog unhilite card button id 6 send mouseUp to card button id 6 -- No preference; Unhilites all the other buttons. -- Also note that a mouseUp does NOT hilite; that happens on a mouseDown. if sizeIDs is empty then hilite card button id 6 else repeat with idx=1 to the number of items in sizeIDs hilite card button id (item idx of sizeIDs) end repeat end if -- Type of Dog unhilite card button id 129 send mouseUp to card button id 129 if typesIDs is empty then hilite card button id 129 else repeat with idx=1 to the number of items in typesIDs hilite card button id (item idx of typesIDs) end repeat end if -- Coat Type unhilite card button id 18 send mouseUp to card button id 18 if coatIDs is empty then hilite card button id 18 else repeat with idx=1 to the number of items in coatIDs hilite card button id (item idx of coatIDs) send mouseUp to card button id (item idx of coatIDs) end repeat end if if userBark = "Y" then send mouseUp to card button id 27 else -- This includes userBark being empty. send mouseUp to card button id 29 end if end if pass openCard end openCard ----------------------------------- on closeCard global userTypes, userSize, userCoat, userBark global typesIDs, sizeIDs, coatIDs ---- Type put empty into userTypes put empty into typesIDs put 1 into idx repeat with bidx=131 to 140 if hilite of card button id bidx is true then put NumToChar(bidx-131 + CharToNum("A")) after userTypes put bidx into item idx of typesIDs add 1 to idx end if end repeat if hilite of card button id 142 is true then put "K" after userTypes put 142 into item idx of typesIDs add 1 to idx end if if userTypes is empty then put 0 into userTypes ---- Size put empty into userSize put empty into sizeIDs put 1 into idx if hilite of card button id 1 is true then put 1 after userSize put 1 into item idx of sizeIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 2 is true then put 2 after userSize put 2 into item idx of sizeIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 3 is true then put 3 after userSize put 3 into item idx of sizeIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 4 is true then put 4 after userSize put 4 into item idx of sizeIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 5 is true then put 5 after userSize put 5 into item idx of sizeIDs add 1 to idx end if if userSize is empty then put 0 into userSize ---- Coat put empty into userCoat put empty into coatIDs put 1 into idx if hilite of card button id 19 is true then put 1 after userCoat put 19 into item idx of coatIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 20 is true then put 2 after userCoat put 20 into item idx of coatIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 104 is true then put 3 after userCoat put 104 into item idx of coatIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 21 is true then put 4 after userCoat put 21 into item idx of coatIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 103 is true then put 5 after userCoat put 103 into item idx of coatIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 102 is true then put 6 after userCoat put 102 into item idx of coatIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 22 is true then put 7 after userCoat put 22 into item idx of coatIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 23 is true then put 8 after userCoat put 23 into item idx of coatIDs add 1 to idx end if if userCoat is empty then put 0 into userCoat ---- Barking if the hilite of card button id 27 is true then put "Y" into userBark else put "N" into userBark end if pass closeCard end closeCard 2+RGr shape id 151TAIL shape id 155TAIL shape id 150TAIL shape id 154TAIL shape id 149TAIL shape id 153TAIL shape id 152TAIL shape id 148TAIL sINFO field id 115data There are five pages to the questionnaire. When you have answered all the questions, click the Start Search button to see a list of the best breeds for you.ADDD Size of Dogdata 3,3TAIL Very smallSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 6 end mouseUp sizeprop 1TAIL SmallSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 6 end mouseUp sizeprop 2TAIL MediumSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 6 end mouseUp sizeprop 3TAIL LargeSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 6 end mouseUp sizeprop 4TAIL Very largeSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 6 end mouseUp sizeprop 5TAIL No preferenceSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 1 unhilite card button id 2 unhilite card button id 3 unhilite card button id 4 unhilite card button id 5 end mouseUp sizeprop 0TAIL Coat Typedata 21,4TAIL No preferenceSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 19 unhilite card button id 20 unhilite card button id 104 unhilite card button id 21 unhilite card button id 103 unhilite card button id 102 unhilite card button id 22 unhilite card button id 23 end mouseUp sizeprop 0TAIL ShortSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 18 end mouseUp sizeprop 1TAIL Curly coatSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 18 end mouseUp sizeprop 2TAIL Medium lengthSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 18 end mouseUp sizeprop 3TAIL Medium longSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 18 end mouseUp sizeprop 4TAIL LongSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 18 end mouseUp sizeprop 5TAIL Barkingdata 27,1TAIL YesSCRP on mouseUp global userBark if the hilite of me is false then unhilite button id 29 hilite me put "Y" into userBark end if end mouseUp sizeprop 1TAIL NoSCRP on mouseUp global userBark if the hilite of me is false then unhilite button id 27 hilite me put "N" into userBark end if end mouseUp sizeprop 3TAIL _INFO ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch popUp card id 28 as dialog end mouseUp fINFO Fluffy coatSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 18 end mouseUp sizeprop 3TAIL gINFO Feathered coatSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 18 end mouseUp sizeprop 3TAIL hINFO Wiry coatSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 18 end mouseUp sizeprop 2TAIL oINFO Check all that apply:TAIL pINFO Check all that apply:TAIL qINFO ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch popUp card id 41 as dialog end mouseUp tINFO Is it important to you to have a dog that is generally quiet?TAIL uINFO ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch popUp card id 42 as dialog end mouseUp Look of Dogdata 21,4TAIL Check all that apply:TAIL No preferenceSCRP on mouseUp repeat with idx=131 to 140 unhilite card button id idx end repeat unhilite card button id 142 end mouseUp sizeprop 0TAIL Mastiff, BulldogSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 1TAIL Spitz, NordicSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 2TAIL TerrierSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 2TAIL Scent HoundSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 3TAIL Setter, Retriever, PointerSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 3TAIL Toy, MiniatureSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 3TAIL SpanielSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 4TAIL Herding DogSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 5TAIL SighthoundSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 5TAIL Mtn. Dog, Stock GuardSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 5TAIL ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch popUp card id 91 as dialog end mouseUp Poodle, BichonSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 129 end mouseUp sizeprop 5TAIL MbbMMMM MMbMMMM MMbMMMM 00000000 0000000000 <^00000 MMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMM MbMbMM bMbMbM bMbMMM MMbMbM MMM/MMbMbM MMbM MMbMbM MMMbM MMMMMM bMbMbM 00000 MbMbM MbMbM MbMbM MbMbM 000000 0000x 00000000 00000+ rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 74 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put "Don't care" into card field id 79 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put "Important" into card field id 79 else put "Desired" into card field id 79 end if end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 74) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 4 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 74 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown NINFO bitmap id 78data Slide the triangle pointers to indicate activities you plan to do with your dog. JoggingTAIL HuntingTAIL SightingTAIL TrackingTAIL RetrievingTAIL HerdingTAIL INFO Companion DogTAIL WatchdogTAIL GuardingTAIL Search & RescueTAIL Water RescueTAIL Guide for the BlindTAIL Handicapped AssistanceTAIL Snow Sled PullingTAIL Weight PullingTAIL Lure CoursingTAIL Agility CompetitionTAIL Competitive ObedienceTAIL SchutzhundTAIL Performing TricksTAIL )INFO PointingTAIL >INFO Reset all PointersSCRP on mouseUp hilite me set cursor to watch --lock screen send resetYourself to card button id 68 send resetYourself to card button id 73 send resetYourself to card button id 85 send resetYourself to card button id 86 send resetYourself to card button id 87 send resetYourself to card button id 88 send resetYourself to card button id 89 send resetYourself to card button id 90 repeat with idx=113 to 118 send resetYourself to card button id idx end repeat repeat with idx=126 to 132 send resetYourself to card button id idx end repeat --unlock screen unhilite me end mouseUp CINFO bitmap id 67data EINFO field id 69data Don't careTAIL GINFO bitmap id 71data HINFO field id 72data Don't careTAIL JINFO bitmap id 74data KINFO bitmap id 75data LINFO bitmap id 76data MINFO bitmap id 77data OINFO field id 79data Don't careTAIL PINFO field id 80data Don't careTAIL QINFO field id 81data Don't careTAIL RINFO field id 82data Don't careTAIL SINFO field id 83data Don't careTAIL [INFO field id 91data Don't careTAIL \INFO bitmap id 92data ]INFO bitmap id 93data ^INFO bitmap id 94data _INFO bitmap id 95data `INFO bitmap id 96data aINFO bitmap id 97data bINFO bitmap id 98data cINFO field id 99data Don't careTAIL dINFO field id 100data Don't careTAIL eINFO field id 101data Don't careTAIL fINFO field id 102data Don't careTAIL gINFO field id 103data Don't careTAIL hINFO field id 104data Don't careTAIL jINFO bitmap id 106data kINFO bitmap id 107data lINFO bitmap id 108data mINFO bitmap id 109data nINFO bitmap id 110data oINFO bitmap id 111data pINFO bitmap id 112data wINFO field id 119data Don't careTAIL xINFO field id 120data Don't careTAIL yINFO field id 121data Don't careTAIL zINFO field id 122data Don't careTAIL {INFO field id 123data Don't careTAIL |INFO field id 124data Don't careTAIL }INFO field id 125data Don't careTAIL ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch popUp card id 75 as dialog end mouseUp IINFO button id 73SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 3 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 71) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 72 set the location of card bitmap id 71 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 71) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 71 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 72 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 72 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 72 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 71) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 3 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 71 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown UINFO button id 85SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 4 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 74) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 79 set the location of card bitmap id 74 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 74) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 74 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 79 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 79 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 79 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 74) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 4 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 74 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown VINFO button id 86SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 5 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 75) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 80 set the location of card bitmap id 75 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 75) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 75 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put SliderWord0 into card field id 80 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 80 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 80 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 75) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 5 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 75 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown WINFO button id 87SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 6 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 76) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 81 set the location of card bitmap id 76 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 76) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 76 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 81 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 81 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 81 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 76) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 6 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 76 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown XINFO button id 88SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 7 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 77) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 82 set the location of card bitmap id 77 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 77) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 77 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 82 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 82 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 82 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 77) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 7 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 77 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown YINFO button id 89SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 8 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 78) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 83 set the location of card bitmap id 78 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 78) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 78 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 83 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 83 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 83 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 78) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 8 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 78 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown ZINFO button id 90SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0 put "N" into char 23 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 92) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 91 set the location of card bitmap id 92 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 92) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 92 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 91 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 91 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 91 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 92) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 23 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 92 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown qINFO button id 113SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 9 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 93) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 99 set the location of card bitmap id 93 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 93) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 93 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 99 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 99 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 99 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 93) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 9 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 93 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown rINFO button id 114SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 10 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 94) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 100 set the location of card bitmap id 94 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 94) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 94 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 100 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 100 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 100 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 94) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 10 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 94 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown sINFO button id 115SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 12 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 95) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 101 set the location of card bitmap id 95 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 95) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 95 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 101 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 101 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 101 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 95) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 12 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 95 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown tINFO button id 116SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 13 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 96) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 102 set the location of card bitmap id 96 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 96) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 96 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 102 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 102 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 102 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 96) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 13 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 96 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown uINFO button id 117SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 14 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 97) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 103 set the location of card bitmap id 97 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 97) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 97 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 103 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 103 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 103 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 97) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 14 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 97 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown vINFO button id 118SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 1 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 98) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 104 set the location of card bitmap id 98 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 98) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 98 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 104 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 104 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 104 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 98) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 1 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 98 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown ~INFO button id 126SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 15 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 106) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 119 set the location of card bitmap id 106 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 106) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 106 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 119 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 119 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 119 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 106) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 15 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 106 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown button id 127SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 17 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 107) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 120 set the location of card bitmap id 107 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 107) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 107 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 120 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 120 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 120 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 107) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 17 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 107 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown button id 128SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 19 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 108) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 121 set the location of card bitmap id 108 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 108) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 108 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 121 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 121 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 121 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 108) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 19 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 108 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown button id 129SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 18 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 109) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 122 set the location of card bitmap id 109 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 109) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 109 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 122 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 122 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 122 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 109) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 18 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 109 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown button id 130SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 20 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 110) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 123 set the location of card bitmap id 110 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 110) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 110 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 123 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 123 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 123 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 110) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 20 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 110 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown button id 131SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 21 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 111) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 124 set the location of card bitmap id 111 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 111) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 111 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 124 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 124 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 124 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 111) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 21 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 111 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown button id 132SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put "N" into char 22 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 112) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 125 set the location of card bitmap id 112 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 112) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 112 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 125 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 125 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 125 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 112) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 22 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 112 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown DINFO button id 68SCRP on resetYourself global userActivities, sliderWord0 put "N" into char 2 of userActivities put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 67) into pointerV put sliderWord0 into card field id 69 set the location of card bitmap id 67 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on setYourself which global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide if which=0 then put sliderWord0 into theWord put leftSide into ph else if which=1 then put sliderWord1 into theWord put leftSide+22 into ph else put sliderWord2 into theWord put rightSide into ph end if put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 67) into pointerV set the location of card bitmap id 67 to ph, pointerV put theWord into card field id 69 end setYourself on mouseDown global userActivities, sliderWord0, sliderWord1, sliderWord2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 67) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 67 to mh, pointerV if mh < leftSide+12 then put sliderWord0 into card field id 69 else if mh > rightSide-12 then put sliderWord2 into card field id 69 else put sliderWord1 into card field id 69 end if if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 67) into sh if sh < leftSide+12 then put leftSide into ph put "N" into tempChar else if sh > rightSide-12 then put rightSide into ph put "I" into tempChar else put leftSide+22 into ph put "Y" into tempChar end if put tempChar into char 2 of userActivities set the location of card bitmap id 67 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown MbbMMMM MbbMMMM MMbMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMM bMbMMM MbMbMM bMbMbM MMbMbM MMM/MMbMbM MMbM MMMMMM bMbMbM MbMbM MbMbM MbMbM MbMbM MMMb/ bMMMMb/ MMMb/ MMMMMb/ MbMMbMb MMMb/ MMMb/ MbMMbMb MMMb/ bMMMMM MMMb/ MMMb/ 0GYG] 00000 00000 00000 ,00,0 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000,0 0000, 000,0 000000 00000 000000 0,0000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 field id 2data Other PetsTAIL Some breeds are too rambunctious to be around small children (8 or younger) or elderly persons. Other Pets Some breeds get along well with cats, but may treat small rodents and birds as prey. Some breeds do better in a household without cats, and some do better without other dogs. PeopleTAIL Manners: Well-behaved around the house. Basic Obedience: Sit, down, come, stand, stay, heel, and house manners. Advanced Obedience: Formal obedience training including heeling off leash, retrieving, jumping, and other off-leash work. TrainingTAIL DominanceSCRP on openCard global readOnly, careIDs, friendlyIDs, userDominance1, userDominance2 enable bkgnd button id 26 -- "More" show bg bitmap "More Up" if readOnly then if userDominance1 is not empty then send setYourself && userDominance1 to card button id 38 if userDominance2 is not empty then send setYourself && userDominance2 to card button id 40 if item 6 of careIDs is not empty then send mouseUp to card button id (item 6 of careIDs) -- Friendliness unhilite card button id 44 send mouseUp to card button id 44 -- No Preference; unhilites the other buttons. -- Also note that a mouseUp does NOT hilite; that happens on a mouseDown. if friendlyIDs is empty then hilite card button id 44 else repeat with idx=1 to the number of items in friendlyIDs hilite card button id (item idx of friendlyIDs) end repeat end if end if pass openCard end openCard on closeCard global userCare, careIDs, friendlyIDs, userFriendly, userDominance1, userDominance2 if userDominance1 is empty then send getCurrentSetting to card button id 38 if userDominance2 is empty then send getCurrentSetting to card button id 40 -- Friendliness put empty into userFriendly put empty into friendlyIDs put 1 into idx if hilite of card button id 45 is true then put 1 into userFriendly put 45 into item idx of friendlyIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 46 is true then put 3 after userFriendly put 46 into item idx of friendlyIDs add 1 to idx end if if hilite of card button id 47 is true then put 5 after userFriendly put 47 into item idx of friendlyIDs add 1 to idx end if -- Independence put item 2 of field id 49 into char 6 of userCare put item 1 of field id 49 into item 6 of careIDs pass closeCard end closeCard ----------------------------- on setDomForPrimary domNumber send setYourself && domNumber to card button id 38 end setDomForPrimary on setDomForSecondary domNumber send setYourself && domNumber to card button id 40 end setDomForSecondary "+RGr BINFO shape id 66TAIL INFO shape id 62TAIL ;INFO shape id 59TAIL :INFO shape id 58TAIL field id 1data To be happy and compatible together, you and your dog should have similar dominance levels. It is important that you assess yourself accurately and honestly in this regard. You may either rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, or you may take a short questionnaire.TAIL Primary Care-giverdata 4,1TAIL Secondary Care-giverdata 31,0TAIL Take the questionnaireSCRP on mouseUp global isForPrimary put true into isForPrimary lock screen go card id 38 unlock screen with visual effect scroll down very fast end mouseUp Take the questionnaireSCRP on mouseUp global isForPrimary put false into isForPrimary lock screen go card id 38 unlock screen with visual effect scroll down very fast end mouseUp #INFO ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch popUp card id 73 as dialog end mouseUp 'INFO bitmap id 39data )INFO bitmap id 41data *INFO Friendlinessdata 46,3TAIL ,INFO No preferenceSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 45 unhilite card button id 46 unhilite card button id 47 end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL -INFO Very wary of strangersSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 44 end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL .INFO Reserved w/strangersSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 44 end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL /INFO Friendly w/strangersSCRP on mouseUp unhilite card button id 44 end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL 0INFO ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch popUp card id 33 as dialog end mouseUp 1INFO Independencedata 52,1TAIL 3INFO Approximately how much time will your dog spend alone?TAIL 4INFO Less than 4 hours a daySCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 49 into buttonRef unhilite button id buttonRef hilite me put (the id of me) & ",1" into card field id 49 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL 5INFO 4 to 8 hours a daySCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 49 into buttonRef unhilite button id buttonRef hilite me put (the id of me) & ",3" into card field id 49 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL 6INFO More than 8 hours a daySCRP on mouseUp if the hilite of me is false then put item 1 of field id 49 into buttonRef unhilite button id buttonRef hilite me put (the id of me) & ",5" into card field id 49 end if end mouseUp childprop 0TAIL 7INFO ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch popUp card id 43 as dialog end mouseUp 8INFO Dominancedata 52,1TAIL 9INFO Check any that apply:TAIL &INFO button id 38SCRP on resetYourself put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 39) into pointerV set the location of card bitmap id 39 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on setYourself which put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide if which=0 or which = 1 then put leftSide into ph else if which=2 then put leftside+22 into ph else if which=3 then put leftside+44 into ph else if which=4 then put leftside+66 into ph else if which=5 then put leftside+88 into ph else if which=6 then put leftside+110 into ph else if which=7 then put leftside+132 into ph else if which=8 then put leftside+154 into ph else if which=9 then put leftside+176 into ph else put rightSide into ph end if put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 39) into pointerV set the location of card bitmap id 39 to ph, pointerV end setYourself ------------------------------ on getCurrentSetting global userDominance1 put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 39) into sh if sh < leftSide+11 then put 1 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+33 then put 2 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+55 then put 3 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+77 then put 4 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+99 then put 5 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+121 then put 6 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+143 then put 7 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+165 then put 8 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+187 then put 9 into userDominance1 else put 10 into userDominance1 end if end getCurrentSetting ------------------------------ on mouseDown global userDominance1 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 39) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 39 to mh, pointerV if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 39) into sh if sh < leftSide+11 then put leftSide into ph put 1 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+33 then put leftside+22 into ph put 2 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+55 then put leftside+44 into ph put 3 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+77 then put leftside+66 into ph put 4 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+99 then put leftside+88 into ph put 5 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+121 then put leftside+110 into ph put 6 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+143 then put leftside+132 into ph put 7 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+165 then put leftside+154 into ph put 8 into userDominance1 else if sh < leftside+187 then put leftside+176 into ph put 9 into userDominance1 else put rightSide into ph put 10 into userDominance1 end if set the location of card bitmap id 39 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown (INFO button id 40SCRP on resetYourself put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 41) into pointerV set the location of card bitmap id 41 to leftSide, pointerV end resetYourself on setYourself which put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide if which=0 then put leftside into ph else if which = 1 then put leftside+22 into ph else if which=2 then put leftside+44 into ph else if which=3 then put leftside+66 into ph else if which=4 then put leftside+88 into ph else if which=5 then put leftside+110 into ph else if which=6 then put leftside+132 into ph else if which=7 then put leftside+154 into ph else if which=8 then put leftside+176 into ph else if which=9 then put leftside+198 into ph else put rightSide into ph end if put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 41) into pointerV set the location of card bitmap id 41 to ph, pointerV end setYourself ------------------------------ on getCurrentSetting global userDominance2 put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 41) into sh if sh < leftSide+11 then put 0 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+33 then put 1 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+55 then put 2 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+77 then put 3 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+99 then put 4 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+121 then put 5 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+143 then put 6 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+165 then put 7 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+187 then put 8 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+209 then put 9 into userDominance2 else put 10 into userDominance2 end if end getCurrentSetting ------------------------------ on mouseDown global userDominance2 put item 2 of (location of card bitmap id 41) into pointerV put (the left of me)+4 into leftSide put (the right of me)-4 into rightSide repeat forever put mouseH() into mh if mh < leftSide then put leftSide into mh if mh > rightSide then put rightSide into mh set the location of card bitmap id 41 to mh, pointerV if the mouse is up then exit repeat end repeat put item 1 of (location of card bitmap id 41) into sh if sh < leftSide+11 then put leftSide into ph put 0 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+33 then put leftside+22 into ph put 1 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+55 then put leftside+44 into ph put 2 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+77 then put leftside+66 into ph put 3 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+99 then put leftside+88 into ph put 4 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+121 then put leftside+110 into ph put 5 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+143 then put leftside+132 into ph put 6 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+165 then put leftside+154 into ph put 7 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+187 then put leftside+176 into ph put 8 into userDominance2 else if sh < leftside+209 then put leftside+198 into ph put 9 into userDominance2 else put rightSide into ph put 10 into userDominance2 end if set the location of card bitmap id 41 to ph, pointerV end mouseDown CINFO shape id 67TAIL DINFO shape id 68TAIL MbbMMMM MMbMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMM bMbMMM MbMbMM bMbMbM bMbMMM MMbMbM MMbM MMbMbM MMMbM MMMMMM bMbMbM MbMbM MbMbM MbMbM MbMbM MMMb/ bMMMMb/ MMMb/ MMMMMb/ MbMMbMb MMMb/ bMMMMM MMMb/ MMMb/ bMMMMb/ MMMb/ MbMMbMb MMMb/ MMMMb/ 00000 ,;0,0 00000 00000 00000 00000,0 0000, 000,0 000000 00000 000000 0,0000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Main Card-6SCRP on openCard global credDirPrefix, curDirPrefix, rowSavers put credDirPrefix into curDirPrefix put item 6 of rowSavers into savedRow put first item of hilitedRows of card picklist "Credits List" into curRow if savedRow <> curRow then -- Things are not as we left them. unhilite card picklist "Credits List" hilite row savedRow of card picklist "Credits List" end if send getFileCred to card picklist "Credits List" pass openCard end openCard Credits ListSCRP on mouseUp theRow,theCol global filePath, myBusy, curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic, rowSavers if theRow = (item 6 of rowSavers) then exit mouseUp set cursor to myBusy send stopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send stopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic put theRow into item 6 of rowSavers send showNewDog to this background end mouseUp ------------------------------------ on getFileCred global curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic put first item of hilitedRows of me into theRow if theRow is not empty then if theRow > 12 then set the vertical scrollLine of me to theRow-2 put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic end if end getFileCred ------------------------------------ on getCreditsTable -- Read the credits file and put it into this picklist. -- This message is only used during development; it will never be -- called in the production version. global filePath set cursor to watch put filePath & "credits.lst" into credTable open file credTable repeat with idx=1 to 500 read from file credTable until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it after tempHolder put "credits-" & idx end repeat delete the last character of tempHolder put tempHolder into me close file credTable end getCreditsTable MOCELL10 PRODUCTION TEAM (S) producti License license_ Article Contributors articont Breed Reviewers reviewer Consultants consulta Photo Contributors photcont Slide Show Participants slidpart Special Thanks specthan Video Contributors videcont Video Participants videpart BP$P$P$P$ P2P$P$P$1 +**e` /[*harH 3uaZ*r > ' Jll]x <1 :6= ?==>>> =5=<017 C@C_C_// mlmpo o/qlC Plain backgroundSCRP on openBackground pass openBackground end openBackground &TAIL Dominance QuestionsSCRP on openCard lock screen repeat with idx=2 to 11 unhilite card button idx end repeat unlock screen end openCard OK Updata bbbbbbb [ZWWW WO555 ZZZFW WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 OK Downdata """Mooo [ZWWW """Mooo WO555 ZZZFW """Mooo WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 Return to MainSCRP on mouseUp global isForPrimary, myBusy show card bitmap "OK Up" hide card bitmap "OK Down" set cursor to myBusy lock screen put 0 into domNumber repeat with idx=2 to 11 if hilite of card button idx is true then add 1 to domNumber unhilite card button idx end repeat if domNumber <= 0 then put 1 into domNumber go card id 36 if isForPrimary then send setDomForPrimary && domNumber to card id 36 else send setDomForSecondary && domNumber to card id 36 end if unlock screen with visual effect wipe up very fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show card bitmap "OK Down" hide card bitmap "OK Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show card bitmap "OK Down" hide card bitmap "OK Up" else show card bitmap "OK Up" hide card bitmap "OK Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown field id 12data I generally take charge in group situations.TAIL button id 1TAIL field id 24data Check the box on all statements that apply to you.TAIL field id 13data I prefer being the leader.TAIL field id 14data I stand up for my ideas, even with authority figures, if I believe I m right.TAIL field id 15data I like making decisions.TAIL field id 16data I usually look a person in the eye when I am talking to them.TAIL field id 17data I generally feel comfortable talking to "important" people.TAIL field id 19data I prefer to take the initiative rather than waiting for others to take it.TAIL field id 20data I like to supervise other people.TAIL field id 21data I don t mind approaching and talking to strangers.TAIL field id 22data I can usually bluff my way through a difficult situation.TAIL button id 3TAIL button id 4TAIL button id 5TAIL button id 6TAIL button id 7TAIL button id 8TAIL INFO button id 9TAIL button id 10TAIL button id 11TAIL 00000 00000 0,000 0,0000 00000 0000000 ,00000000 0,000 00000 00,00 00000, 0,,00 000000 000,0 0,000 ,0000 00000 ,0000 000,0 ,000000 00000 0000,00, 00000 00000 00000 ,0000 0000000 0,000 000000 000000 000000 00000 ****** 00000 0000000 00000 A000q 0000000 000000 00000 00000 00000 00000 000000 0,000 0,0000000 0000000 00000 000000 00000 00000000 00000 000000 ,0000 000000 ,0000 0000000 00000 00000 00000 0000000 ,000, 00000 00000 00000 00000 ,0000000 0000000 0,000000 00000 00000 00000 0,000 ,0000, ,00,, 0000000000 00000 000000 ?**4? 000000000 000,0 000000 00000 00000 00,000,0000 0,000 0000,0 000,0 000000 00000 00000 000000 000000, 7*4*7 4**4* 4*44* ?4!**? 0GA0GG 0v0G0 _6qqqa0q0 qrG60 ??;;4 0 wr rFr0G 55GGr1rwrvBB5r0BwB BAB05 rw55q6 arB0Q B5rA55 q5Grq5 rqBab0 Q ??;;??; ??????? Docking is a simple surgical procedure for trimming the dog's tail. It is usually done within a few days of birth. Cropping is surgery to shape the dog's ears, and is done at around 9 weeks of age. Both docking and cropping are almost always performed for aesthetic reasons, to maintain a breed s traditional "look".ADDD Docking / CroppingTAIL Exercisebkgd Some breeds need extensive exercise to be happy and healthy. Others are basically couch potatoes. ExerciseTAIL Short: Dalmatian Curly: Poodle Wiry: Airedale Terrier Medium: German Shepherd Feathered: Golden Retriever Fluffy: Chow Chow Long: Collie Examples of coat typesTAIL This question refers to general noise, not the "alarm" barking of a watchdog. There is not necessarily any relation between the two. On the "Dog Talents" screen, you can indicate that you want a dog that would make a good watchdog. Probably, few people want a noisy dog. But if it is all right to have a dog that is not especially quiet, you should consider answering "No" to this question so your choices are less limited. With proper training, most breeds can be taught to keep the noise down. BarkingTAIL Some dogs are very people-oriented. If left by themselves for long periods of time, they can become bored, lonely and sometimes destructive. Other dogs are very self-sufficient. They can get along just fine on their own for quite a while. IndependenceTAIL puptest table bkgndbkgd Prev UpEXTI ddata bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb //000 50J45 N//*a bbybbby SSfz05 Prev DownEXTI ddata oooM""" oooM""" //000 MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM""" N//*a oooM""" <<<<< PrevSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy show bg bitmap "Prev Up" hide bg bitmap "Prev Down" set cursor to myBusy lock screen go prev card unlock screen with visual effect wipe right in 40 ticks --very fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Prev Down" hide bg bitmap "Prev Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Prev Down" hide bg bitmap "Prev Up" else show bg bitmap "Prev Up" hide bg bitmap "Prev Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL Next UpEXTI ddata bbbbb bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbb bbbbb xxxbbbb bbbbbbb SSff55 Next DownEXTI ddata """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo NextSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy show bg bitmap "Next Up" hide bg bitmap "Next Down" set cursor to myBusy lock screen go next card unlock screen with visual effect wipe left in 40 ticks --very fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Next Down" hide bg bitmap "Next Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Next Down" hide bg bitmap "Next Up" else show bg bitmap "Next Up" hide bg bitmap "Next Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL Home UpEXTI ddata bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb YYXYYYXYY WYYYYYYYYWYYYWYYYWYYY 01001 Home DownEXTI ddata """Mooo """Mooo YYXYYYXYY """Mooo WYYYYYYYYWYYYWYYYWYYY 01001 """MMM MMMMMMM Return to MainSCRP on mouseUp global readOnly, myBusy global currentState show bg bitmap "Home Up" hide bg bitmap "Home Down" set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card "Main Card-" & currentState if readOnly then send restoreMode to this background unlock screen with visual effect wipe up in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Home Down" hide bg bitmap "Home Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Home Down" hide bg bitmap "Home Up" else show bg bitmap "Home Up" hide bg bitmap "Home Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL Print UpEXTI ddata bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb SSff55 1TAIL Print DownEXTI ddata """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo 1TAIL PrintSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy show bg bitmap "Print Up" hide bg bitmap "Print Down" push this card lock screen if the platform is "Macintosh" then open printing print card "PupTest print1" print card "PupTest print2" if the platform is "Macintosh" then close printing pop card set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Print Down" hide bg bitmap "Print Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Print Down" hide bg bitmap "Print Up" else show bg bitmap "Print Up" hide bg bitmap "Print Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL Help UpEXTI ddata bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbbbbb xxxbb Help DownEXTI ddata """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo MMMMMMMMMMM HelpSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy show bg bitmap "Help Up" hide bg bitmap "Help Down" set cursor to myBusy lock screen push this card go card "Help Card" unlock screen with visual effect scroll down in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Help Down" hide bg bitmap "Help Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Help Down" hide bg bitmap "Help Up" else show bg bitmap "Help Up" hide bg bitmap "Help Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL INFO Quit UpEXTI ddata bbbbb DDWIWI fffffV Quit DownEXTI ddata """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo DDWIWI QuitSCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch show bg bitmap "Quit Up" hide bg bitmap "Quit Down" send quit to stack end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Quit Down" hide bg bitmap "Quit Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Quit Down" hide bg bitmap "Quit Up" else show bg bitmap "Quit Up" hide bg bitmap "Quit Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL >>:9: ooooo BtXXXXX 2222. os2"2> Wxxt/ DCBE.lm s\@@E ososo ojsi3jo =>>>> @oooso -Y-B-! oojjlo >=- >>2= '?676 EE/ojjsj FEsj@@ ojjoolqq ljoso \ojoj olqmpj @@lp@CBo mlmps ssoos o/llC ospso C@@C^@ @@C^^ C@EC@ \\ojo ooooplo @@C/oo @,oooojo ooooo ooo/o oooooo @qoo/q o/oooo oo@@@ @oooo @@E@FEF @^F@^^o oojoj jooooj ]^@CE @@@@@o// E@@oj oFjoo@o /,ooj ,npoC !!!''?b! n@oon@ ]\C@@C^ o@noo o//Cqo oooC@C ojC@@ ojoFCEE *oo3jso ojjo/qoo@qo ooooo @iq/o q^^qq joooo oo@oo/ oiloo j3joj3j @o@oo @@@Fo ,/@@C@ joojj oojoo ooooo oooq@ o/@oo/ ojojo ooooo @oo,o oooo/o ^C@C/ oo@oo ooojoooo /@@@// ojoooj ooECoo /,@C/ @E@@@ ooo/o jojoo@ @F@@C@ @F@@C oo/oo ooooo oo@@o //C^@@ jo/oo ooooo @oooo oolooo F/ojj /o,@o /EE,E, ooo/o ,ojj//jF FFE@C o@@C/ ooooo oEoCj o@@C@ /o@E@ jjCoj ojojo oj@@Co o/ooo ,oooF@C joooo ECoooj ok/,ojo @ECo@ jj@@@ ojoFE@ @.@@@ ooooooo Coo,@ o@Eooo/ oojoo ,o/oo ojooo o///@ oooooo .@@jk@ jo@oj F]EqE oooCjo FC@.@,@jo ooojo C/jC^E @/Fjoj E@oooo jjoFF ojoj,o o,@@@Co o@CiCE,@F ooo@@C ojooo EC@oj @ojo@o joojo oojoo ^F/o@ ,j@/,j/ooo,oo /@@Fo njC/@FCE/,nj oooooooo j,/CE @/joj jojooo @@Co/ @C/oooj/oo @@ooo ,oj,E o,@ooo@o@ /TAIL PupTest1SCRP on openCard hide bg button id 2 hide bg bitmap "Prev Up" show bg button id 3 show bg bitmap "Next Up" pass openCard end openCard bitmap id 2data |f||x %)%) '*0:R C p:N 2\ &%))@ $!)) I!)I `s9BA \9.r@ H%)J@ %%$R PupTest2SCRP on openCard show bg button id 2 show bg bitmap "Prev Up" show bg button id 3 show bg bitmap "Next Up" pass openCard end openCard bitmap id 1data |f||x A "BH $D %" HJE) X (BP JBREIJ@ 9 R`c "bp(' INFO PupTest3SCRP on openCard show bg button id 2 show bg bitmap "Prev Up" hide bg button id 3 hide bg bitmap "Next Up" pass openCard end openCard bitmap id 1data |f||x A2AVg` %%$RR "INFO Splash bkgndbkgd oCARD The PaletteEXTI ddata 3TAIL #INFO Splash cardSCRP on openCard global currentState, myBusy if currentState is empty then set cursor to myBusy play card sound id 193 lock screen go card "Main Card-1" unlock screen with visual effect iris open in 60 ticks end if pass openCard end openCard field id 4data 5TAIL field id 7PROP read_only_test 123data Telemark's Guide to DogsTAIL #INFO bitmap id 35data 6bbIHN M00bzI0 0z6a1HHIHH a]H]b bHzbb\I0H ]vvvvvv]] ]v]D]]]D]]]]]DD]]DDD]D] ]D]]]]]]]]]]b]]a]]Dvv]]]v]vvv]v]v]v]]]v]]]]]v]]]]v]v]]Dv ]]D]D DDDDDDDD lb2b2Np?? <>{/QRe T2^.Pm S,Ym| %54%3 *7-c0 ooZ~@X6Y^ %$72$ ++++++++ SS]STSSTSSTKS SZS]SZTS@] ]SSTt ZSSYT.] YTLTT] SSS ]bIIuI0 bH00zNzbab zbbfbz zaH0Hab zaaHb vvvv]v ]v]DD]]D]DD]D]DH]D]]1\]v]DI ]]]]]]]]v ]]v]v vvv]]v]v]vv]v]]E ]]Dv] ]]DD]]D]DDDDDI] -v[-, B{-C- vB3u[ V0,\Uxx /VWY, u.Z/Z.Z. n~k67 ?;772b 6f6>;? ^+3+G+ ^+++^+ GZ]GZ SZsZSZ.Z ^S S^S sS -uwB- vVBVv- -VvV.- -.,B3[ EZ0\[B &SxSZu/ ]]Ts]ST sSSS sS]S Z[[-ZB[ .lw.. 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Dominance (2ndary c.g.) Friendliness reserved Independence middling depend't Children older/eld. excellent Other Pets Outdoor Space small small Climate moderate Handicapped Assistance hearing Jogging Hunting Sighting Tracking Retrieving Pointing Herding Watchdog Guarding Companion Dog Search & Rescue Water Rescue Guide for the Blind Snow Sledding Carting Weight Pulling Agility Lure Coursing Competitive Obedience Schutzhund Tricks Attribute Ideal Dog amereski ATAIL +INFO Grooming includes brushing the coat, clipping the nails, brushing the teeth, and cleaning the ears. Short haired breeds require much less coat grooming than long haired breeds.ADDD GroomingTAIL ,INFO Cost for professional grooming may range anywhere from about $18 to $100 depending on how much work your dog's coat needs. Some groomers include 2 shampoos and a creme rinse, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and anal sac expression in their grooming package. Professional GroomingTAIL -INFO OK Updata bbbbbbb [ZWWW WO555 ZZZFW WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 OK Downdata """Mooo [ZWWW """Mooo WO555 ZZZFW """Mooo WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 OKSCRP on mouseUp show card bitmap "OK Up" hide card bitmap "OK Down" dismiss end mouseUp on mouseDown show card bitmap "OK Down" hide card bitmap "OK Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show card bitmap "OK Down" hide card bitmap "OK Up" else show card bitmap "OK Up" hide card bitmap "OK Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown field id 3data There are questions you haven't answered on other pages. Click "OK" and I'll show you.TAIL .INFO CTAIL /INFO Wait Cardcard Wait Messagedata Please keep in mind that the results are only recommendations. Probably no breed will exactly match your choices. After comparing the top breeds on the list and consulting with various dog breeders, you should be able to choose a dog that will be very compatible.TAIL field id 7data Please wait a few moments while I consult with the dogs . . .TAIL 00000 00000 0,000 0,0000 00000 0000000 ,00000000 0,000 00000 00,00 00000, 0,,00 000000 000,0 0,000 ,0000 00000 ,0000 000,0 ,000000 00000 0000,00, 00000 00000 00000 ,0000 0000000 0,000 000000 000000 000000 00000 ****** 00000 0000000 00000 A000q 0000000 000000 00000 00000 00000 00000 000000 0,000 0,0000000 0000000 00000 000000 00000 00000000 00000 000000 ,0000 000000 ,0000 0000000 00000 00000 00000 0000000 ,000, 00000 00000 00000 00000 ,0000000 0000000 0,000000 00000 00000 00000 0,000 ,0000, ,00,, 0000000000 00000 000000 ?**4? 000000000 000,0 000000 00000 00000 00,000,0000 0,000 0000,0 000,0 000000 00000 00000 000000 000000, 7*4*7 4**4* 4*44* ?4!**? 0GA0GG 0v0G0 _6qqqa0q0 qrG60 ??;;4 0 wr rFr0G 55GGr1rwrvBB5r0BwB BAB05 rw55q6 arB0Q B5rA55 q5Grq5 rqBab0 Q ??;;??; ??????? 2INFO No Quicktimecard field id 1data We're sorry, but "Complete Guide to Dogs" requires that QuickTime be installed on your system.TAIL OKSCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch send quit to stack end mouseUp 3INFO No Colorcard field id 1data We're sorry, but "Complete Guide to Dogs" requires at least 256 colors.TAIL OKSCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch send quit to stack end mouseUp 4INFO Scrren too smallcard field id 1data We're sorry, but "Complete Guide to Dogs" requires a screen of at least 640 x 480.TAIL OKSCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch send quit to stack end mouseUp 5INFO A dominant person is someone who is firm, commanding, in charge. A less dominant person will be more easy going, gentle, mellow; someone who "goes with the flow". DominanceTAIL 6INFO KTAIL 7INFO OK Updata bbbbbbb [ZWWW WO555 ZZZFW WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 OK +BiO OK Downdata """Mooo [ZWWW """Mooo WO555 ZZZFW """Mooo WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 NAME+TXT field id 1data Dog Talents Agility Competition: Dogs negotiate a series of obstacles and jumps (see the movie that accompanies the "Agility Competition" article for an example). Companion Dog: Good with people. Compet. Obedience: Programs with specific obedience skill requirements (see the series of articles on AKC Obedience). Guarding: Protecting family and property. Guide for the Blind: Leading blind people safely in public places. Handicapped Assist: Helping hearing impaired, or physically or emotionally impaired people. Herding: Moving livestock. Hunting: General gun dog. Jogging: Constant running for 20 or more minutes. Lure Coursing: Sighthounds chase plastic lures pulled through a field. Performing Tricks: "Shake hands", "speak", balancing a ball on the nose, playing basketball, etc. Pointing: Indicating the location of game by freezing into a "pointing" position. Retrieving: Bringing sticks, balls, downed birds or other things back to the owner. Schutzhund: A dog sport that includes tracking, obedience and protection. Search & Rescue: Seeking survivors at disaster sites; finding lost people. Sighting: Some breeds, like salukis and afghans, hunt by sight. Snow Sled Pulling: For racing or just for fun. Tracking: Following a scent trail. Watchdog: Barking to indicate the presence of an intruder. Water Rescue: Rescuing people from water. Weight Pulling: A competitive sport where the dog pulls increasing amounts of weight. Carting is also fun this is where the dog pulls passengers riding in a cart.ADDD OKSCRP on mouseUp show card bitmap "OK Up" hide card bitmap "OK Down" set cursor to watch dismiss end mouseUp on mouseDown show card bitmap "OK Down" hide card bitmap "OK Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show card bitmap "OK Down" hide card bitmap "OK Up" else show card bitmap "OK Up" hide card bitmap "OK Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown *07** 4*44* The Main BackgroundSCRP -------------------------------------- on openBackground global currentState if currentState is not empty then send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if pass openBackground end openBackground -------------------------------------- on openCard global readOnly, currentMode -- If we're a read-only stack, check to make sure the current mode -- matches the setting of the mode buttons (by seeing if the "up" buttons -- are visible). If not, fix it. if readOnly then if currentMode = 1 then if the visible of bg bitmap id 23 is true then -- bitmap id 23 is "text up" send restoreMode to me end if else if currentMode = 2 then if the visible of bg bitmap id 24 is true then send restoreMode to me end if else if currentMode = 3 and the short name of this card is "Main Card-2" then if the visible of card bitmap id 7 is true then send restoreMode to me end if end if set cursor to Browse end if -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if pass openCard end openCard -------------------------------------- on closeCard send StopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send StopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" pass closeCard end closeCard -------------------------------------- on stateChange newState -- Called when the user moves from one card to another within the main set. -- newState=1 for the Dog List -- newState=2 for the Ranking List -- newState=3 for the Article List -- newState=4 for the Index -- newState=5 for the Book List -- newState=6 for the Credits global currentState, currentMode, userBark -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen -- These are now done from closeCard --send StopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" --send StopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" -- Mode 3 (the comparison table) is only valid on the one card, so if we're in that -- mode and we're leaving, we need to switch to text mode first. if currentMode=3 then send unhiliteYourself to card button id 2 -- "Comparisons" send hiliteYourself to bg button id 8 -- "Text" put 1 into currentMode --Text mode end if if currentState=5 then -- We're coming out of state 5, so we need to reset the currentMode if the myhilite of bg button id 8 is true then -- "Text" put 1 into currentMode else put 2 into currentMode hide bg field "Dog Info" -- JSP0597: fix for Ron's bug end if end if go card "Main Card-" & newState put newState into currentState -- Some insurance that the datasheet isn't visible. if newState=2 then hide card datasheet "Comparison Table" hide card button id 15 hide card field id 16 end if put empty into bg field "Dog Caption" put empty into bg movie "Little Movie" put empty into bg bitmap "Little Picture" put empty into bg field "Dog Info" put empty into bg movie "Slide Show" put empty into bg bitmap "Big Picture" if newState=5 then send modeChange && 5 to me send showYourself to bg field "Dog Info" else send showStuff to me end if unlock screen with visual effect blinds up in 40 ticks -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if if newState=2 then if userBark is empty then -- The user hasn't yet been to the questionnaire. popup card id 102 as dialog put "?" into userBark -- So that we don't do this again. end if end if set cursor to Browse end stateChange -------------------------------------- on modeChange newMode -- Called when the user changes what's displayed on the current card. -- The book list is a special case since there's only one mode accessible -- on that card. -- newMode=1 for text mode -- newMode=2 for picture mode -- newMode=3 for comparison table mode -- newMode=5 for the Book List global currentMode -- RMAK0597: lock screen -- moved to below for Windows kludge if currentMode=2 then -- We're coming from picture mode. -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen -- RMAK0597: moved from above for Windows kludge hide bg bitmap "Big Picture" send hideYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" hide bg field "Dog Caption" else -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" end if lock screen -- RMAK0597: moved from above for Windows kludge hide bg bitmap "Little Picture" send hideYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" hide bg field "Dog Info" if currentMode=3 then -- We're coming from comparison mode. if the short name of this card is "Main Card-2" then -- Paranoid check hide card datasheet "Comparison Table" hide card button id 15 hide card field id 16 end if end if end if put newMode into currentMode if newMode is not 5 then send showStuff to me if the platform is "Macintosh" then unlock screen with visual effect pixelDissolve in 60 ticks else unlock screen with visual effect blinds up in 40 ticks -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if set cursor to Browse end modeChange -------------------------------------- on restoreMode -- Called by openCard only when we're a read-only stack. -- Makes sure that what's displayed matches the mode we're in. global currentMode put empty into bg bitmap "Little Picture" put empty into bg movie "Little Movie" put empty into bg field "Dog Caption" put empty into bg bitmap "Big Picture" put empty into bg movie "Slide Show" put empty into bg field "Dog Info" if currentMode = 1 then send hiliteYourself to bg button id 8 send unHiliteYourself to bg button id 10 end if if currentMode = 2 then send hiliteYourself to bg button id 10 send unHiliteYourself to bg button id 8 send hideYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" hide bg bitmap "Little Picture" hide bg field "Dog Info" else -- Mode is 1 or 3 hide bg field "Dog Caption" hide bg bitmap "Big Picture" send hideYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if if the short name of this card is "Main Card-2" then if currentMode = 3 then send hiliteYourself to card button id 2 send unHiliteYourself to bg button id 8 send unHiliteYourself to bg button id 10 hide bg field "Dog Info" else send unHiliteYourself to card button id 2 hide card datasheet "Comparison Table" hide card button id 15 hide card field id 16 end if end if send showStuff to me end restoreMode -------------------------------------- on showNewDog -- Called by the various picklists when the user selects a new item. global myBusy set cursor to myBusy -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen put empty into bg bitmap "Little Picture" put empty into bg movie "Little Movie" put empty into bg field "Dog Caption" put empty into bg bitmap "Big Picture" put empty into bg movie "Slide Show" put empty into bg field "Dog Info" send showStuff to me if the platform is "Macintosh" then unlock screen with visual effect pixelDissolve in 40 ticks else unlock screen with visual effect blinds up in 40 ticks -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if set cursor to Browse end showNewDog -------------------------------------- on showStuff -- Called by statechage, modeChange, restoreMode, showNewDog. -- Makes sure all the buttons are displayed correctly, and that -- the correct text fields, pictures, movies, etc. are showing. global currentMode, littleGraphic, bigGraphic, curDirPrefix, dogDirPrefix, curFileDog -- Label the text button appropriately. if curDirPrefix = dogDirPrefix then set name of bg button id 8 to "Description" -- & Small Picture" else if littleGraphic = "V" then set name of bg button id 8 to "Text & Movie" else set name of bg button id 8 to "Text" -- & Small Picture" end if end if -- Label the picture button appropriately. enable bg button id 10 -- Just in case it got itself disabled. if bigGraphic = "P" then set name of bg button id 10 to "Big Picture" else if bigGraphic = "S" then set name of bg button id 10 to "Slide Show" else -- There's no big picture or slide show, so let's make sure we're -- in text mode and then disable the Picture button. send mouseUp to bg button id 8 -- "Text" set name of bg button id 10 to "Big Picture" disable bg button id 10 end if if currentMode = 2 then -- Picture mode disable bg button id 19 -- "Print" show bg bitmap "Print Greyed" hide bg bitmap "Print Up" send showYourself to bg field "Dog Caption" if bigGraphic = "P" then send hideYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" send showYourself to bg bitmap "Big Picture" else if bigGraphic = "S" then hide bg bitmap "Big Picture" send showYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if else -- Text or Comparison mode enable bg button id 19 -- "Print" hide bg bitmap "Print Greyed" show bg bitmap "Print Up" if currentMode=1 then -- Text Mode send showYourself to bg field "Dog Info" else -- Comparison mode send showYourself to card datasheet "Comparison Table" end if if littleGraphic = "V" then hide bg bitmap "Little Picture" send showYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" else if littleGraphic = "L" then send hideYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send showYourself to bg bitmap "Little Picture" end if end if set the visible of bg button "Puppy Test" to (curFileDog = "puptemte") set the visible of bg bitmap "puptest up" to (curFileDog = "puptemte") end showStuff -------------------------------------- on hypertext whatWord global myBusy, rowSavers if whatWord is not in card picklist "Index List" of card "Main Card-4" then beep exit hypertext end if set cursor to myBusy -- Find the line that contains the word. put col 1 of card picklist "Index List" of card "Main Card-4" into theList repeat with wRow=1 to the number of lines in theList if whatWord is in line wRow of theList then exit repeat end if end repeat -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen if the short name of this card is "Main Card-4" then -- Special case when we're already on the index card. unhilite card picklist "Index List" hilite row wRow of card picklist "Index List" send getFileIndex to card picklist "Index List" else put wRow into item 4 of rowSavers end if send stateChange && 4 to this background if wRow > 12 then set the vertical scrollLine of card picklist "Index List" to wRow-2 else set the vertical scrollLine of card picklist "Index List" to 1 end if unlock screen with visual effect blinds up in 40 ticks -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if set cursor to Browse end hypertext $+BiO Text downEXTI ""MMoo Picture upEXTI Sfff5 &INFO Print UpEXTI bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb SSff55 1TAIL !INFO Top Dogs UpEXTI bbbbbb bbbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbb LL<<<< <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< <<^ulJ2 f2JJSx Dog CaptionSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, capDirSuffix, textExt, curDirPrefix, textFileType global myBusy, busyMax show me if me is empty then put filePath & curDirPrefix & capDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & textExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, textFileType) then put thePath & theFile into dogFile else put "I can't find the file" && thePath & theFile into me exit showYourself end if open file dogFile repeat with idx=1 to 500 --put idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy read from file dogFile until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it into line idx of me end repeat close file dogFile end if end showYourself iTAIL Dogs:TGD:ART_MOV:actiagil.mov.movgil.movl.mov Little MovieSCRP -------------------------------------- on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to me end if lock screen push this card go card "Movie Bar Help" unlock screen with visual effect scroll down fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp -------------------------------------- on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, curDirPrefix, movieExt, movieDirSuffix, movieFileType show me --set the myVisible of me to true show bg bitmap "Little Movie Bottom" put filePath & curDirPrefix & movieDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & movieExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, movieFileType) then set the moviefile of me to thePath & theFile prepare me seek me to 0 else set the moviefile of me to empty end if end showYourself -------------------------------------- on maybeShowYourself -- Called by openBackground. if the visible of me is true then set the style of me to control if the moviefile of me is not empty then prepare me seek me to 0 end if end if end maybeShowYourself -------------------------------------- on hideYourself if the isPlaying of me is true then stop me hide me --set the myVisible of me to false hide bg bitmap "Little Movie Bottom" end hideYourself -------------------------------------- on stopYourself -- Called by stateChange and the picklists. pause me end stopYourself -------------------------------------- on kludgeHide -- Called by the "Help" and "Find Top Dogs" buttons. -- This is only needed to get around a Windows bug. if the visible of me is true then pause me set the style of me to transparent end if end kludgeHide myvisible falseEXTI iTAIL Dogs:TGD:CRED_SLD:producti.movmovvla.movv.mov Slide ShowSCRP -------------------------------------- on mouseUp global myBusy pause me set cursor to myBusy if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to me end if lock screen push this card go card "Movie Bar Help" unlock screen with visual effect scroll down fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp -------------------------------------- on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, slideDirSuffix, movieExt, curDirPrefix global movieFileType, desiredVolume show me --set the myVisible of me to true show bg bitmap "Slide Show bottom" put filePath & curDirPrefix & slideDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & movieExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, movieFileType) then set the moviefile of me to thePath & theFile prepare me seek me to 0 --set the playVolume of me to desiredVolume else set the moviefile of me to empty end if end showYourself -------------------------------------- on maybeShowYourself -- Called by openBackground. if the visible of me is true then set the style of me to control if the moviefile of me is not empty then prepare me seek me to 0 end if end if end maybeShowYourself -------------------------------------- on hideYourself if the isPlaying of me is true then stop me hide me --set the myVisible of me to false hide bg bitmap "Slide Show bottom" end hideYourself -------------------------------------- on stopYourself -- Called by stateChange and the picklists. pause me end stopYourself -------------------------------------- on kludgeHide -- Called by the "Help" and "Find Top Dogs" buttons. -- This is only needed to get around a Windows bug. if the visible of me is true then pause me set the style of me to transparent end if end kludgeHide --on playStopped --global desiredVolume --put the playVolume of me into desiredVolume --end playStopped myvisible falseEXTI hTAIL er hNAME Dog InfoSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, textDirSuffix, textExt, curDirPrefix, textFileType global myBusy, busyMax, currentState, idxSearchWord show me if me is empty then set cursor to myBusy put empty into holder put filePath & curDirPrefix & textDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & textExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, textFileType) then put thePath & theFile into dogFile else put "I can't find the file" && thePath & theFile into me exit showYourself end if if char 1 of dogFile = "." then put "wierdness:" && dogFile into me exit showYourself end if -- Read the file into a temporary buffer open file dogFile put 0 into idx repeat forever add 1 to idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy read from file dogFile until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it into lyne put lyne after holder end repeat if holder is empty then put "holder is empty, dogFile is" && dogFile & return into me else put holder into me end if set the textFont of me to Helvetica set the textSize of me to 12 close file dogFile -- Find any special formatting instructions add 1 to idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy repeat forever put offset("", me) into boffset if boffset = 0 then exit repeat else delete char boffset to boffset+2 of me put offset("", me) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+2 of me set the textStyle of char boffset to eoffset-1 of me to bold set the textColor of char boffset to eoffset-1 of me to 6 --201 end if end repeat add 1 to idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy repeat forever put offset("", me) into boffset if boffset = 0 then exit repeat else delete char boffset to boffset+2 of me put offset("", me) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of me set the textColor of char boffset to eoffset-1 of me to 1 --143 end if end repeat add 1 to idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy repeat forever put offset("", me) into boffset if boffset = 0 then exit repeat else delete char boffset to boffset+2 of me put offset("", me) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of me set the textStyle of char boffset to eoffset-1 of me to underline end if end repeat if currentState is 4 then put the number of chars in idxSearchWord into numchars put offset(idxSearchWord, me) into boffset if boffset > 0 then select char boffset to boffset+numchars-1 of me end if end if end if end showYourself ---------------------- -- The above method is simplier and, I think, not significantly slower. -- It also has the advantage that multiple, different directives in one -- line won't cause the offsets to be off. -- But I'll leave this here for documentation purposes. on oldshowYourself global filePath, curFileDog, textDirSuffix, textExt, curDirPrefix, textFileType global myBusy, busyMax show me if me is empty then set cursor to myBusy --set the multifont of me to false -- Kludge to get around an OMO bug --set the multifont of me to true put empty into holder put empty into bolders put empty into italicers put empty into headers put filePath & curDirPrefix & textDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & textExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, textFileType) then put thePath & theFile into dogFile else put "I can't find the file" && thePath & theFile into me exit showYourself end if if char 1 of dogFile = "." then put "wierdness:" && dogFile into me exit showYourself end if open file dogFile put 0 into idx repeat forever add 1 to idx --put idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy read from file dogFile until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it into lyne put 1 into boffset repeat while boffset is not 0 put offset("", lyne) into boffset if boffset > 0 then delete char boffset to boffset+2 of lyne put offset("", lyne) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+2 of lyne put boffset & "," & eoffset-1 & "," & idx & return after bolders end if end repeat put 1 into boffset repeat while boffset is not 0 put offset("", lyne) into boffset if boffset > 0 then delete char boffset to boffset+2 of lyne put offset("", lyne) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of lyne put boffset & "," & eoffset-1 & "," & idx & return after italicers end if end repeat put 1 into boffset repeat while boffset is not 0 put offset("", lyne) into boffset if boffset > 0 then delete char boffset to boffset+2 of lyne put offset("", lyne) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of lyne put boffset & "," & eoffset-1 & "," & idx & return after headers end if end repeat put lyne after holder end repeat if holder is empty then put "holder is empty, dogFile is" && dogFile & return into me else put holder into me end if set the textFont of me to Helvetica set the textSize of me to 12 close file dogFile repeat with idx=1 to the number of lines in bolders set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy put line idx of bolders into tempLine set the textStyle of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to bold set the textColor of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to 201 end repeat repeat with idx=1 to the number of lines in italicers set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy put line idx of italicers into tempLine set the textStyle of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to underline end repeat repeat with idx=1 to the number of lines in headers set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy put line idx of headers into tempLine set the textColor of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to 143 end repeat end if end oldshowYourself ldata AFFENPINSCHER (AKC Toy Group) Height: up to 11 1/2 inches. Weight: 3 to 8 pounds. Size: Very Small. Availability: Very difficult to find. History: Named "Monkey dog", because of his monkey-like facial structure and expression, this feisty toy dog originated in Germany. At first a farm dog and ratter, probably larger in size, the Affenpinscher was miniaturized and became a house pet during the 18th and 19th centuries. Today the Affenpinscher is primarily a companion dog. Description: A small dog with a harsh, shaggy coat, and longer hair all over the face. The Affenpinscher is square-bodied, with a deep chest and round head with a pronounced stop. The lower jaw is undershot, protruding below the dog's short nose. The black eyes are prominent and rounded. The hairy ears are pointed and erect. The coat is usually black or dark gray, but tan and red are also acceptable. The preferred height is around 10-1/4 inches. Notes: Sensitive to temperature extremes. Overly warm living conditions are detrimental to the coat. Not recommended for younger children. Most are accepting of other pets in the family, especially when raised with them. Tends to guard food and toys. Some bloodlines are prone to fractures and slipped stifle. Like any short-nosed breed, the Affenpinscher may suffer from respiratory problems in hot weather. This breed likes to hike and go camping as long as the temperature stays above 20 degrees F. May challenge large dogs and other large animals unwisely. Personality: Terrier-like personality. Fiery little dog, courageous and confident--a fearless defender. Very affectionate and amusing. Playful. Enjoys being with his family. Needs consistent, firm training. Some are difficult to housebreak. Behavior: Children: Not recommended for children. Friendliness: Loves everyone. Trainability: Slightly difficult to train. Independence: Moderately dependent on people. Dominance: Moderate. Other Pets: Generally good with other pets. Combativeness: Can be a bit dog-aggressive. Noise: Likes to bark. Grooming and Physical Needs: Grooming: Regular grooming needed. Trimming & Stripping: No trimming or stripping needed. Coat: Medium coat. Shedding: Very light. Docking: Both ears and tail are customarily docked. Exercise: Very little exercise needed. Jogging: A fair jogging companion. Indoors: Very active indoors. Apartments: Good for apartment living. Outdoor Space: Does all right without a yard. Climate: Prefers cool climates. Owner: Good for novice owners. Longevity: Average (10 to 12 years). Talents: watchdog, agility, and performing tricks. For More Information: Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute. Photo Caption: AFFENPINSCHER Photo copyright: Cook PhoDOGraphy 1995. All rights reserved. 0INFO Big PictureSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, pictDirSuffix, pictExt, curDirPrefix global pictFileType, dataDir, myBusy show me if me is empty then set cursor to myBusy put filePath & curDirPrefix & pictDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & pictExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, pictFileType) then import thePath & theFile into me else import filePath & dataDir & "nofile.pic" into me end if end if end showYourself adata DescriptionSCRP -------------------------------------- on hiliteYourself show bg bitmap id 22 -- "down" hide bg bitmap id 23 -- "up" set the myhilite of me to true end hiliteYourself -------------------------------------- on unhiliteYourself show bg bitmap id 23 -- "up" hide bg bitmap id 22 -- "down" set the myhilite of me to false end unhiliteYourself -------------------------------------- on showYourself show me if the myhilite of me is true then show bg bitmap id 22 -- "down" else show bg bitmap id 23 -- "up" end if end showYourself -------------------------------------- on hideYourself hide me hide bg bitmap id 22 -- "down" hide bg bitmap id 23 -- "up" end hideYourself -------------------------------------- on mouseUp global currentMode, myBusy if the myhilite of me is false then -- mouseDown has down the hiliting set cursor to myBusy set the myhilite of me to true if currentMode=2 then send unhiliteYourself to bg button id 10 -- "Picture" else if currentMode=3 then send unhiliteYourself to card button id 2 -- "Comparisons" end if send modeChange && 1 to this background end if end mouseUp -------------------------------------- on mouseDown if the myhilite of me is false then show bg bitmap id 22 -- "Text down" hide bg bitmap id 23 -- "Text up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap id 22 -- "Text down" hide bg bitmap id 23 -- "Text up" else show bg bitmap id 23 -- "Text up" hide bg bitmap id 22 -- "Text down" end if end repeat end if end mouseDown myhilite trueEXTI tTAIL Find Top DogsSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy show bg bitmap "Top Dogs Up" hide bg bitmap "Top Dogs down" if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen go card id 6 unlock screen with visual effect scroll left in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Top Dogs down" hide bg bitmap "Top Dogs Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Top Dogs down" hide bg bitmap "Top Dogs Up" else show bg bitmap "Top Dogs Up" hide bg bitmap "Top Dogs down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TAIL PrintSCRP on mouseUp global currentState, currentMode, filePath, textDirSuffix, curFileDog global textExt, curDirPrefix, myBusy show bg bitmap "Print Up" hide bg bitmap "Print Down" -- Pathological insurance. send stopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send stopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" put 0 into whatToPrint if currentState is 2 then if the optionKey is "down" then put 2 into whatToPrint else if the visible of card datasheet "Comparison Table" is true then put 1 into whatToPrint end if end if end if if whatToPrint = 1 then -- Print the Comparison Table. if the platform is "Macintosh" then set cursor to CommandDot1 else set cursor to watch end if put card datasheet "Comparison Table" of this card into card datasheet "Comparison Table" of card "Comp Table print" repeat with idx=3 to 6 set name of column idx of card datasheet "Comparison Table" of card "Comp Table print" to name of column idx of card datasheet "Comparison Table" of this card end repeat put card picklist "Match List" of this card into card picklist "Match List" of card "Match List Print" unhilite card picklist "Match List" of card "Match List Print" push this card lock screen if the platform is "Macintosh" then open printing print card "Comp Table print" print card "Match List Print" if the platform is "Macintosh" then close printing pop card else if whatToPrint = 2 then -- Print the special selector check. set cursor to CommandDot1 put card datasheet "Comparison Table" of this card into card datasheet "Comparison Table" of card "Selector Check" put card picklist "Match List" of this card into card picklist "Match List" of card "Selector Check" unhilite card picklist "Match List" of card "Selector Check" push this card lock screen print card "Selector Check" pop card -- Print the dog Info field. else put filePath & curDirPrefix & textDirSuffix & curFileDog & textExt into dogFile PrintAFile dogFile end if set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Print Down" hide bg bitmap "Print Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Print Down" hide bg bitmap "Print Up" else show bg bitmap "Print Up" hide bg bitmap "Print Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown XTAIL DINFO Little PictureSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, pictExt, curDirPrefix, thumbDirSuffix global pictFileType, dataDir, myBusy show me if me is empty then set cursor to myBusy put filePath & curDirPrefix & thumbDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & pictExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, pictFileType) then import thePath & theFile into me else import filePath & dataDir & "nofile.pic" into me end if end if end showYourself {data 1b'hn Al= yI ^%z*( #x8h+*; |L/:U "8@9 F2_*q `-fgqj+ glo|La +`+`; GVK .O 8h+tj.3 -k+*NS RF|Lm` :V[w` 'ByIfgA `$m+/ S~: m yI .3 A)8h3 #x;`NS #x;Fm+t `d+*3 #D'h^ +*+*3 bEB'B >/:#xu GE &!" j.> ^ >Vm;Fy |LV'3 =K^'h 'h'h;J,l'h ;F;FuC ;F#2/:; N'hm+Mi m+8J3 +*+*'h yIm+lEt bXD#x yIMMJ Mg'h;F3 lE8`y h8B;F vO,GA)^ ;F+*3 qQ_4#x# 2j!"Mg &A%B m`,G8 ,EMgr`+* Vm+*; ;F#>G m+fMY xbxbxbxbp m+Vmt +*;F+*3 !bm`x 'h'Bm+Y ,fMMF %8`8`4 'G{jy +*8%, *?"yIu A%MF, g#x+*# -NMg^ b "xb buC;`3`^ +*m+,Gh /:#x8}. ;Jmd#. 'h#"3 ffM & {j{th AlA%-k 2A%yI Al'h^ =z5u y ;F#xa 'h+*'h )JGWG #x B6J E E /:#R8 R:'5e;F &1D0 , E E OtF1!" Mi)J* c`-h&s lF1kZR *+*+*3 ,H#"3 :5#+* 4M{C,!8 8hXD{j & XD8@% sn'Bd fg_6*7 O :($;l/: _ "9\8 !(`kZ x( &1D Mga&Y )J/pZ 1R N ") Vm &y A%Mgm VmA)m+ (($M'U kZkZF d "8@ 9\8@8@0 GEo{h@ F1kZkZ kZg9)0 kZkZ-k E E E MFA*Y jUjoJRB* E E E F1%){ !',E!"4 E E E E o E 8h$" E E E A%)JNS buCj.z*3 hGE;F #xO^NS c)J-k ! E-K )Jg9S F1g9R uCm+t %'B'h3 +*'hd -k-k-k! -k E0 c E E u'g6'" =f5~ ma;J0 8hsn`- 'JR`-m g9wo% ;F;F# BJRMF ,l4t1 "F1r ["2j[ E)J-k > ,EV MFXD3^ /:8};F8@;Fh &8`H O]4t & losn` xblE!b9 (O],+ 8h &( ! lkZnU FkNs & ;F "[H "XDzo> [Hsnp )0 "p _+* o9Z N &8@P XD &O c eo{JR XDXD|L"> v8@ ";F c-kJR xb &0 c+*#x@ & "S XD &P E-JNs B(`(` d{j|L# 8@xb | "0 g({jO d E E= d;F=e[ NvO9\ xb8} xbXDs dO^8%Y [H&vp c-kxb ABSvg 8Flo) !O^o{-k CP!R!R< &U)J> )J%)A% Goz*Go'h( B"xCFp f&iXL l H . c-kFk > > 5 \77m< c)J)J @= <` E'l!' xbx@p XLxb .xb gc2jXL xb7Gxb xbxbh ?/ "-A (O'lo! xbxbh Fxb`$xbs &xb`$xb`$ Fx8`$h xb8dxb+ xbdy{j 8Nxb .`$ xb`$`$ xb` N FkF1Fk&iFk. F1FkFkFk6 F1Fk> FkFkN F1FkFkFk&iFkB Fk&O. FkFk5 > > 6 > Fk. Fk&i= FkFk. F1Fk&i> > . F1Fk> &i> Fk&O&igSw Fk&O5 Fk&i> &OFkFk&ON Fk> N FkFkB F1Fk&OF1Fk6 FkFkF1> . FkF1FkF1V Fk&OFkB FkF1N FkFkB 1R1Rx~p `$x@x8 Big PictureSCRP on hiliteYourself show bg bitmap id 25 -- "down" hide bg bitmap id 24 -- "up" set the myhilite of me to true end hiliteYourself on unhiliteYourself show bg bitmap id 24 -- "up" hide bg bitmap id 25 -- "down" set the myhilite of me to false end unhiliteYourself on showYourself show me if the myhilite of me is true then show bg bitmap id 25 -- "down" else show bg bitmap id 24 -- "up" end if end showYourself on hideYourself hide me if the myhilite of me is true then hide bg bitmap id 25 -- "down" else hide bg bitmap id 24 -- "up" end if end hideYourself on mouseUp global currentMode, myBusy if the myhilite of me is false then -- mouseDown has done the hiliting set cursor to myBusy set the myhilite of me to true if currentMode=1 then send unhiliteYourself to bg button id 8 -- "Text" else if currentMode=3 then send unhiliteYourself to card button id 2 -- "Comparisons" end if send modeChange && 2 to this background end if end mouseUp on mouseDown if the myhilite of me is false then show bg bitmap id 25 -- "Picture down" hide bg bitmap id 24 -- "Picture up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap id 25 -- "Picture down" hide bg bitmap id 24 -- "Picture up" else show bg bitmap id 24 -- "Picture up" hide bg bitmap id 25 -- "Picture down" end if end repeat end if end mouseDown myhilite falseEXTI ioowBw j\ojj\\ =/9:> 7n..j3 @n.n7X 3s@s3o o\\@@ :BB>5 -<8>< oj333jo@ >=+#&#ij 3jsss @.... .>>> ooooo BtXXXXX 2222. Wxxt/ DCBE.lm s\@@E ososo ojsi3jo =>>>> @oooso -Y-B-! oojjlo >=- >>2= jsjopmjo '?676 EE/ojjsj FEsj@@ ojjoolqq ljoso \ojoj olqmpj @@lp@CBo mlmps ssoos o/llC ospso 77676 ooooo ooooo lpooo sojooj ojpmm oo3os ojo\j jojoj oE@/@ j\@@@@ 477*4 46677 \\@\\ FFF^^ BCB/j oCC^^ jo/qE@^]^F poooo \ojjoj \3ojoj \o\j3 \\o\j ojola C@@C^@ @@C^^ ^]C^C oo* 1 ooooj( 2Jll^& 1Ful]2 1&^u]J2 11111 2JJSx xVJJ2 +++7+++ +++++ oooooo ooooojl J2xxxxx }xxxx xxxxx x4xxxL xxxxx Lx}x4x}xo ooooox noon@ jolpo oooooo jojC@CC ooopoe oojo@C+ <<7ppo <6======= 6<6==7 ]u^&1 1&^l]J2 2JJSo ,+,+,+,+5 o@ooo oo@oo @^E^Co jo@Fjj ooooo ^@C@/ ojooo /@@@// @E@@@ ooolo jojoo @@@oE] @C_C@l// ooooo o/o@@ ,ojoj oooo/ oojoo oooooo oooooo ooojo o@ooo F.@o,/ jojo,oj ooo/o ,ojj//jF FFE@C o@@C/ ooooo o@@C@ /o@E@ B@@C@@@ ooo@,o ,oooF@C joooo @@@,@ EoC@/ oj,jo ojjo@ @@@@C /@/oj @E@@o/ @CFCoo oooo !o/oFEF @F@@@] oojoo @jCoEjCoE jojoj,/ //,C/ojF ooooooooo @/@@oC@n F@q,/@E C@@@E@C@.@,/oo ooooo Cj,@^F oo@/Cio @@EFE jooooo/oo oo///,E//C @^@@@ /oEC@o qC@@^C/ @@,EC@C/, Cjooo ^F/o@ ,j@/,j/ooo,oo j/Fjj@CE, @@CE@ oooo@@,@ oojooo @,j/o ojooooo @@Co/ E//oj xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx +++*+ ++R+x xxxxxx RTAIL 9INFO Main Card-1SCRP -------------------------------------- on openCard global currentState, currentMode, curDirPrefix, dogDirPrefix, rowSavers put dogDirPrefix into curDirPrefix if currentState is empty then send setInitialState to me else put item 1 of rowSavers into savedRow put first item of hilitedRows of card picklist "Dog List" into curRow if savedRow <> curRow then -- Things are not as we left them. unhilite card picklist "Dog List" hilite row savedRow of card picklist "Dog List" end if send getFileDog to card picklist "Dog List" end if pass openCard end openCard -------------------------------------- on setInitialState global currentState, currentMode, curDirPrefix, dogDirPrefix, rowSavers put 1 into currentState put dogDirPrefix into curDirPrefix hide bg field "Dog Caption" send hideYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" hide bg bitmap "Big Picture" send hideYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" put 1 into currentMode send hiliteYourself to bg button id 8 -- "Text" send unhiliteYourself to bg button id 10 -- "Picture" put "1,1,1,1,1,1" into rowSavers unhilite card picklist "Dog List" hilite row 1 of card picklist "Dog List" send getFileDog to card picklist "Dog List" send showNewDog to this background end setInitialState Dog ListSCRP on mouseUp theRow,theCol global myBusy, filePath, curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic, rowSavers -- If the user clicks where we already are, just exit. if theRow = (item 1 of rowSavers) then exit mouseUp set cursor to myBusy send stopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send stopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic put theRow into item 1 of rowSavers send showNewDog to this background end mouseUp -------------------------------------- on getFileDog -- Gets the info from the current hilighted row. global curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic put first item of hilitedRows of me into theRow if theRow is not empty then if theRow > 12 then set the vertical scrollLine of me to theRow-2 put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic end if end getFileDog -------------------------------------- on getDogTable -- Read the "dogtable" file (the list of breed names and normalized names) -- and put it into this picklist. -- This message is only used during development; it will never be -- called in the production version. global filePath set cursor to watch put filePath & "dogs.lst" into dogTable open file dogTable repeat with idx=1 to 500 read from file dogTable until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it after tempHolder put "dog-" & idx end repeat delete the last character of tempHolder put tempHolder into me close file dogTable end getDogTable MOCELL10 American Pit Bull Terrier (S) American Staffordshire Terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Collie (Rough and Smooth) (S) Curly-Coated Retriever (S) German Shorthaired Pointer German Wirehaired Pointer Glen of Imaal Terrier (S) Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Staffordshire Bull Terrier West Highland White Terrier Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Affenpinscher affenpin Afghan Hound afghhoun Airedale Terrier aireterr Akita akita___ Alaskan Malamute (S) alasmala American Bulldog amerbull American Eskimo amereski American Foxhound amerfoxh ampibute amestate American Water Spaniel amewatsp Anatolian Shepherd (S) anatshep Argentine Dogo argedogo Australian Cattle Dog auscatdo Australian Shepherd (S) austshep Australian Terrier austterr Basenji basenji_ Basset Hound basshoun Beagle beagle__ Bearded Collie (S) bearcoll Beauceron beaucero Bedlington Terrier bedlterr Belgian Malinois (S) belgmali Belgian Sheepdog belgshee Belgian Tervuren belgterv Bernese Mountain Dog bermoudo Bichon Frise bichfris Black and Tan Coonhound blantaco Bloodhound bloodhou Border Collie (S) bordcoll Border Terrier bordterr Borzoi borzoi__ Boston Terrier bostterr Bouvier des Flandres boudesfl Boxer boxer___ Briard briard__ Brittany brittany Brussels Griffon brusgrif Bullmastiff bullmast Bull Terrier bullterr Cairn Terrier cairterr Canaan Dog (S) canadog_ Cardigan Welsh Corgi carwelco cakichsp Cesky Terrier ceskterr Chesapeake Bay Retriever chebayre Chihuahua (S) chihuahu Chinese Crested chincres Chinese Shar-Pei (S) chishape Chow Chow chowchow Clumber Spaniel clumspan Cocker Spaniel cockspan coroansm curcoare Dachshund (S) dachshun Dalmatian dalmatia Dandie Dinmont Terrier dandinte Doberman Pinscher (S) dobepins Dogue de Bordeaux dogde_bo English Bulldog englbull English Cocker Spaniel engcocsp English Foxhound englfoxh English Setter englsett English Springer Spaniel engsprsp English Toy Spaniel engtoysp Field Spaniel fielspan Finnish Spitz (S) finnspit Flat-Coated Retriever flacoare Fox Terrier (Smooth) foxtersm Fox Terrier (Wire) foxterwi French Bulldog frenbull German Shepherd Dog (S) gershedo gershopo gerwirpo Giant Schnauzer gianschn glofimte Golden Retriever goldretr Gordon Setter gordsett Great Dane (S) greadane Great Pyrenees greapyre grswmodo Greyhound greyhoun Harrier harrier_ Hovawart hovawart Ibizan Hound ibizhoun Irish Setter irissett Irish Terrier iristerr Irish Water Spaniel iriwatsp Irish Wolfhound iriswolf Italian Greyhound italgrey Jack Russell Terrier jacruste Japanese Chin japachin Keeshond keeshond Kerry Blue Terrier kerblute Komondor komondor Kuvasz kuvasz__ Labrador Retriever labrretr Lakeland Terrier laketerr Leonberger leonberg Lhasa Apso lhasapso Maltese maltese_ Manchester Terrier mancterr Manchester Terrier (Toy) manterto Mastiff (S) mastiff_ Miniature Pinscher minipins Miniature Poodle minipood Miniature Schnauzer minischn Neapolitan Mastiff (S) neapmast Newfoundland newfound Norfolk Terrier norfterr Norwegian Elkhound norwelkh Norwich Terrier norwterr Old English Sheepdog oldengsh Otterhound otterhou Papillon papillon Pekingese pekinges Pembroke Welsh Corgi pemwelco pebagrve Pharaoh Hound pharhoun Pointer pointer_ Pomeranian pomerani Portuguese Water Dog porwatdo pug_____ puli____ Rhodesian Ridgeback rhodridg Rottweiler rottweil Saint Bernard sainbern Saluki saluki__ Samoyed samoyed_ Schipperke schipper Scottish Deerhound scotdeer Scottish Terrier scotterr Sealyham Terrier sealterr Shetland Sheepdog shetshee Shiba (S) shiba___ Shih Tzu shihtzu_ Siberian Husky (S) sibehusk Silky Terrier silkterr Skye Terrier skyeterr socowhte stabulte Standard Poodle stanpood Standard Schnauzer stanschn Sussex Spaniel sussspan Tibetan Mastiff (S) tibemast Tibetan Spaniel tibespan Tibetan Terrier tibeterr tosa____ Toy Poodle toy_pood Vizsla vizsla__ Weimaraner weimaran Welsh Springer Spaniel welsprsp Welsh Terrier welsterr wehiwhte Whippet (S) whippet_ wirpoigr Yorkshire Terrier yorkterr BP$P$P$P$ P2P$P$P$1 +**e` /[*harH 3uaZ*r <<=< +2oFo ?==>>> =5=>>>> >'> I 7;6=6; ' ' oojo3 mlmpo o/llC :INFO Main Card-2SCRP on closeCard global readOnly, topDogsListSaver if readOnly then put card picklist "Match List" into topDogsListSaver end if pass closeCard end closeCard -------------------------------------- on openCard global curCol, currentMode, dogDirPrefix, curDirPrefix, rowSavers global readOnly, topDogsListSaver, myBusy put dogDirPrefix into curDirPrefix if readOnly and (topDogsListSaver is not empty) then set cursor to myBusy unhilite card picklist "Match List" put empty into card picklist "Match List" put topDogsListSaver into card picklist "Match List" send newMatches to card datasheet "Comparison Table" if the myHilite of card button id 2 is true then send showDogRankNumbers to card datasheet "Comparison Table" end if end if put item 2 of rowSavers into savedRow put first item of hilitedRows of card picklist "Match List" into curRow if savedRow <> curRow then -- Things are not as we left them. unhilite card picklist "Match List" hilite row savedRow of card picklist "Match List" end if send getFileDog to card picklist "Match List" if curCol is empty then send getCurCol to card datasheet "Comparison Table" send anomolyInsurance to this card --set cursor to Browse pass openCard end openCard -------------------------------------- on anomolyInsurance -- This is basically insurance in case of anomoly. The only way we could be coming -- into this card with currentMode already set to three is if we left when it was 3 -- via the "Find Top Dogs" button. So in that case, when we come back, we want to -- still be in mode 3. In any other case, we ensure that the "Comparisons" button and -- table are not errently up. global currentMode, dogDirPrefix, curDirPrefix put dogDirPrefix into curDirPrefix if currentMode is not 3 then send unhiliteYourself to card button id 2 -- Comparisons hide card datasheet "Comparison Table" hide card button id 15 -- The little '?' for dog types. hide card field id 16 -- The field with the type explanations. end if end anomolyInsurance Comparisons downdata ""MMoo Comparisons updata Sfff5 ComparisonsSCRP on hiliteYourself show card bitmap id 8 -- "Comparisons down" hide card bitmap id 7 -- "Comparisons up" set the myhilite of me to true end hiliteYourself on unhiliteYourself show card bitmap id 7 -- "Comparisons up" hide card bitmap id 8 --"Comparisons down" set the myhilite of me to false end unhiliteYourself --------------------------------- on mouseUp global currentMode, currentBreedNum, myBusy if the myhilite of me is false then -- mouseDown has done the hiliting set cursor to myBusy set the myhilite of me to true if currentMode=1 then send unhiliteYourself to bg button id 8 -- "Text" else send unhiliteYourself to bg button id 10 -- "Picture" end if send modeChange && 3 to this background else -- An undocumented feature: option-clicking on the already down button will -- reset the comparison table. if the optionKey is "down" then set cursor to myBusy send resetYourself to card datasheet "Comparison Table" unhilite card picklist "Match List" hilite row 1 of card picklist "Match List" send getFileDog to card picklist "Match List" send showDogRankNumbers to card datasheet "Comparison Table" end if end if set cursor to Browse end mouseUp --------------------------------- on mouseDown if the myhilite of me is false then show card bitmap id 8 -- "Comparisons down" hide card bitmap id 7 -- "Comparisons up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show card bitmap id 8 -- "Comparisons down" hide card bitmap id 7 -- "Comparisons up" else show card bitmap id 7 -- "Comparisons up" hide card bitmap id 8 -- "Comparisons down" end if end repeat end if end mouseDown myhilite falseTAIL Comparison TableSCRP function isUpperType theLetter put charToNum(theLetter) into theNum if theNum = charToNum("Z") then return true repeat with idx=charToNum("A") to charToNum("K") if idx = theNum then return true end repeat return false end isUpperType --------------------------------- on scroll if the vertical scrollPosition of me > 1 then hide card button id 15 hide card field id 16 else show card button id 15 end if end scroll --------------------------------- on showYourself show me if the vertical scrollPosition of me = 1 then show card button id 15 send showDogRankNumbers to me end showYourself --------------------------------- on getCurCol global curCol put 3 into curCol repeat with idx=3 to 6 if col idx of row 1 of me is empty then put idx into curcol exit repeat end if end repeat end getCurCol --------------------------------- on resetYourself global curCol, curColBreedNum put empty into curCol put empty into curColBreedNum set name of column 3 of me to " " put empty into col 3 of me set name of column 4 of me to " " put empty into col 4 of me set name of column 5 of me to " " put empty into col 5 of me set name of column 6 of me to " " put empty into col 6 of me end resetYourself --------------------------------- on newMatches global userTypes, userSize, userCoat, userBark, userEnvirons, userCare global userDominance1, userDominance2, userFriendly, userActivities, userNovice global typeWords, sizeWords, coatWords, friendWords, indepWords global uTrainWords, exerWords, groomWords, profgWords, uClimateWords global childwords, petWords, spaceWords, climateWords, matchNumbers -- If newMatches is empty, it means that we haven't been thru the -- questionnaire, so we're safer just leaving this as is. if matchNumbers is empty then exit newMatches if the number of chars in userTypes = 1 then if userTypes is 0 then put "--" into col 2 of row 1 of me else put userTypes into col 2 of row 1 of me end if --put item (charToNum(userTypes) - charToNum("@"))+1 of typeWords into col 2 of row 1 of me else put empty into temp repeat with idx=1 to the number of chars in userTypes --put (charToNum(char idx of userTypes) - charToNum("@"))+1 into tnum --put char 1 of item tnum of typeWords after temp put char idx of userTypes after temp put "," after temp end repeat delete the last char of temp put temp into col 2 of row 1 of me end if if the number of chars in userSize = 1 then put item (char 1 of userSize)+1 of sizeWords into col 2 of row 2 of me else put empty into temp repeat with idx=1 to the number of chars in userSize put char 1 of item (char idx of userSize)+1 of sizeWords after temp put "," after temp end repeat delete the last char of temp put temp into col 2 of row 2 of me end if if the number of chars in userCoat = 1 then put item (char 1 of userCoat)+1 of coatWords into col 2 of row 3 of me else put empty into temp repeat with idx=1 to the number of chars in userCoat put char 1 of item (char idx of userCoat)+1 of coatWords after temp put "," after temp end repeat delete the last char of temp put temp into col 2 of row 3 of me end if if userBark = "N" then put "ok" into col 2 of row 4 of me else put "not ok" into col 2 of row 4 of me end if put item (char 1 of userCare)+1 of uTrainWords into col 2 of row 5 of me put item (char 2 of userCare)+1 of exerWords into col 2 of row 6 of me if char 3 of userCare = 0 then put "whatever" into col 2 of row 7 of me else put item (char 3 of userCare)+1 of groomWords into col 2 of row 7 of me end if put item (char 4 of userCare)+1 of profgWords into col 2 of row 8 of me if char 5 of userCare = 0 then -- Docking put "ok" into col 2 of row 9 of me else put "not ok" into col 2 of row 9 of me end if if userNovice is "Y" then put "yes" into col 2 of row 10 of me else put "no" into col 2 of row 10 of me end if put userDominance1 into col 2 of row 11 of me if userDominance2 = 0 then put "--" into col 2 of row 12 of me else put userDominance2 into col 2 of row 12 of me end if if the number of chars in userFriendly = 1 then put item (char 1 of userFriendly)+1 of friendWords into col 2 of row 13 of me else put empty into temp repeat with idx=1 to the number of chars in userFriendly put char 1 of item (char idx of userFriendly)+1 of friendWords after temp put "," after temp end repeat delete the last char of temp put temp into col 2 of row 13 of me end if put item (char 6 of userCare)+1 of indepWords into col 2 of row 14 of me if char 1 of userEnvirons is 5 then put "small" into col 2 of row 15 of me else if char 1 of userEnvirons is 3 then put "older/eld." into col 2 of row 15 of me else put "none" into col 2 of row 15 of me end if put item (char 2 of userEnvirons)+1 of petWords into col 2 of row 16 of me put item (char 3 of userEnvirons)+1 of spaceWords into col 2 of row 17 of me put item (char 4 of userEnvirons)+1 of uClimateWords into col 2 of row 18 of me repeat with idx=1 to 22 put char idx of userActivities into temp if temp is "I" then put "important" into col 2 of row 18+idx of me else if temp is "Y" then put "desired" into col 2 of row 18+idx of me else put "no" into col 2 of row 18+idx of me end if end repeat -- Now go back and fix up the line for Companion dog (which used to be -- police work). put char 23 of userActivities into temp if temp is "I" then put "important" into col 2 of row 29 of me else if temp is "Y" then put "desired" into col 2 of row 29 of me else put "no" into col 2 of row 29 of me end if send resetYourself to me end newMatches --------------------------------- on showDogRankNumbers global dogAttrs, currentBreedNum, curCol, curColBreedNum, upperLetters global typeWords, sizeWords, coatWords, barkWords, friendWords, indepWords global trainWords, exerWords, groomWords, profgWords, dockWords global childwords, petWords, spaceWords, climateWords, serviceWords, jogWords if currentBreedNum is empty or currentBreedNum = curColBreedNum then exit showDogRankNumbers endif if dogAttrs is empty then send getDogAttrs to stack end if if curCol is empty or curCol is 7 then put 3 into curCol put currentBreedNum into curColBreedNum --put cell currentBreedNum,1 of card picklist "Dog List" of card "Main Card-1" into tempWord --set name of column curCol of me to char 1 to 6 of tempWord put cell currentBreedNum,2 of card picklist "Dog List" of card "Main Card-1" into tempWord repeat while the last char of tempWord is "_" delete the last char of tempWord end repeat set name of column curCol of me to tempWord put line currentBreedNum of dogAttrs into dogLine put char 4 of dogLine into tchar if isUpperType(tchar) then if tchar = "Z" then put "A,J" into col curCol of row 1 of me else put tchar into col curCol of row 1 of me end if else put numToChar(charToNum(tchar) + charToNum("A")-charToNum("a")) into temp put ",F" after temp put temp into col curCol of row 1 of me end if put item (char 1 of dogLine)+1 of sizeWords into col curCol of row 2 of me put item (char 2 of dogLine)+1 of coatWords into col curCol of row 3 of me put item (char 3 of dogLine)+1 of barkWords into col curCol of row 4 of me put item (char 8 of dogLine)+1 of trainWords into col curCol of row 5 of me put item (char 9 of dogLine)+1 of exerWords into col curCol of row 6 of me put item (char 10 of dogLine)+1 of groomWords into col curCol of row 7 of me put item (char 11 of dogLine)+1 of profgWords into col curCol of row 8 of me put item (char 12 of dogLine)+1 of dockWords into col curCol of row 9 of me if char 13 of dogLine is "Y" then -- Novice put "ok" into col curCol of row 10 of me else put "no" into col curCol of row 10 of me end if put (char 7 of dogLine)*2 into col curCol of row 11 of me put (char 7 of dogLine)*2 into col curCol of row 12 of me put item (char 5 of dogLine)+1 of friendWords into col curCol of row 13 of me put item (char 6 of dogLine)+1 of indepWords into col curCol of row 14 of me put item (char 14 of dogLine)+1 of childWords into col curCol of row 15 of me put item (char 15 of dogLine)+1 of petWords into col curCol of row 16 of me put item (char 16 of dogLine)+1 of spaceWords into col curCol of row 17 of me put item (char 17 of dogLine)+1 of climateWords into col curCol of row 18 of me put item (char 18 of dogLine)+1 of serviceWords into col curCol of row 19 of me put item (char 19 of dogLine)+1 of jogWords into col curCol of row 20 of me repeat with idx=20 to 39 if char idx of dogLine is "Y" then put "yes" into col curCol of row idx+1 of me else put "no" into col curCol of row idx+1 of me end if end repeat -- Now go back and fix up the line for Companion dog (which used to be -- police work). if char 14 of dogLine >= 3 then put "good" into col curCol of row 29 of me else put "fair" into col curCol of row 29 of me end if add 1 to curCol end showDogRankNumbers MOCELL10 Looks Deservedy mediumge shorterde --diumll v. littlesy fairly easy Coating --dium lotsrousesy regularee Barkingg not ok noneledlesy --ne&tail Trainingness nonenced okt oktle Exerciseence --deratee 4ery fr.t very fr... Groominglity whatevere v.depnd'tnt excellentsy Prof. Grooming noneorate goodardnt no yardhd Dockingg okt oktle warmlgele --ordngle Novice ownerng poorood yesdood Dominance (primary c.g.) Dominance (2ndary c.g.)g Friendlinessrimary c.g.) noservedy Independencendary c.g.) v.depnd't noodgood Children noner/eld.rly not good not good Other Pets none dogs nosr pets nosr pets Outdoor Space no yard nosyard nosyard Climate moderate Handicapped Assistance yessmall Jogging nosirednt smallerd featherde Hunting nosirednt v. littlesy fairly easy Sighting nosirednt moderateesy regularsysy Tracking noportant noneratee tailletle Retrieving noportant okneledeasy 2-ilittle Pointing nosired 2ery fr.e reserved. Herding v.depnd't. olderved. Watchdog noportant goodardt.nt smalllent Guarding noportant cold dogs --orlge Companion Dogry Work noportant fairdng noaring Search & Rescue noodood Water Rescue Guide for the Blind Snow Sledding Carting Weight Pulling Agility Lure Coursing Competitive Obedience nosortant Schutzhund nossmall Fmallerd Tricks nosortant smallttle v. littlesy fairly easy v. littlesy v. littlesy none easysy --deratee okttletle 4oneledte 4ery fr.e very fr.. independ. oldervedr. goodardd. no yardt.tt warmllent --orppyhd poorlge noyding noaring noodood yesll smallgtle v. little fairly easy v. littlesy v. little nonefytle --lotgelesy okry easysy 4oderatee 4ittletle very fr. independ. olderdogs goodlrd no yardfr. warmnd'tt --pend't.t poorllent noodppyhd noallge noaring noodood yesniel yestle noster yesrier nosrt --H,H,m,p yeserved NADDD Attribute Ideal dog basshoun Match ListSCRP on mouseUp theRow,theCol global myBusy, curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic, currentBreedNum, rowSavers if theRow = (item 2 of rowSavers) then exit mouseUp set cursor to myBusy put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic put cell theRow,5 of me into currentBreedNum put theRow into item 2 of rowSavers send showNewDog to this background end mouseUp --------------------------------- on newMatches global currentState, matchNumbers, curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic global currentBreedNum, rowSavers put 2 into currentState unhilite me put empty into me repeat with idx=1 to 60 put item (idx*2)-1 of matchNumbers into lidx put row lidx of card picklist "Dog List" of card "Main Card-1" into row idx of me put item idx*2 of matchNumbers into cell idx,6 of me end repeat hilite row 1 of me put 1 into item 2 of rowSavers put cell 1,2 of me into curFileDog put cell 1,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell 1,4 of me into bigGraphic put cell 1,5 of me into currentBreedNum send newMatches to card datasheet "Comparison Table" send showNewDog to this background end newMatches -------------------------------- on getFileDog global curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic, currentBreedNum put first item of hilitedRows of me into theRow if theRow is not empty then if theRow > 12 then set the vertical scrollLine of me to theRow-2 put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic put cell theRow,5 of me into currentBreedNum end if end getFileDog MOCELL10 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Collie (Rough and Smooth) (S) Basset Hound basshoun Chinese Crested chincres Japanese Chin japachin pug_____ cakichsp French Bulldog frenbull Cardigan Welsh Corgi carwelco Maltese maltese_ Papillon papillon Pembroke Welsh Corgi pemwelco English Toy Spaniel engtoysp Whippet (S) whippet_ Bernese Mountain Dog bermoudo Bichon Frise bichfris Chihuahua (S) chihuahu Australian Terrier austterr Greyhound greyhoun Italian Greyhound italgrey Bearded Collie (S) bearcoll English Bulldog englbull Mastiff (S) mastiff_ Newfoundland newfound Cesky Terrier ceskterr Flat-Coated Retriever flacoare Beagle beagle__ Scottish Deerhound scotdeer Shetland Sheepdog shetshee Silky Terrier silkterr Tibetan Terrier tibeterr Great Dane (S) greadane Boston Terrier bostterr American Water Spaniel amewatsp Bedlington Terrier bedlterr Harrier harrier_ Miniature Poodle minipood Irish Setter irissett Norfolk Terrier norfterr Toy Poodle toy_pood Norwich Terrier norwterr grswmodo Border Terrier bordterr Manchester Terrier mancterr Fox Terrier (Smooth) foxtersm Keeshond keeshond coroansm Saluki saluki__ Schipperke schipper Dachshund (S) dachshun Boxer boxer___ English Cocker Spaniel engcocsp Affenpinscher affenpin Field Spaniel fielspan Vizsla vizsla__ Welsh Springer Spaniel welsprsp Cocker Spaniel cockspan English Foxhound englfoxh English Setter englsett Otterhound otterhou Bloodhound bloodhou American Foxhound amerfoxh ?SCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch set the visible of card field id 16 to not (the visible of card field id 16) end mouseUp Look typesSCRP on mouseUp hide me end mouseUp A - Mastiff, Bulldog B - Spitz, Nordic C - Terrier D - Scent Hound E - Setter, Retriever, Pointer F - Toy, Miniature G - Spaniel H - Herding Dog I - Sighthound J - Mtn. Dog, Stock Guard K - Poodle, BichonTAIL BP$P$P$P$ P2P$P$P$1 +**e` /[*harH 3uaZ*r 666=== ==== sojoo oojso +++++ ++++++++++ +++++ +++ ++ +++++ +++++++ +++++ ++++ ++++++++ +++++ +++++ +++++++ 77=><017 C@C_C_// mlmpo o/qlC ;INFO Main Card-3SCRP on openCard global artDirPrefix, curDirPrefix, rowSavers put artDirPrefix into curDirPrefix put item 3 of rowSavers into savedRow put first item of hilitedRows of card picklist "Article List" into curRow if savedRow <> curRow then -- Things are not as we left them. unhilite card picklist "Article List" hilite row savedRow of card picklist "Article List" end if send getFileArt to card picklist "Article List" pass openCard end openCard Article ListSCRP ------------------------------------ on mouseUp theRow,theCol global filePath, myBusy, curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic, rowSavers if theRow = (item 3 of rowSavers) then exit mouseUp set cursor to myBusy send stopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send stopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic put theRow into item 3 of rowSavers send showNewDog to this background end mouseUp ------------------------------------ on getFileArt global curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic put first item of hilitedRows of me into theRow if theRow is not empty then if theRow > 12 then set the vertical scrollLine of me to theRow-2 put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic set the visible of bg button "Puppy Test" to (curFileDog = "puptemte") set the visible of bg bitmap "puptest up" to (curFileDog = "puptemte") end if end getFileArt ------------------------------------ on getArtTable -- Read the articles file and put it into this picklist. -- This message is only used during development; it will never be -- called in the production version. global filePath set cursor to watch put filePath & "articles.lst" into artTable open file artTable repeat with idx=1 to 500 read from file artTable until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it after tempHolder put "art-" & idx end repeat delete the last character of tempHolder put tempHolder into me close file artTable end getArtTable MOCELL10 Welcome to Complete Guide to Dogs Activity: Lure Coursing (M) Activity: Other Dog Sports Activity: Pulling Sports (M) AKC Canine Good Citizen Test (M) AKC Obedience: General Info AKC Obedience: Novice (M) AKC Obedience: Utility (M) Anatomy: Parts of the Body Behavior: Common Problems Behavior: Dogs and Babies Behavior: Psychology Principles Behavior: Training Children Dogs: Basic Equipment (S) Grooming: Ears, Teeth, Nails (M) Health: Diseases / Conditions Health: Responsible Breeding Health: Spaying / Neutering Puppies: Basic Obedience (M) Puppies: Evaluating Structure Puppies: Good Manners (M) Puppies: Socialization (M) Puppies: Temperament Testing (M) Selection: Considerations Selection: Find the Right Breed (S) Selection: Find the Right Litter Service: Assistance Dogs (M) Service: Guide Dogs for the Blind (M) Service: Therapy Dogs (S) Story: Raising a Guide Dog Puppy welcome_ Abbreviations abbrevia Activity: Agility (M,S) actiagil Activity: Herding (M) actiherd actilure acotdosp actpulsp Activity: Tricks! (M) actitric Activity: Tracking (M) actitrac AKC Breed Classification akcbrecl akcagoct AKC Dog Showing (M) akcdogsh akobgein akcobeno AKC Obedience: Open (M) akcobeop akcobeut Anatomy: Coat Colors doancoco Anatomy: Ears doganaea Anatomy: Movement (M) dog_move doanpotb Anatomy: The Head doanthhe behaprob Behavior: Discipline behadisc dogandba Behavior: Leadership behalead Behavior: Postures (S) behapost behapsyc behtrach pupbaseq Dogs: Magazines dog_maga Dogs: Organizations dogsorga Dogs: Ownership (M) doreanre Dogs: Tidbits dog_tidb Dogs: Travel Tips dogtrati greatean Grooming: The Coat (M) grotheco Grooming: The Bath (M) grotheba Health: Danger Signs healdang healdise Health: Flea Control healflea Health: Parasites healpara hearesbr hespanne Health: Vaccinations healvacc pupbasob pupevast putegoma Puppies: Housebreaking pupphous pusoanad puptemte selecons pufithrb pufithrl Selection: Wolf Hybrids wolfhybr serassdo segudftb Service: Police Dogs (S) serpoldo serthedo Story: A Plea For Crates sta_plfc Story: Dog Heroes stodoghe straagdp BP$P$P$P$ P2P$P$P$1 +**e` /[*harH 3uaZ*r <1 :6= ?==>>> 22<61129 >>>>> C@C_C_// mlmpo o/qlC curRow then -- Things are not as we left them. unhilite card picklist "Index List" hilite row savedRow of card picklist "Index List" end if send getFileIndex to card picklist "Index List" pass openCard end openCard Index ListSCRP on mouseUp theRow,theCol global myBusy, filePath, curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic, rowSavers global curDirPrefix, dogDirPrefix, artDirPrefix, idxSearchWord if theRow = (item 4 of rowSavers) then exit mouseUp set cursor to myBusy send stopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send stopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic put cell theRow,6 of me into idxSearchWord put theRow into item 4 of rowSavers if cell theRow,5 of me = "D" then put dogDirPrefix into curDirPrefix else put artDirPrefix into curDirPrefix end if send showNewDog to this background end mouseUp ------------------------------------ on getFileIndex -- Gets the normalized dog name from the current hilighted row and puts it -- into the global "curFileDog". global curDirPrefix, curFileDog, littleGraphic, bigGraphic global dogDirPrefix, artDirPrefix, idxSearchWord put first item of hilitedRows of me into theRow if theRow is not empty then if theRow > 12 then set the vertical scrollLine of me to theRow-2 put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog put cell theRow,3 of me into littleGraphic put cell theRow,4 of me into bigGraphic put cell theRow,6 of me into idxSearchWord if cell theRow,5 of me = "D" then put dogDirPrefix into curDirPrefix else put artDirPrefix into curDirPrefix end if end if set the visible of bg button "Puppy Test" to (curFileDog = "puptemte") set the visible of bg bitmap "puptest up" to (curFileDog = "puptemte") end getFileIndex ------------------------------------ on getIndexTable -- Read the "index.lst" file and put it into this picklist. -- This message is only used during development; it will never be -- called in the production version. global filePath, myBusy set cursor to myBusy put filePath & "index.lst" into idxTable open file idxTable repeat with idx=1 to 500 read from file idxTable until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it after tempHolder put "idx-" & idx end repeat delete the last character of tempHolder put tempHolder into me close file idxTable set cursor to Browse end getIndexTable MOCELL10 Accident protection in car Accomodations, taking pets AKC registration, meaning of Coat, remove foreign matter Grooming, ears, teeth, nails Guide Dogs, puppy raising Heel off leash, AKC Novice Insect Growth Regulators: Mixed breed vs. Pure-Bred Mixed breed vs. Pure-Bred Narcotics detection, training Osteochondritis dessicans Osteochondritis dessicans Patellar luxation (slipped stifle) Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) Questions to ask breeders Rewards, teaching manners Rewards, in socialization Schutzhund Tracking Tests: Search & Rescue, tracking Search and Rescue Tracking Puppy temperament testing Toxicity of flea chemicals Training, basic obedience Vacuuming, for flea control Abbreviations abbrevia Abbreviations Abundiz, Lorenzo stodoghe Abundiz sta_plfc Plea for Crates dogtrati Accomodations Acting, animal actitric Be a star Adjustment pusoanad Adjustment Adoption selecons Adopting Aggression, signs of behapost Aggression Agility actiagil Agility Air travel dogtrati Airlines dogsorga AKC Canine Good Citizen akcagoct Canine Good Citizen AKC Novice akcobeno Novice AKC Obedience akobgein Obedience AKC Open akcobeop pufithrl AKC registration AKC Utility akcobeut Utility American Bred akcdogsh American Bred Anatomy doanpotb Anatomy Anxiety, separation behaprob Separation anxiety Appetite, loss of healdise Loss of appetite Aptitude test, puppy puptemte Puppy Aptitude Test Ascarids (roundworms) healpara Ascarids Assistance dogs serassdo Assistance Dogs Backpacking acotdosp Backpacking Balls pupbaseq Barking (1) behaprob Barking Barking (2) putegoma Barking Basic obedience pupbasob Basic obedience Bathing grotheba Beds, dog pupbaseq Dog kennel: Behavior, chains of actitric Behavior chains Behavior, changes healdang Behavior change Behavior, postures behapost Behaviors Behavior, problems behaprob Problems Best of Breed akcdogsh Best of Breed class Best in Show akcdogsh Best in Show Biting behaprob Biting Bloat healdise Bloat Blow drying grotheba Blow drying Body, parts of doanpotb Parts of the Body Bomb detection, training serpoldo Bomb sniffing Bones pupbaseq Bones and chews Bordatella, description healdise Bordatella Bordatella shots healvacc Bordatella Bowls pupbaseq Bowls: Breed groups, AKC akcbrecl Breed classification Breed rescue selecons Rescue dogs Breed selection pufithrb Right breed Breed standard akcdogsh Official standard Breeder referral pufithrl Breeder referra Brindle doancoco Brindle Brisket doanpotb Brisket Bristle brush grotheco Bristle brush Broad jump akcobeop Exercise 6: Brushes grotheco Brushes Brushing teeth greatean Teeth: Bumps, under skin healdang Bumps: Canine Companions serassdo Canine Companions Canine Good Citizen akcagoct Canine Good Citizen Canis, genus dog_tidb Canis Car sickness dogtrati Carsickness Car travel dogtrati Car travel Carbamates healflea Carbamates Carting actpulsp Carting: pusoanad Challenging behavior behalead Natural challenge Champion akcdogsh AKC Champion Chew toys pupbaseq Toys: Chewing behaprob Chewing Choosing a breed pufithrb Right breed Choosing a puppy puptemte Selection Clean-up products pupbaseq Handy stuff Coat, care grotheco Some tips Coat colors doancoco Coat colors Coat, dull healdang Dull coat grotheco foreign matter Collars pupbaseq Collar: Collars, flea healflea Flea collars Comb, flea healflea Flea combing Combs grotheco toothed comb Come! pupbasob Come: Condition, loss of healdang Loss of condition Conditioning, coursing actilure Physical conditioning Conformation akcdogsh Conformation Contracts, new puppy pufithrl Contract Cough healdang Cough: Coursing, lure actilure Lure coursing Coursing, open field actilure Open Field Coursing Cow hocks dog_move Cow hocks: Crabbing dog_move Crabbing: Crate training pupphous Crate training Crates in car sta_plfc Crates Croup doanpotb Croup Cysts healdang Cysts Danger signs, health healdang Danger signs Day care, dog dog_tidb Day care De-tangler grotheco De-tangler Dessicants healflea Dessicants Development, stages of pusoanad Development Dewclaws greatean Dewclaws Dewlap doanthhe Dewlap Diarrhea healdang Diarrhea: Digging behaprob Digging: Discipline behadisc Discipline Distemper healdise Distemper Dog house pupbaseq Dog house: Dog pen pupbaseq Outdoor enclosure: Dominance behaviors behapost Behaviors: Dominance challenges behalead Natural challenge Dominance, rules behapsyc Rules Don't touch! (Leave it!) putegoma Don't touch Down! pupbasob Down: Down, long (3 min) akcobeno Long down: Down, long (5 min) akcobeop Exercise 7: Drying, after bath grotheba Dysplasia, hip healdise Hip dysplasia Ear care greatean Ears: Ear mites healpara Ear mites Ears, types doganaea Ectropion healdise Ectropion Entropion healdise Entropion Equipment, agility actiagil Obstacles Equipment, basic pupbaseq Equipment Eyelid, abnormalities healdise Entropion/Ectropion Facts, fascinating dog_tidb Fascinating facts Faults, movement dog_move Common faults Fear period pusoanad Fear period Fear, signs of behapost Fever healdang Fever: Figure 8 akcobeno Exercise 2: Flea control healflea Flea control Flea lifecycle healflea Life cycle Flea collars healflea impregnated flea collars Flea shampoo (1) grotheba Flea shampoo Flea shampoo (2) healflea flea shampoo Flews doanthhe Flews Foggers healflea Foggers should Food, new dog pupbaseq Dog food: dog_move Gaits Genus, Canis dog_tidb Canis Give! putegoma Give: Good Citizen, Canine akcagoct Canine Good Citizen Grease in coat grotheba Grease Grooming, coat grotheco Grooming Grooming, bath grotheba greatean Grooming Grooming, poodles grotheco Poodles Grooming, terriers grotheco Terriers: Grooming tools grotheco Tools Group competition akcdogsh Group Competition: Guide Dogs, general info segudftb Guide Dogs straagdp Raising Hair loss healdang Hair loss: Harlequin doancoco Harlequin Head, parts of doanthhe Hearing dogs serassdo Hearing dogs Heartworm healpara Heartworms Heel! pupbasob (Heel) akcobeno Exercise 4: Hepatitis healdise Hepatitis Herding actiherd Herding Herding group, AKC akcbrecl Herding group Heroes, dog stodoghe Heroes Hiking with dogs acotdosp Hiking Hip Dysplasia healdise Hip Dysplasia doanpotb Hotel policies dogtrati Motel policies Hound group, AKC akcbrecl Hound group Housebreaking pupphous Housebreaking Housing pupbaseq Dog kennel: Hypothyroidism healdise Hypothyroidism Identification pupbaseq Pet ID tag: Innoculations healvacc Vaccinations Insect Growth Regulators healflea Insecticides healflea Insecticides Instinct, herding actiherd herding instinct International travel dogtrati International Itching, severe healdang Itching, severe: Judging, dog shows akcdogsh AKC judging Jumping, AKC Open akcobeop Jumping, AKC Utility akcobeut Exercise 5: Jumping, directed akcobeut Directed Jumping Jumping up (1) behaprob Jumping up: Jumping up (2) putegoma Jumping up K-9 teams serpoldo Kennel, air pupbaseq Dog kennel: Kennel, in car sta_plfc Vari-Kennel Kennel, getting used to putegoma In Your Kennel: Kennel, housebreaking pupphous Crate training: Kennel cough healdise Acute tracheobronchitis Leadership behalead Leadership Leave it! putegoma Leave it Leptospirosis healdise Leptospirosis healpara doanpotb Lure coursing actilure Lure coursing Lyme disease healdise Lyme disease Male vs.female adoption selecons Male or female? Mange healpara Mange mites Manners, teaching putegoma Manners Miscellaneous group, AKC akcbrecl Miscellaneous Mites healpara Mites Mixed breed selecons Merle doancoco Merle Motel policies dogtrati Motel policies Motivational training pupbasob Motivational Mounting behapost Mounting Movement dog_move Movement Moving stand and exam akcobeut Exercise 4: Mutts selecons Muzzle doanthhe Muzzle: Nail care greatean Nails: Nail clippers greatean Guillotine serpoldo Narcotics Nematodes healflea Nematodes Neutering, benefits hespanne Neutering Non-sporting group, AKC akcbrecl Non-sporting group Novice, obedience akcobeno Novice Novice, conformation akcdogsh Novice: Obedience, AKC akobgein Obedience Obedience, AKC Novice akcobeno Obedience Obedience, AKC Open akcobeop Obedience Obedience, AKC Utility akcobeut Obedience Obedience, basic pupbasob Obedience Obedience, puppy pupbasob Obedience Obstacles, agility actiagil Obstacles Occiput doanthhe Occiput putegoma Older dogs, adoption selecons Older dog vs. Puppy Open (Conformation) akcdogsh Open: Open (Obedience) akcobeop Organophosphates healflea Organophosphates healdise Paddling dog_move Paddling: healdang Tender Spots: Paint in coat grotheba Paint Paper training pupphous Paper Parks, dog dog_tidb Dog parks Pastern doanpotb Pastern healdise Pain in the stifle joint Pedigree pufithrl Pedigree? Pen, dog pupbaseq Outdoor enclosure: Personality test puptemte Test for puppies Pet shop puppies pufithrl Pet shops Pfaffenberger, Clarence puptemte Pfaffenberger Play posture behapost Play posture: Police dogs serpoldo Police dogs Pounding dog_move Pounding: Program (TM) healflea New Anti-Flea Drug healdise Protection training serpoldo Protection training Psychology, canine behapsyc Psychology Pulling putegoma Don't Pull: Puppy mills pufithrl Puppy mills Puppy shots healvacc Puppy Shots: Puppy test puptemte Test for puppies Pyrethrins healflea Pyrethrins Questions for breeders pufithrl Quiet! putegoma Quiet: Rabies, description healdise Rabies: Rabies shots healvacc Rabies Rawhide pupbaseq pressed rawhide Recall exercise akcobeno Exercise 5: Repellent, dog pupbaseq Repellents Rescue dogs selecons Rescue dogs Retrieving, AKC Open akcobeop Retrieve Rewards, principles behapsyc Reward Rewards, basic obedience pupbasob Reward putegoma Treat pusoanad Reward Rewards, baby adjustment dogandba Reward doancoco Roundworm healpara Roundworms Sable doancoco Sable Sarcoptic mange healpara Sarcoptic mange Scent actitrac How Scent Works Scent discrimination akcobeut Exercise 2: Schutzhund, tracking actitrac Scooting on rear end healdang Scooting actitrac Seizures healdang Seizures Selecting a breed pufithrb Right Breed Selecting a puppy puptemte Helps match Separation anxiety behaprob Separation Anxiety: Service dogs, for blind segudftb Guide dogs Service dogs, other serassdo Trained dogs Shampooing grotheba Shampoo, flea (1) grotheba Flea shampoo Shampoo, flea (2) healflea Flea shampoo Shedding blade grotheco Shedding blade Shelter dogs selecons Rescue dogs Shots healvacc Shots Shots, costs doreanre Puppy package Shows, dog akcdogsh Shows, dog on-line dog_tidb Dog Show Info Showing, dogs akcdogsh Showing Showing, movement dog_move Sickle hocks dog_move Sickle Hocks: Sighthound actilure Sighthounds Signal exercise akcobeut Exercise 1: pupbasob Sit, long (1 min) akcobeno Exercise 6: Sit, long (3 min) akcobeop Exercise 7: Skijoring actpulsp Skijoring: Skull doanthhe Skull Skunk grotheco Skunk Sledding actpulsp Sledding: Slicker brush grotheco Slicker brush Slipped stifle healdise Pain in the stifle joint Snacks pupbaseq Treats: Sniffing behapost Sniffing: Social assistance dogs serassdo Social dogs Socialization pusoanad Puppies: Sound sensitivity puptemte Sound sensitivity Spaying, benefits hespanne Spaying Speak! putegoma Speak Sporting group, AKC akcbrecl Sporting group Stand! pupbasob Stand: Stand for Exam akcobeno Exercise 3: Stand, moving akcobeut Exercise 4: Stay! (Wait!) pupbasob Wait: Stifle doanpotb Stifle Stockdog trials actiherd Stockdog Program Stomach pain healdang Stomach pain: doanthhe Structure dog_move Structure Structure, evaluating pupevast Structure Structure, puppy pupevast Structure Styptic powder greatean Styptic powder Submissive behaviors behapost Submissive behaviors: Submissive urination behaprob Submissive urination: Symptoms, disease healdise Symptoms Tangles grotheco Tangles: Tapeworm healpara Tapeworms Teeth, care greatean Teeth: Temperament test puptemte Temperament testing Temperature, taking healdang Temperature Termites and dogs dog_tidb Termites Terrier group, AKC akcbrecl Terrier group Test, puppy temperament puptemte Therapy dogs serthedo Therapy dogs Thyroid problems healdise Hypothyroidism Ticks healpara Ticks Ticks, Lyme disease healdise Lyme disease Titles, AKC obedience akobgein AKC Obedience Titles: Touch sensitivity puptemte Touch sensitivity healflea Toxicity Toy group, AKC akcbrecl Toy group Toys pupbaseq Toys: Tracking actitrac Tracking Travel dogtrati Travel Treats pupbaseq Treats: pupbasob Obedience Training, dominant dogs behalead Dominant dogs Training, manners putegoma Teaching Training, AKC obedience akobgein Preparing for Obedience Training, puppies pupbasob Obedience Training, tricks actitric Three Ways to Train Tri-color doancoco Tri-color Tricks actitric Tricks! Trivia dog_tidb Tidbits Tumors healdang Tumors Urination, submissive behaprob Submissive Urination: Urination, unusual healdang Urination Utility akcobeut Utility Vacationing with dog dogtrati Travel Vaccinations healvacc Vaccinations healflea Vacuuming Volhard, Jack and Wendy puptemte Volhard Vomiting healdang Vomiting Von Willebrand's disease healdise Von Willebrand's Wait! (Stay!) pupbasob Wait: Warts healdang Warts Weight Pulling actpulsp Weight Pulling: Winners Dog/Bitch akcdogsh Winners Dog Withers doanpotb Withers Witmer-Tyson Imports serpoldo Witmer-Tyson Wolf hybrids wolfhybr Wolf hybrids Working group, AKC akcbrecl Working group Worming healvacc Worming: Worms healpara Worms BP$P$P$P$ P2P$P$P$1 +**e` /[*harH 3uaZ*r 027=; =7112 j/q// jsj@@BC FEsj@@ ?;?+]f pjqwI soops <1 :6= ?==>>> =5=>>>> 77=><017 C@C_C_// o/qlC =INFO Main Card-5SCRP on openCard global bookDirPrefix, curDirPrefix, rowSavers put bookDirPrefix into curDirPrefix put item 5 of rowSavers into savedRow put first item of hilitedRows of card picklist "Book List" into curRow if savedRow <> curRow then -- Things are not as we left them. unhilite card picklist "Book List" hilite row savedRow of card picklist "Book List" end if send getFileBook to card picklist "Book List" send hideYourself to bg button id 10 -- "Picture " send hideYourself to bg button id 8 -- "Text" hide bg button id 19 -- "Print" hide bg bitmap "Print Up" hide bg button "Puppy Test" hide bg bitmap "puptest up" pass openCard end openCard on closeCard send showYourself to bg button id 10 -- "Picture " send showYourself to bg button id 8 -- "Text" show bg button id 19 -- "Print" show bg bitmap "Print Up" pass closeCard end closeCard Print Updata bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb LL<<<< <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< << 12 then set the vertical scrollLine of me to theRow-2 put cell theRow,2 of me into curFileDog end if end getFileBook on getBookTable -- Read the "books.lst" file and put it into this picklist. -- This message is only used during development; it will never be -- called in the production version. global filePath set cursor to watch put filePath & "books.lst" into idxTable open file idxTable repeat with idx=1 to 500 read from file idxTable until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it after tempHolder put "book-" & idx end repeat delete the last character of tempHolder put tempHolder into me close file idxTable end getBookTable MOCELL10 Agility, Flyball, Frisbee, Games Behavior & Training (A-C) Behavior & Training (D-H) Behavior & Training (I-Z) Behavior & Training (Audio/Video) Breeding, Whelping, and Genetics California Dog Owners - Special Interest Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Dog Groups Kennel Building & Managing Of Special Interest to Children Showing & Judging (Conformation) Sledding, Carting & Northern Lore American Pit Bull Terrier American Staffordshire Terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Collie (Rough and Smooth) Fox Terrier (Wire and Smooth) German Shorthaired Pointer German Wirehaired Pointer Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Staffordshire Bull Terrier West Highland White Terrier Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Ordering Information intro___ agflfrga Animal Rescue & Adoption anreanad Backpacking backpack beantrac beantrdh beantriz beantrav brwhange cadoowsp Careers With Pets carwitpe Dog Law dog_law_ Dogs that Serve Mankind dothhema enhadogr Fiction fiction_ Fiction - Mysteries fictmyst Gazehounds / Sighthounds sighthou Grooming grooming Guard Dogs & Schutzhund gudoansc Health Care healcare Herding herding_ Humor humor___ Hunting hunting_ kebuanma Name Books namebook Nutrition & General Care nuangeca ofspintc Pet Loss pet_loss Potpourri & Gift Books poangibo Selecting a Dog seleadog shanjuco Sighthounds / Gazehounds sighthou slcaannl Software software Stock Dogs herding_ Tracking tracking Traveling with your Dog trwiyodo Veterinary Texts vetetext Wolves and Wild Dogs woanwido Affenpinscher affenpin Afghan Hound afghhoun Airedale Terrier aireterr Akita akita___ Alaskan Malamute alasmala American Bulldog amerbull American Eskimo amereski American Foxhound amerfoxh ampibute amestate American Water Spaniel amewatsp Anatolian Shepherd anatshep Australian Cattle Dog auscatdo Australian Kelpies austkelp Australian Shepherd austshep Australian Silky Terrier aussilte Australian Terrier austterr Basenji basenji_ Basset Hound basshoun Beagle beagle__ Bearded Collie bearcoll Beauceron no_books Bedlington Terrier bedlterr Belgian Malinois belgmali Belgian Sheepdog belgshee Belgian Tervuren belgterv Bernese Mountain Dog bermoudo Bichon Frise bichfris Black and Tan Coonhound blantaco Bloodhound bloodhou Border Collie bordcoll Border Terrier bordterr Borzoi borzoi__ Boston Terrier bostterr Bouvier des Flandres boudesfl Boxer boxer___ Briard briard__ Brittany brittany Brussels Griffon brusgrif Bulldog bulldog_ Bullmastiff bullmast Bull Terrier bullterr Cairn Terrier cairterr Canaan Dog canadog_ Cardigan Welsh Corgi carwelco cakichsp Cesky Terrier no_books Chesapeake Bay Retriever chebayre Chihuahua chihuahu Chinese Crested chincres Chinese Shar-Pei chishape Chow Chow chowchow Clumber Spaniel clumspan Cocker Spaniel cockspan coroansm Coonhound, Black and Tan blantaco Curly-Coated Retriever curcoare Dachshund dachshun Dalmatian dalmatia Dandie Dinmont Terrier dandinte Doberman Pinscher dobepins Dogo Argentino no_books Dogue de Bordeaux no_books English Bulldog bulldog_ English Cocker Spaniel engcocsp English Foxhound englfoxh English Setter englsett English Springer Spaniel engsprsp English Toy Spaniel engtoysp Eskimo Dog eskidog_ Field Spaniel fielspan Fila Brasileiro filabras Finnish Spitz finnspit Flat-Coated Retriever flacoare Foxhound foxhound fotewias French Bulldog frenbull Gazehounds sighthou German Shepherd Dog gershedo gershopo gerwirpo Giant Schnauzer gianschn Glen of Imaal Terrier no_books Golden Retriever goldretr Gordon Setter gordsett Great Dane greadane Great Pyrenees greapyre grswmodo Greyhound greyhoun Harrier harrier_ Hovawart no_books Ibizan Hound ibizhoun Irish Setter irissett Irish Terrier iristerr Irish Water Spaniel iriwatsp Irish Wolfhound iriswolf Israeli Canaan Dog canadog_ Italian Greyhound italgrey Jack Russell Terrier jacruste Japanese Chin japachin Keeshond keeshond Kerry Blue Terrier kerblute Komondor komondor Kuvasz kuvasz__ Labrador Retriever labrretr Lakeland Terrier laketerr Leonberger no_books Lhasa Apso lhasapso localedo Lurcher lurcher_ Maltese maltese_ Manchester Terrier mancterr Mastiff mastiff_ Miniature Bull Terrier minbulte Miniature Pinscher minipins Miniature Schnauzer minischn Neapolitan Mastiff neapmast Newfoundland newfound Norfolk Terrier norfterr Norwegian Elkhound norwelkh Norwegian Lundehund norwlund Norwich Terrier norwterr noscdutr Old English Sheepdog oldengsh Otterhound otterhou Papillon papillon Pekingese pekinges Pembroke Welsh Corgi pemwelco pebagrve Pharoah Hound pharhoun Pointer pointer_ Polish Lowland Sheepdog pollowsh Pomeranian pomerani Poodle stanpood Portugese Water Dog porwatdo pug_____ puli____ Rhodesian Ridgeback rhodridg Rottweiler rottweil St. Bernard st__bern Saluki saluki__ Samoyed samoyed_ Schipperke schipper Scottish Deerhound scotdeer Scottish Terrier scotterr Sealyham Terrier sealterr Setters setters_ Sheepdogs - Rare Breeds sherarbr shetshee Shiba shiba___ Shih Tzu shihtzu_ Siberian Husky sibehusk Sighthounds sighthou Silky Terrier silkterr Skye Terrier skyeterr socowhte stabulte Standard Poodle stanpood Standard Schnauzer stanschn Sussex Spaniel sussspan Terriers terriers Tibetan Mastiff tibemast Tibetan Spaniel tibespan Tibetan Terrier tibeterr no_books Toy Fox Terrier toyfoxte Vizsla vizsla__ Weimaraner weimaran Welsh Corgi pemwelco Welsh Springer Spaniel welsprsp Welsh Terrier welsterr wehiwhte Whippet whippet_ wirpoigr Yorkshire Terrier yorkterr putNAME Dog CaptionSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, capDirSuffix, textExt, curDirPrefix show me if me is empty then put filePath & curDirPrefix & capDirSuffix & curFileDog & textExt into dogFile open file dogFile repeat with idx=1 to 500 --put idx read from file dogFile until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it into line idx of me end repeat close file dogFile end if end showYourself This book list is provided courtesy of 4-M Enterprises, Inc. To order books by phone, call (800) 487-9867. To order by mail, click on the "Print Order Form" button below (make sure your computer is connected to a printer). For product inquiries or current pricing, call (510) 489-8722.TAIL Print Order FormSCRP on mouseUp show card bitmap "Print Up" hide card bitmap "Print Down" push this card lock screen print card "Order Form" pop card end mouseUp on mouseDown show card bitmap "Print Down" hide card bitmap "Print Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show card bitmap "Print Down" hide card bitmap "Print Up" else show card bitmap "Print Up" hide card bitmap "Print Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown BP$P$P$P$ P2P$P$P$1 +**e` /[*harH 3uaZ*r 7 zzMs sm]os <1 :6= ?==>>> =5= ' >>>>> 77=><017 oo6oooj C@C_C_// mlmpo o/qlC @INFO Exact Colorscard field id 1data "Complete Guide to Dogs" requires that your monitor be set to exactly 256 colors. Please make that change and start again.TAIL OKSCRP on mouseUp set cursor to watch send quit to stack end mouseUp CINFO Help CardSCRP on openCard hide bg button id 4 hide bg bitmap "Prev Up" show bg button id 1 show bg bitmap "Next Up" if the platform is "Macintosh" then show card field id 19 hide card field id 21 else show card field id 21 hide card field id 19 end if pass openCard end openCard bitmap id 1data 87/7/7 77/7/ t]]Jt] S]1&F2>&>2%1& /uxD/ /uxD/ jEaS^ +++JJa+aaJ+++ xxxxxxxxx 22J++JJ2 aJ++Ja++ aa+++J+ ++++++ 11ii& C/ooo oooso jjjjjjjjjj ooooo xoxxoo F))^( ^)o1) )))1^ >>))^ +GxF^FJFoF $VuWtt 7NONO6% 6DD.. 7777f%x &11^^) )1^o11>> }+v|y j/jj j/jjj +u|xWMg jjjjj ////// 7//7//7//7 |SSr0 ojoooo //T+?,,/, SZ"Sy /CC%^ /Sx!W xx|yW+ +xxxxxx xxxxxxx K3KJ;C:; *bx(; ID8gI ojooo E+nn5 HH5056 1IIbz1 BB?:?: S&?~.i /Ynj66 (Xnn~z~~ +ST/W iqnnn ~nnnn 3,3,# ~nY8" /h{0r aHHHHaaHH 0aHHHGHHGHaHG0 0H0HH` yG5"MMMMM &()&) PLC>Bsx)P()B ooooo (:(:kkkjprqqjQ r()}):j(MjU Urj(BkT# rGjB?jX T4O7, {z-VC J1e}YD.rv {'{D. XXXCXXJ DUXXd iX[XX }r7[iiX}[C XX\XXD :w2TtkAM-. 1Fll]2 %]]Jx fffff fffMf fffffffMMf MMMMMMMfff 2222222 JJJJJJJ2 22JJJJJJ2JJ2J2J222J JJJJJJ2 JJJJJJJ22 2JJJJJJ2 5QI:k jxW I 2^82x ojoox j/@a0 jo/@p ]7BI" 7BI"^ 0/27J oP5rp jxW I ^87/x kjq:x^k &kk<2 ]7BI" "MfMfMf" "MfMfMf" ojojo +++++ ++++Jaa+aa ++++++++++ jljjj C_oooo B(m(mB m((((((m mm(B(B(B(m m(B((( mmm((m mm((mm(B(B B((m(((mm((mm ooqoD x>x>x>1) Y7njl ^o?]& oojooooj )Jm1) ooojo x&>B?( ltJ/jE 0/B-Y ooooo Eo^/j k6kM]lD poooo 1%%]E F)^(?( jjjjj ooooo ooooo >GGGF o@@@/ 3tn4n(6}\ jooqqoooj (.~.hR oJo%^G E,E/oj B nyJ o@oooo >?XSx jjj/j &{WuSaD ixVZ# Jjjr [>GD[x xxxxx xx^oxx^ox field id 2data Click on a grey folder tab to move to the named screen. The current screen is indicated by the colored tab.TAIL shape id 3TAIL shape id 4TAIL shape id 5TAIL shape id 6TAIL shape id 7TAIL shape id 8TAIL INFO field id 9data The "down" button indicates what you are currently seeing. Click the "up" button to see the item indicated by the name of the button. Some breeds and articles have a single accompan- ying "Big Picture", others have a slide show . Some articles have a movie in place of the small picture. The names of these buttons will change according to what's available.TAIL shape id 10TAIL field id 11data Click on a name to see information about that breed or article. After the name, an "(S)" means there is an accompanying slide show, an "(M)" means there is a movie.TAIL shape id 12TAIL field id 13data Click here to print the current text (make sure your computer is connected to a printer). The pictures can't be printed.TAIL shape id 14TAIL field id 15data Click here to go to a questionnaire that will help you find the best dog for you.TAIL button id 17SCRP on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card "Questionnaire Help" unlock screen with visual effect blinds down fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp field id 19data Hold down the option key and double-click on any word. If that word appears in the index, you will automatically be taken to the index and shown the article or breed description that explains that word.TAIL shape id 20TAIL field id 21data Hold down the alt key and double-click on any word. If that word appears in the index, you will automatically be taken to the index and shown the article (or breed description) that explains that word.TAIL General HelpTAIL DINFO Selector Checkcard Comparison Tabledata MOCELL10 Looks medium medium medium medium short short short short Barking not ok average average average average Training advanced very easy very easy very easy very easy Exercise moderate moderate moderate moderate moderate Grooming v. little v. little v. little v. little v. little Prof. Grooming Docking not ok Novice owner Dominance (primary c.g.) Dominance (2ndary c.g.) Friendliness reserved Independence v. indep. independ. independ. independ. independ. Children older/eld. older older older older Other Pets frm ppyhd frm ppyhd frm ppyhd frm ppyhd Outdoor Space average average average average average Climate moderate Handicapped Assistance blind blind blind blind Jogging v. good v. good v. good v. good Hunting Sighting Tracking Retrieving Pointing Herding Watchdog Guarding Companion Dog Search & Rescue Water Rescue Guide for the Blind Snow Sledding Carting Weight Pulling Agility Lure Coursing Competitive Obedience Schutzhund Tricks Attribute Ideal Dog Chesap Chesap Englis Kerry Match Listdata MOCELL10 Collie (Rough and Smooth) (S) Curly-Coated Retriever (S) Canaan Dog (S) canadog_ Cardigan Welsh Corgi carwelco Shetland Sheepdog shetshee American Eskimo amereski Schipperke schipper Pomeranian pomerani puli____ Pembroke Welsh Corgi pemwelco Australian Cattle Dog auscatdo Shiba (S) shiba___ Border Collie (S) bordcoll German Shepherd Dog (S) gershedo Belgian Malinois (S) belgmali Belgian Tervuren belgterv Beauceron beaucero Belgian Sheepdog belgshee Basenji basenji_ Australian Shepherd (S) austshep Bearded Collie (S) bearcoll Irish Terrier iristerr Manchester Terrier (Toy) manterto Scottish Terrier scotterr French Bulldog frenbull Chow Chow chowchow Welsh Terrier welsterr coroansm Norwegian Elkhound norwelkh Chinese Shar-Pei (S) chishape Chesapeake Bay Retriever chebayre Samoyed samoyed_ Keeshond keeshond Weimaraner weimaran Tibetan Spaniel tibespan Miniature Poodle minipood Bichon Frise bichfris Sealyham Terrier sealterr Beagle beagle__ Bull Terrier bullterr Skye Terrier skyeterr pug_____ Tibetan Terrier tibeterr Lakeland Terrier laketerr Chinese Crested chincres Akita akita___ Labrador Retriever labrretr tosa____ Border Terrier bordterr Dachshund (S) dachshun Fox Terrier (Smooth) foxtersm Australian Terrier austterr Whippet (S) whippet_ Pekingese pekinges American Water Spaniel amewatsp Shih Tzu shihtzu_ Cocker Spaniel cockspan Maltese maltese_ Bouvier des Flandres boudesfl Miniature Pinscher minipins Toy Poodle toy_pood curcoare EINFO Order Formcard bitmap id 1data 36cc3 c3c3cc DuAU@ EUMU@ ZGG M5""" yG!+zt! 4*?!4* 4!40; 4??00 4?*66 44?*6 jjjjjj jjjjj MWIa+/ 55"5M "5f5M 5""5" 55f55 5"55"5f t>i1k MR"e:" +[kmJu S(llW !`145 {~~(, 3^?+jj ++mWB^ GGum++aa++ +fMfM C6F6^ FFFFEE^^ ?;44; shape id 2TAIL field id 3data Click here when you have answered all the questions and want to see a list of the best dogs for you.TAIL shape id 4TAIL field id 5data Click here to return to the main screen without finding a new set of "Top Dogs".TAIL shape id 6TAIL field id 7data Click on any "?" button to see more detailed information about that question.TAIL shape id 8TAIL INFO field id 9data Click here to move to the next screen of the questionnaire.TAIL button id 10SCRP on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card "Comparison Help" unlock screen with visual effect blinds up fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp button id 11SCRP on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card "Help Card" unlock screen with visual effect blinds up fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp field id 12data This section asks various questions about what you want in a dog, your lifestyle, what activities you will want to do with your dog, etc. There are five pages; you can use the tabs to answer the questions in any order, or use the "More" button to move through them sequentially.TAIL The QuestionnaireTAIL HINFO Help Backgroundbkgd Next DownEXTI ddata """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo """Mooo Next UpEXTI ddata bbbbb bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbb bbbbb xxxbbbb bbbbbbb SSff55 NextSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy show bg bitmap "Next Up" hide bg bitmap "Next Down" set cursor to myBusy lock screen go next card unlock screen with visual effect blinds down fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Next Down" hide bg bitmap "Next Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Next Down" hide bg bitmap "Next Up" else show bg bitmap "Next Up" hide bg bitmap "Next Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL Prev UpEXTI ddata bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb //000 50J45 N//*a bbybbby SSfz05 Prev DownEXTI ddata oooM""" oooM""" //000 MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM""" N//*a oooM""" <<<<< PrevSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy show bg bitmap "Prev Up" hide bg bitmap "Prev Down" set cursor to myBusy lock screen go prev card unlock screen with visual effect blinds up fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Prev Down" hide bg bitmap "Prev Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Prev Down" hide bg bitmap "Prev Up" else show bg bitmap "Prev Up" hide bg bitmap "Prev Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL OK DownEXTI ddata """Mooo [ZWWW """Mooo WO555 ZZZFW """Mooo WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 OK UpEXTI ddata bbbbbbb [ZWWW WO555 ZZZFW WGGGXWP HHKKT H5555 HHH*54 INFO Return to MainSCRP on mouseUp global readOnly, myBusy show bg bitmap "OK Up" hide bg bitmap "OK Down" set cursor to myBusy lock screen pop card if readOnly and the short name of this background is "The Main Background" then send restoreMode to this background end if unlock screen with visual effect wipe up in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "OK Down" hide bg bitmap "OK Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "OK Down" hide bg bitmap "OK Up" else show bg bitmap "OK Up" hide bg bitmap "OK Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TTAIL field id 8EXTI TTAIL bTAIL JINFO Comparison HelpSCRP on openCard show bg button id 4 show bg bitmap "Prev Up" show bg button id 1 show bg bitmap "Next Up" pass openCard end openCard bitmap id 1data /)8>8 /uxD/ /uxD/ o>)2o Ja2aaa xxxxxxxxx 22J++JJ2 aJ++Ja++ aa+++J+ ++++++ 11111 jjjjjjjj oooso jjjjjjj /jjjjjj jjjjjjjjjj xooxxooxo xxxxx >^^^J11o^mxmo^^]/ +GxF^FJFoF >>)1&)^( ^11F( W7D{W tttqt i[GrB# JJooomSm^DDoE &?^)))) Tj~jUj j/jj j/jjj l>/y'+|y ydxjB ///7/ /77//7/7 66/R( Z*"""nmS Z""qy jojjo yx|P+x( S||x(x )xx#- l^%.4 xU2gC 22^u] >+(o?m J2o221 Dlx^%^^l Dlx^D^ol+ x#;?C QyxU;G# f1aHubzb HHH0H0 ---[' %::() ;TC#xxo z]bab buIua """""" >+xqx )%DDDDD qf8fq b0u1H za0"0 [Ci#) ;Cf[jCC H1zbzbzu bIbbI 0H0HHHH\az :k/fI rX@WP R=,*-C?.bt] 2t]22 T[X,bl]2 5"""""0bbb ^>tw>7 a-|>J R[CXVlt] f1b]1v a0a11vII HIbzIH1 f"IbI H51IHbbbabbHbzH a1HzDbHaHb0 k}Px) |y=e* >x.E2G ;C:;R ^ijZZ .RKx) "-k&1{ul] Ov2*x|3R\.3xv XUi-) VqC;#v\ n%:Vi: 0zIHz1aIaIa a0H00"H Px|y)"?: j:C;#?C ")"h:F CjyCK b1b1a1abv1IH1H MaHba IDHIb]zbbHH1 zHaz0az00" HaHaH 0zIHa zba0bHb 0IaHb 0aa0HaHa0HHH0zzaH\auzHb N5Ha0 zzIzbbI\1zb abbbbHa0za0H0bbabHb0a0 x:ZRUigjU[ #|Cji;#n[j;| Q[rqj?m yUj;C2RCU m)#SCg@ -DN.O 2B6T8wPbP aaaxaa x22JJ ooooo jpjpj a)):)):)):)):)):)):) )):)):)):)):)) 1):):)):): :):)):)): 1)):)):) :)):))): :)):)): :):):):+: :)):)) 1):)):)):)):)):)):)):)): 1)):)):)):)):)):)):)):))) w1pqm ^QI2x\&^ ;jo/@p &kDk&^v A&N;2o2;w2 mJaq/ J+WB2 7SxaI2 /82^/+ joojo J+++a+ ++++++++ ++++++ jljjj C_oooo B(m(mB m(B(B((m mm(B(B(B(m m(B((( mmm((3 mm((mm(B(B B((m(((mm((mm ooqoD x>x>x>1) Y7njl ^o?]& oojooooj )Jm1) ooojo x&>B?( ltJ/jE -Y+sp ooooo Eo^/j PM]lD poooo 1%%]E F)^(?( jjjjj ooooo ooooo >GGGF o@@@/ 3HY1@ oJo%^G E,E/oj B nyJ o@oooo >?XSx jjj/j &{WuSaD ixVZ# %Jjjj oooooo xxxxx xx^oxx^ox field id 3data In addition to the description and pictures, this screen gives you the chance to see a concise comparison of your questionnaire answers with the corresponding attributes of various breeds.TAIL shape id 4TAIL field id 5data This column shows your answers to the questionnaire.TAIL field id 7data When you click on a breed, its attributes are shown in the next available column of the table. When all four columns are filled, the next breed goes into the first column again.TAIL shape id 8TAIL INFO shape id 9TAIL shape id 10TAIL field id 11data These four columns show the attributes of the breeds you select.TAIL shape id 12TAIL field id 13data You can print the comparison table, too.TAIL field id 14data After you have gone through the questionnaire, this will contain a sorted list of the best dogs for you. The scores on the right are always out of a possible 100; the higher the score, the better match the dog is for you.TAIL shape id 15TAIL button id 16SCRP on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy lock screen go card "Questionnaire Help" unlock screen with visual effect blinds down fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp shape id 2TAIL field id 17data Click on the small "?" button to see what the letters for the "Looks" attribute mean.TAIL shape id 18TAIL shape id 19TAIL field id 20data Click here to go to the questionnaire and get your personalized list of the best dogs for you.TAIL shape id 21TAIL shape id 6TAIL Top DogsTAIL KINFO Movie Bar HelpSCRP on openCard show bg button id 4 show bg bitmap "Prev Up" hide bg button id 1 hide bg bitmap "Next Up" pass openCard end openCard bitmap id 7data %D""% //// ..0 = 55 14645=> jojsj #m/oo ,47 7666 >>375 $X$B@ '^Ej/ osooo oppmjo b@'"! 7>!,C j#&)83#qqi //j/jEB_ .>..7.=1 oo\\loE jsljj @oooo ,7X %C^XCX 7777 ^F>%X ojjpo vq/rv ==- >"2> jsjjlmjo E/F^j 4: 3:9'$ ojjj3oo\ oooos @CEEjj oolqq :<7777 3 5 o/mls soooo jjjpmm oooso oooos \joss oj\3\\ oj@@@@\\\ @\@\@ 67<60 \B:4 jpjEE^F ^F^FF oqqlj C^@// F^^^^ o,@@j jjojjo oF@@jo ^CC$^ ooo/lj _^^Cj =8>5: @Eq/jC oooooo lll/pooo CE@_@ o/ooo \o\3o3o ooooo/@ ?46?76 E;?047 o\oj\ jjjojjj C@@_C oll@Fql q/E^@ 44?40 ^^^CC ;?776 ojjoo ^^A@_ /@@o/ qlljj pojoj jloo/ qnqin ooooo oplqiin ojooj F!F^F llplli ospll jojoj so\\o\ oo3oo j3\o\ s\ojs\o 6o\ojooo 3jo@qpo/qp \ojoj )\\j\ CFFa^ oojo3 CE@^CC@@ jjojojo ojojoj *o@@oo jjojo\ j33jj $jjojoojo o\\\\ oooooo ojoojo \\@\\j3 \j\j\ojo \@\v3 3jojoojj jo\@@v\ ...@]] :0>.> oj\\@\ \\\\\ @.@3oo ojojooj \joj\ 3\oj3 @..@. @o6o@\\ o\\\@ jojojo o3\Yjo 3o3\\ @ojso\ ojo\\ \\sov\ ,>0.@@ 7746? @^@C@@@/ ojooo @@@@E ooooo ooojj@ @@@jojo ooooo 0*3>>.0 ..... jooslm .'.>- ojooo > 00.s @Yooos ...@o n.... joooj @oooo joo\\ l^...@ \\2\\\ oooop jssss oonoo \\@@o ""=0>>>2ss .22...2] joooo lpooo oojooo ...@. oolqlo \joos oooo@ @loo@ lwqooqql ooooo oj@qj ojp/o @@@C@ ooojpj ooooooo ooojo ooljo @@@@@ \oojo \\\\o poooo vjsoj oooooo @BE\o @@//oosj js@\@ Clqqlo YsjsB ojoss ojjpoj ppoop E]]@C @^@@@@/ oop/o @mm\@ E^^]Cq s/mm@ osooo ooooo FB' F@i! *< * @ooojo j/_@bCf o3oY\ oojoo ooo/o @3jYj ompjo @ooop /jjj/j \soo\ m2r! 0."" jE@Ej jE^\j @@ooo o/ooo/oo soojo ooojj Y\s\\o 3joo3 ooooo \o3ss jjjjj/j@ pjllj \E\Ej oojooj @@ooo @jplo ooops ooooo/qq @CpoC Cqooo ,o@@Co ooplps /joEj\ jlI.EC:-\ j/o@o ojojoo ^@o/q @\@C] QINFO Match List Printcard Match Listdata MOCELL10 Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen West Highland White Terrier American Eskimo amereski Canaan Dog (S) canadog_ Samoyed samoyed_ Pomeranian pomerani Finnish Spitz (S) finnspit Keeshond keeshond Shiba (S) shiba___ Chow Chow chowchow Shetland Sheepdog shetshee Miniature Poodle minipood Australian Terrier austterr Australian Shepherd (S) austshep Toy Poodle toy_pood Portugese Water Dog porwatdo puli____ Norwegian Elkhound norwelkh Cardigan Welsh Corgi carwelco Pembroke Welsh Corgi pemwelco Siberian Husky (S) sibehusk Schipperke schipper Miniature Schnauzer minischn Clumber Spaniel clumspan Chinese Shar-Pei (S) chishape Welsh Springer Spaniel welsprsp Whippet (S) whippet_ Norfolk Terrier norfterr Cairn Terrier cairterr Norwich Terrier norwterr Chinese Crested chincres Welsh Terrier welsterr Irish Terrier iristerr Papillon papillon Scottish Terrier scotterr Sealyham Terrier sealterr Border Collie (S) bordcoll English Toy Spaniel engtoysp Brussels Griffon brusgrif Maltese maltese_ Miniature Pinscher minipins Alaskan Malamute (S) alasmala Bearded Collie (S) bearcoll Irish Water Spaniel iriwatsp American Water Spaniel amewatsp Cesky Terrier ceskterr French Bulldog frenbull Akita akita___ Cocker Spaniel cockspan pebagrve Dachshund (S) dachshun English Bulldog englbull Standard Poodle stanpood Japanese Chin japachin Basenji basenji_ Lakeland Terrier laketerr wehiwhte Bichon Frise bichfris Standard Schnauzer stanschn Australian Cattle Dog auscatdo Kerry Blue Terrier kerblute Italian Greyhound italgrey field id 2data Scores are out of a possible 100.TAIL 8INFO The Main BackgroundSCRP -------------------------------------- on openBackground global currentState if currentState is not empty then send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if pass openBackground end openBackground -------------------------------------- on openCard global readOnly, currentMode -- If we're a read-only stack, check to make sure the current mode -- matches the setting of the mode buttons (by seeing if the "up" buttons -- are visible). If not, fix it. if readOnly then if currentMode = 1 then if the visible of bg bitmap id 23 is true then -- bitmap id 23 is "text up" send restoreMode to me end if else if currentMode = 2 then if the visible of bg bitmap id 24 is true then send restoreMode to me end if else if currentMode = 3 and the short name of this card is "Main Card-2" then if the visible of card bitmap id 7 is true then send restoreMode to me end if end if set cursor to Browse end if -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if pass openCard end openCard -------------------------------------- on closeCard send StopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send StopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" pass closeCard end closeCard -------------------------------------- on stateChange newState -- Called when the user moves from one card to another within the main set. -- newState=1 for the Dog List -- newState=2 for the Ranking List -- newState=3 for the Article List -- newState=4 for the Index -- newState=5 for the Book List -- newState=6 for the Credits global currentState, currentMode, userBark -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen -- These are now done from closeCard --send StopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" --send StopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" -- Mode 3 (the comparison table) is only valid on the one card, so if we're in that -- mode and we're leaving, we need to switch to text mode first. if currentMode=3 then send unhiliteYourself to card button id 2 -- "Comparisons" send hiliteYourself to bg button id 8 -- "Text" put 1 into currentMode --Text mode end if if currentState=5 then -- We're coming out of state 5, so we need to reset the currentMode if the myhilite of bg button id 8 is true then -- "Text" put 1 into currentMode else put 2 into currentMode hide bg field "Dog Info" -- JSP0597: fix for Ron's bug end if end if go card "Main Card-" & newState put newState into currentState -- Some insurance that the datasheet isn't visible. if newState=2 then hide card datasheet "Comparison Table" hide card button id 15 hide card field id 16 end if put empty into bg field "Dog Caption" put empty into bg movie "Little Movie" put empty into bg bitmap "Little Picture" put empty into bg field "Dog Info" put empty into bg movie "Slide Show" put empty into bg bitmap "Big Picture" if newState=5 then send modeChange && 5 to me send showYourself to bg field "Dog Info" else send showStuff to me end if unlock screen with visual effect blinds up in 40 ticks -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if if newState=2 then if userBark is empty then -- The user hasn't yet been to the questionnaire. popup card id 102 as dialog put "?" into userBark -- So that we don't do this again. end if end if set cursor to Browse end stateChange -------------------------------------- on modeChange newMode -- Called when the user changes what's displayed on the current card. -- The book list is a special case since there's only one mode accessible -- on that card. -- newMode=1 for text mode -- newMode=2 for picture mode -- newMode=3 for comparison table mode -- newMode=5 for the Book List global currentMode -- RMAK0597: lock screen -- moved to below for Windows kludge if currentMode=2 then -- We're coming from picture mode. -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen -- RMAK0597: moved from above for Windows kludge hide bg bitmap "Big Picture" send hideYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" hide bg field "Dog Caption" else -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" end if lock screen -- RMAK0597: moved from above for Windows kludge hide bg bitmap "Little Picture" send hideYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" hide bg field "Dog Info" if currentMode=3 then -- We're coming from comparison mode. if the short name of this card is "Main Card-2" then -- Paranoid check hide card datasheet "Comparison Table" hide card button id 15 hide card field id 16 end if end if end if put newMode into currentMode if newMode is not 5 then send showStuff to me if the platform is "Macintosh" then unlock screen with visual effect pixelDissolve in 60 ticks else unlock screen with visual effect blinds up in 40 ticks -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if set cursor to Browse end modeChange -------------------------------------- on restoreMode -- Called by openCard only when we're a read-only stack. -- Makes sure that what's displayed matches the mode we're in. global currentMode put empty into bg bitmap "Little Picture" put empty into bg movie "Little Movie" put empty into bg field "Dog Caption" put empty into bg bitmap "Big Picture" put empty into bg movie "Slide Show" put empty into bg field "Dog Info" if currentMode = 1 then send hiliteYourself to bg button id 8 send unHiliteYourself to bg button id 10 end if if currentMode = 2 then send hiliteYourself to bg button id 10 send unHiliteYourself to bg button id 8 send hideYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" hide bg bitmap "Little Picture" hide bg field "Dog Info" else -- Mode is 1 or 3 hide bg field "Dog Caption" hide bg bitmap "Big Picture" send hideYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if if the short name of this card is "Main Card-2" then if currentMode = 3 then send hiliteYourself to card button id 2 send unHiliteYourself to bg button id 8 send unHiliteYourself to bg button id 10 hide bg field "Dog Info" else send unHiliteYourself to card button id 2 hide card datasheet "Comparison Table" hide card button id 15 hide card field id 16 end if end if send showStuff to me end restoreMode -------------------------------------- on showNewDog -- Called by the various picklists when the user selects a new item. global myBusy set cursor to myBusy -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen put empty into bg bitmap "Little Picture" put empty into bg movie "Little Movie" put empty into bg field "Dog Caption" put empty into bg bitmap "Big Picture" put empty into bg movie "Slide Show" put empty into bg field "Dog Info" send showStuff to me if the platform is "Macintosh" then unlock screen with visual effect pixelDissolve in 40 ticks else unlock screen with visual effect blinds up in 40 ticks -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if set cursor to Browse end showNewDog -------------------------------------- on showStuff -- Called by statechage, modeChange, restoreMode, showNewDog. -- Makes sure all the buttons are displayed correctly, and that -- the correct text fields, pictures, movies, etc. are showing. global currentMode, littleGraphic, bigGraphic, curDirPrefix, dogDirPrefix, curFileDog -- Label the text button appropriately. if curDirPrefix = dogDirPrefix then set name of bg button id 8 to "Description" -- & Small Picture" else if littleGraphic = "V" then set name of bg button id 8 to "Text & Movie" else set name of bg button id 8 to "Text" -- & Small Picture" end if end if -- Label the picture button appropriately. enable bg button id 10 -- Just in case it got itself disabled. if bigGraphic = "P" then set name of bg button id 10 to "Big Picture" else if bigGraphic = "S" then set name of bg button id 10 to "Slide Show" else -- There's no big picture or slide show, so let's make sure we're -- in text mode and then disable the Picture button. send mouseUp to bg button id 8 -- "Text" set name of bg button id 10 to "Big Picture" disable bg button id 10 end if if currentMode = 2 then -- Picture mode disable bg button id 19 -- "Print" show bg bitmap "Print Greyed" hide bg bitmap "Print Up" send showYourself to bg field "Dog Caption" if bigGraphic = "P" then send hideYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" send showYourself to bg bitmap "Big Picture" else if bigGraphic = "S" then hide bg bitmap "Big Picture" send showYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if else -- Text or Comparison mode enable bg button id 19 -- "Print" hide bg bitmap "Print Greyed" show bg bitmap "Print Up" if currentMode=1 then -- Text Mode send showYourself to bg field "Dog Info" else -- Comparison mode send showYourself to card datasheet "Comparison Table" end if if littleGraphic = "V" then hide bg bitmap "Little Picture" send showYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" else if littleGraphic = "L" then send hideYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send showYourself to bg bitmap "Little Picture" end if end if set the visible of bg button "Puppy Test" to (curFileDog = "puptemte") set the visible of bg bitmap "puptest up" to (curFileDog = "puptemte") end showStuff -------------------------------------- on hypertext whatWord global myBusy, rowSavers if whatWord is not in card picklist "Index List" of card "Main Card-4" then beep exit hypertext end if set cursor to myBusy -- Find the line that contains the word. put col 1 of card picklist "Index List" of card "Main Card-4" into theList repeat with wRow=1 to the number of lines in theList if whatWord is in line wRow of theList then exit repeat end if end repeat -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to take down -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen if the short name of this card is "Main Card-4" then -- Special case when we're already on the index card. unhilite card picklist "Index List" hilite row wRow of card picklist "Index List" send getFileIndex to card picklist "Index List" else put wRow into item 4 of rowSavers end if send stateChange && 4 to this background if wRow > 12 then set the vertical scrollLine of card picklist "Index List" to wRow-2 else set the vertical scrollLine of card picklist "Index List" to 1 end if unlock screen with visual effect blinds up in 40 ticks -- RMAK0597: Kludge for Windows OMO to restore -- RMAK0597: a movie's control bar. if the platform is "Windows" then send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send maybeShowYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" end if set cursor to Browse end hypertext $+BiO Text downEXTI ""MMoo Picture upEXTI Sfff5 &INFO Print UpEXTI bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb SSff55 1TAIL !INFO Top Dogs UpEXTI bbbbbb bbbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbb LL<<<< <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< <<^ulJ2 f2JJSx Dog CaptionSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, capDirSuffix, textExt, curDirPrefix, textFileType global myBusy, busyMax show me if me is empty then put filePath & curDirPrefix & capDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & textExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, textFileType) then put thePath & theFile into dogFile else put "I can't find the file" && thePath & theFile into me exit showYourself end if open file dogFile repeat with idx=1 to 500 --put idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy read from file dogFile until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it into line idx of me end repeat close file dogFile end if end showYourself iTAIL Dogs:TGD:ART_MOV:actiagil.mov.movgil.movl.mov Little MovieSCRP -------------------------------------- on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to me end if lock screen push this card go card "Movie Bar Help" unlock screen with visual effect scroll down fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp -------------------------------------- on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, curDirPrefix, movieExt, movieDirSuffix, movieFileType show me --set the myVisible of me to true show bg bitmap "Little Movie Bottom" put filePath & curDirPrefix & movieDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & movieExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, movieFileType) then set the moviefile of me to thePath & theFile prepare me seek me to 0 else set the moviefile of me to empty end if end showYourself -------------------------------------- on maybeShowYourself -- Called by openBackground. if the visible of me is true then set the style of me to control if the moviefile of me is not empty then prepare me seek me to 0 end if end if end maybeShowYourself -------------------------------------- on hideYourself if the isPlaying of me is true then stop me hide me --set the myVisible of me to false hide bg bitmap "Little Movie Bottom" end hideYourself -------------------------------------- on stopYourself -- Called by stateChange and the picklists. pause me end stopYourself -------------------------------------- on kludgeHide -- Called by the "Help" and "Find Top Dogs" buttons. -- This is only needed to get around a Windows bug. if the visible of me is true then pause me set the style of me to transparent end if end kludgeHide myvisible falseEXTI iTAIL Dogs:TGD:CRED_SLD:producti.movmovvla.movv.mov Slide ShowSCRP -------------------------------------- on mouseUp global myBusy pause me set cursor to myBusy if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to me end if lock screen push this card go card "Movie Bar Help" unlock screen with visual effect scroll down fast set cursor to Browse end mouseUp -------------------------------------- on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, slideDirSuffix, movieExt, curDirPrefix global movieFileType, desiredVolume show me --set the myVisible of me to true show bg bitmap "Slide Show bottom" put filePath & curDirPrefix & slideDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & movieExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, movieFileType) then set the moviefile of me to thePath & theFile prepare me seek me to 0 --set the playVolume of me to desiredVolume else set the moviefile of me to empty end if end showYourself -------------------------------------- on maybeShowYourself -- Called by openBackground. if the visible of me is true then set the style of me to control if the moviefile of me is not empty then prepare me seek me to 0 end if end if end maybeShowYourself -------------------------------------- on hideYourself if the isPlaying of me is true then stop me hide me --set the myVisible of me to false hide bg bitmap "Slide Show bottom" end hideYourself -------------------------------------- on stopYourself -- Called by stateChange and the picklists. pause me end stopYourself -------------------------------------- on kludgeHide -- Called by the "Help" and "Find Top Dogs" buttons. -- This is only needed to get around a Windows bug. if the visible of me is true then pause me set the style of me to transparent end if end kludgeHide --on playStopped --global desiredVolume --put the playVolume of me into desiredVolume --end playStopped myvisible falseEXTI hTAIL er hNAME Dog InfoSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, textDirSuffix, textExt, curDirPrefix, textFileType global myBusy, busyMax, currentState, idxSearchWord show me if me is empty then set cursor to myBusy put empty into holder put filePath & curDirPrefix & textDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & textExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, textFileType) then put thePath & theFile into dogFile else put "I can't find the file" && thePath & theFile into me exit showYourself end if if char 1 of dogFile = "." then put "wierdness:" && dogFile into me exit showYourself end if -- Read the file into a temporary buffer open file dogFile put 0 into idx repeat forever add 1 to idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy read from file dogFile until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it into lyne put lyne after holder end repeat if holder is empty then put "holder is empty, dogFile is" && dogFile & return into me else put holder into me end if set the textFont of me to Helvetica set the textSize of me to 12 close file dogFile -- Find any special formatting instructions add 1 to idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy repeat forever put offset("", me) into boffset if boffset = 0 then exit repeat else delete char boffset to boffset+2 of me put offset("", me) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+2 of me set the textStyle of char boffset to eoffset-1 of me to bold set the textColor of char boffset to eoffset-1 of me to 6 --201 end if end repeat add 1 to idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy repeat forever put offset("", me) into boffset if boffset = 0 then exit repeat else delete char boffset to boffset+2 of me put offset("", me) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of me set the textColor of char boffset to eoffset-1 of me to 1 --143 end if end repeat add 1 to idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy repeat forever put offset("", me) into boffset if boffset = 0 then exit repeat else delete char boffset to boffset+2 of me put offset("", me) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of me set the textStyle of char boffset to eoffset-1 of me to underline end if end repeat if currentState is 4 then put the number of chars in idxSearchWord into numchars put offset(idxSearchWord, me) into boffset if boffset > 0 then select char boffset to boffset+numchars-1 of me end if end if end if end showYourself ---------------------- -- The above method is simplier and, I think, not significantly slower. -- It also has the advantage that multiple, different directives in one -- line won't cause the offsets to be off. -- But I'll leave this here for documentation purposes. on oldshowYourself global filePath, curFileDog, textDirSuffix, textExt, curDirPrefix, textFileType global myBusy, busyMax show me if me is empty then set cursor to myBusy --set the multifont of me to false -- Kludge to get around an OMO bug --set the multifont of me to true put empty into holder put empty into bolders put empty into italicers put empty into headers put filePath & curDirPrefix & textDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & textExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, textFileType) then put thePath & theFile into dogFile else put "I can't find the file" && thePath & theFile into me exit showYourself end if if char 1 of dogFile = "." then put "wierdness:" && dogFile into me exit showYourself end if open file dogFile put 0 into idx repeat forever add 1 to idx --put idx set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy read from file dogFile until return if the result is not empty then exit repeat put it into lyne put 1 into boffset repeat while boffset is not 0 put offset("", lyne) into boffset if boffset > 0 then delete char boffset to boffset+2 of lyne put offset("", lyne) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+2 of lyne put boffset & "," & eoffset-1 & "," & idx & return after bolders end if end repeat put 1 into boffset repeat while boffset is not 0 put offset("", lyne) into boffset if boffset > 0 then delete char boffset to boffset+2 of lyne put offset("", lyne) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of lyne put boffset & "," & eoffset-1 & "," & idx & return after italicers end if end repeat put 1 into boffset repeat while boffset is not 0 put offset("", lyne) into boffset if boffset > 0 then delete char boffset to boffset+2 of lyne put offset("", lyne) into eoffset delete char eoffset to eoffset+3 of lyne put boffset & "," & eoffset-1 & "," & idx & return after headers end if end repeat put lyne after holder end repeat if holder is empty then put "holder is empty, dogFile is" && dogFile & return into me else put holder into me end if set the textFont of me to Helvetica set the textSize of me to 12 close file dogFile repeat with idx=1 to the number of lines in bolders set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy put line idx of bolders into tempLine set the textStyle of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to bold set the textColor of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to 201 end repeat repeat with idx=1 to the number of lines in italicers set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy put line idx of italicers into tempLine set the textStyle of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to underline end repeat repeat with idx=1 to the number of lines in headers set cursor to (idx mod busyMax) + myBusy put line idx of headers into tempLine set the textColor of char (item 1 of tempLine) to (item 2 of tempLine) of line (item 3 of tempLine) of me to 143 end repeat end if end oldshowYourself ldata AFFENPINSCHER (AKC Toy Group) Height: up to 11 1/2 inches. Weight: 3 to 8 pounds. Size: Very Small. Availability: Very difficult to find. History: Named "Monkey dog", because of his monkey-like facial structure and expression, this feisty toy dog originated in Germany. At first a farm dog and ratter, probably larger in size, the Affenpinscher was miniaturized and became a house pet during the 18th and 19th centuries. Today the Affenpinscher is primarily a companion dog. Description: A small dog with a harsh, shaggy coat, and longer hair all over the face. The Affenpinscher is square-bodied, with a deep chest and round head with a pronounced stop. The lower jaw is undershot, protruding below the dog's short nose. The black eyes are prominent and rounded. The hairy ears are pointed and erect. The coat is usually black or dark gray, but tan and red are also acceptable. The preferred height is around 10-1/4 inches. Notes: Sensitive to temperature extremes. Overly warm living conditions are detrimental to the coat. Not recommended for younger children. Most are accepting of other pets in the family, especially when raised with them. Tends to guard food and toys. Some bloodlines are prone to fractures and slipped stifle. Like any short-nosed breed, the Affenpinscher may suffer from respiratory problems in hot weather. This breed likes to hike and go camping as long as the temperature stays above 20 degrees F. May challenge large dogs and other large animals unwisely. Personality: Terrier-like personality. Fiery little dog, courageous and confident--a fearless defender. Very affectionate and amusing. Playful. Enjoys being with his family. Needs consistent, firm training. Some are difficult to housebreak. Behavior: Children: Not recommended for children. Friendliness: Loves everyone. Trainability: Slightly difficult to train. Independence: Moderately dependent on people. Dominance: Moderate. Other Pets: Generally good with other pets. Combativeness: Can be a bit dog-aggressive. Noise: Likes to bark. Grooming and Physical Needs: Grooming: Regular grooming needed. Trimming & Stripping: No trimming or stripping needed. Coat: Medium coat. Shedding: Very light. Docking: Both ears and tail are customarily docked. Exercise: Very little exercise needed. Jogging: A fair jogging companion. Indoors: Very active indoors. Apartments: Good for apartment living. Outdoor Space: Does all right without a yard. Climate: Prefers cool climates. Owner: Good for novice owners. Longevity: Average (10 to 12 years). Talents: watchdog, agility, and performing tricks. For More Information: Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute. Photo Caption: AFFENPINSCHER Photo copyright: Cook PhoDOGraphy 1995. All rights reserved. 0INFO Big PictureSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, pictDirSuffix, pictExt, curDirPrefix global pictFileType, dataDir, myBusy show me if me is empty then set cursor to myBusy put filePath & curDirPrefix & pictDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & pictExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, pictFileType) then import thePath & theFile into me else import filePath & dataDir & "nofile.pic" into me end if end if end showYourself adata DescriptionSCRP -------------------------------------- on hiliteYourself show bg bitmap id 22 -- "down" hide bg bitmap id 23 -- "up" set the myhilite of me to true end hiliteYourself -------------------------------------- on unhiliteYourself show bg bitmap id 23 -- "up" hide bg bitmap id 22 -- "down" set the myhilite of me to false end unhiliteYourself -------------------------------------- on showYourself show me if the myhilite of me is true then show bg bitmap id 22 -- "down" else show bg bitmap id 23 -- "up" end if end showYourself -------------------------------------- on hideYourself hide me hide bg bitmap id 22 -- "down" hide bg bitmap id 23 -- "up" end hideYourself -------------------------------------- on mouseUp global currentMode, myBusy if the myhilite of me is false then -- mouseDown has down the hiliting set cursor to myBusy set the myhilite of me to true if currentMode=2 then send unhiliteYourself to bg button id 10 -- "Picture" else if currentMode=3 then send unhiliteYourself to card button id 2 -- "Comparisons" end if send modeChange && 1 to this background end if end mouseUp -------------------------------------- on mouseDown if the myhilite of me is false then show bg bitmap id 22 -- "Text down" hide bg bitmap id 23 -- "Text up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap id 22 -- "Text down" hide bg bitmap id 23 -- "Text up" else show bg bitmap id 23 -- "Text up" hide bg bitmap id 22 -- "Text down" end if end repeat end if end mouseDown myhilite trueEXTI tTAIL Find Top DogsSCRP on mouseUp global myBusy set cursor to myBusy show bg bitmap "Top Dogs Up" hide bg bitmap "Top Dogs down" if the platform is "Windows" then send kludgeHide to bg movie "Little Movie" send kludgeHIde to bg movie "Slide Show" end if lock screen go card id 6 unlock screen with visual effect scroll left in 30 ticks set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Top Dogs down" hide bg bitmap "Top Dogs Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Top Dogs down" hide bg bitmap "Top Dogs Up" else show bg bitmap "Top Dogs Up" hide bg bitmap "Top Dogs down" end if end repeat end mouseDown TAIL PrintSCRP on mouseUp global currentState, currentMode, filePath, textDirSuffix, curFileDog global textExt, curDirPrefix, myBusy show bg bitmap "Print Up" hide bg bitmap "Print Down" -- Pathological insurance. send stopYourself to bg movie "Little Movie" send stopYourself to bg movie "Slide Show" put 0 into whatToPrint if currentState is 2 then if the optionKey is "down" then put 2 into whatToPrint else if the visible of card datasheet "Comparison Table" is true then put 1 into whatToPrint end if end if end if if whatToPrint = 1 then -- Print the Comparison Table. if the platform is "Macintosh" then set cursor to CommandDot1 else set cursor to watch end if put card datasheet "Comparison Table" of this card into card datasheet "Comparison Table" of card "Comp Table print" repeat with idx=3 to 6 set name of column idx of card datasheet "Comparison Table" of card "Comp Table print" to name of column idx of card datasheet "Comparison Table" of this card end repeat put card picklist "Match List" of this card into card picklist "Match List" of card "Match List Print" unhilite card picklist "Match List" of card "Match List Print" push this card lock screen if the platform is "Macintosh" then open printing print card "Comp Table print" print card "Match List Print" if the platform is "Macintosh" then close printing pop card else if whatToPrint = 2 then -- Print the special selector check. set cursor to CommandDot1 put card datasheet "Comparison Table" of this card into card datasheet "Comparison Table" of card "Selector Check" put card picklist "Match List" of this card into card picklist "Match List" of card "Selector Check" unhilite card picklist "Match List" of card "Selector Check" push this card lock screen print card "Selector Check" pop card -- Print the dog Info field. else put filePath & curDirPrefix & textDirSuffix & curFileDog & textExt into dogFile PrintAFile dogFile end if set cursor to Browse end mouseUp on mouseDown show bg bitmap "Print Down" hide bg bitmap "Print Up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap "Print Down" hide bg bitmap "Print Up" else show bg bitmap "Print Up" hide bg bitmap "Print Down" end if end repeat end mouseDown XTAIL DINFO Little PictureSCRP on showYourself global filePath, curFileDog, pictExt, curDirPrefix, thumbDirSuffix global pictFileType, dataDir, myBusy show me if me is empty then set cursor to myBusy put filePath & curDirPrefix & thumbDirSuffix into thePath put curFileDog & pictExt into theFile if fileExists(thePath, theFile, pictFileType) then import thePath & theFile into me else import filePath & dataDir & "nofile.pic" into me end if end if end showYourself {data 1b'hn Al= yI ^%z*( #x8h+*; |L/:U "8@9 F2_*q `-fgqj+ glo|La +`+`; GVK .O 8h+tj.3 -k+*NS RF|Lm` :V[w` 'ByIfgA `$m+/ S~: m yI .3 A)8h3 #x;`NS #x;Fm+t `d+*3 #D'h^ +*+*3 bEB'B >/:#xu GE &!" j.> ^ >Vm;Fy |LV'3 =K^'h 'h'h;J,l'h ;F;FuC ;F#2/:; N'hm+Mi m+8J3 +*+*'h yIm+lEt bXD#x yIMMJ Mg'h;F3 lE8`y h8B;F vO,GA)^ ;F+*3 qQ_4#x# 2j!"Mg &A%B m`,G8 ,EMgr`+* Vm+*; ;F#>G m+fMY xbxbxbxbp m+Vmt +*;F+*3 !bm`x 'h'Bm+Y ,fMMF %8`8`4 'G{jy +*8%, *?"yIu A%MF, g#x+*# -NMg^ b "xb buC;`3`^ +*m+,Gh /:#x8}. ;Jmd#. 'h#"3 ffM & {j{th AlA%-k 2A%yI Al'h^ =z5u y ;F#xa 'h+*'h )JGWG #x B6J E E /:#R8 R:'5e;F &1D0 , E E OtF1!" Mi)J* c`-h&s lF1kZR *+*+*3 ,H#"3 :5#+* 4M{C,!8 8hXD{j & XD8@% sn'Bd fg_6*7 O :($;l/: _ "9\8 !(`kZ x( &1D Mga&Y )J/pZ 1R N ") Vm &y A%Mgm VmA)m+ (($M'U kZkZF d "8@ 9\8@8@0 GEo{h@ F1kZkZ kZg9)0 kZkZ-k E E E MFA*Y jUjoJRB* E E E F1%){ !',E!"4 E E E E o E 8h$" E E E A%)JNS buCj.z*3 hGE;F #xO^NS c)J-k ! E-K )Jg9S F1g9R uCm+t %'B'h3 +*'hd -k-k-k! -k E0 c E E u'g6'" =f5~ ma;J0 8hsn`- 'JR`-m g9wo% ;F;F# BJRMF ,l4t1 "F1r ["2j[ E)J-k > ,EV MFXD3^ /:8};F8@;Fh &8`H O]4t & losn` xblE!b9 (O],+ 8h &( ! lkZnU FkNs & ;F "[H "XDzo> [Hsnp )0 "p _+* o9Z N &8@P XD &O c eo{JR XDXD|L"> v8@ ";F c-kJR xb &0 c+*#x@ & "S XD &P E-JNs B(`(` d{j|L# 8@xb | "0 g({jO d E E= d;F=e[ NvO9\ xb8} xbXDs dO^8%Y [H&vp c-kxb ABSvg 8Flo) !O^o{-k CP!R!R< &U)J> )J%)A% Goz*Go'h( B"xCFp f&iXL l H . c-kFk > > 5 \77m< c)J)J @= <` E'l!' xbx@p XLxb .xb gc2jXL xb7Gxb xbxbh ?/ "-A (O'lo! xbxbh Fxb`$xbs &xb`$xb`$ Fx8`$h xb8dxb+ xbdy{j 8Nxb .`$ xb`$`$ xb` N FkF1Fk&iFk. F1FkFkFk6 F1Fk> FkFkN F1FkFkFk&iFkB Fk&O. FkFk5 > > 6 > Fk. Fk&i= FkFk. F1Fk&i> > . F1Fk> &i> Fk&O&igSw Fk&O5 Fk&i> &OFkFk&ON Fk> N FkFkB F1Fk&OF1Fk6 FkFkF1> . FkF1FkF1V Fk&OFkB FkF1N FkFkB 1R1Rx~p `$x@x8 Big PictureSCRP on hiliteYourself show bg bitmap id 25 -- "down" hide bg bitmap id 24 -- "up" set the myhilite of me to true end hiliteYourself on unhiliteYourself show bg bitmap id 24 -- "up" hide bg bitmap id 25 -- "down" set the myhilite of me to false end unhiliteYourself on showYourself show me if the myhilite of me is true then show bg bitmap id 25 -- "down" else show bg bitmap id 24 -- "up" end if end showYourself on hideYourself hide me if the myhilite of me is true then hide bg bitmap id 25 -- "down" else hide bg bitmap id 24 -- "up" end if end hideYourself on mouseUp global currentMode, myBusy if the myhilite of me is false then -- mouseDown has done the hiliting set cursor to myBusy set the myhilite of me to true if currentMode=1 then send unhiliteYourself to bg button id 8 -- "Text" else if currentMode=3 then send unhiliteYourself to card button id 2 -- "Comparisons" end if send modeChange && 2 to this background end if end mouseUp on mouseDown if the myhilite of me is false then show bg bitmap id 25 -- "Picture down" hide bg bitmap id 24 -- "Picture up" repeat until the mouse is up if the mouseloc is within the rectangle of me then show bg bitmap id 25 -- "Picture down" hide bg bitmap id 24 -- "Picture up" else show bg bitmap id 24 -- "Picture up" hide bg bitmap id 25 -- "Picture down" end if end repeat end if end mouseDown myhilite falseEXTI ioowBw j\ojj\\ =/9:> 7n..j3 @n.n7X 3s@s3o o\\@@ :BB>5 -<8>< oj333jo@ >=+#&#ij 3jsss @.... .>>> ooooo BtXXXXX 2222. Wxxt/ DCBE.lm s\@@E ososo ojsi3jo =>>>> @oooso -Y-B-! oojjlo >=- >>2= jsjopmjo '?676 EE/ojjsj FEsj@@ ojjoolqq ljoso \ojoj olqmpj @@lp@CBo mlmps ssoos o/llC ospso 77676 ooooo ooooo lpooo sojooj ojpmm oo3os ojo\j jojoj oE@/@ j\@@@@ 477*4 46677 \\@\\ FFF^^ BCB/j oCC^^ jo/qE@^]^F poooo \ojjoj \3ojoj \o\j3 \\o\j ojola C@@C^@ @@C^^ ^]C^C oo* 1 ooooj( 2Jll^& 1Ful]2 1&^u]J2 11111 2JJSx xVJJ2 +++7+++ +++++ oooooo ooooojl J2xxxxx }xxxx xxxxx x4xxxL xxxxx Lx}x4x}xo ooooox noon@ jolpo oooooo jojC@CC ooopoe oojo@C+ <<7ppo <6======= 6<6==7 ]u^&1 1&^l]J2 2JJSo ,+,+,+,+5 o@ooo oo@oo @^E^Co jo@Fjj ooooo ^@C@/ ojooo /@@@// @E@@@ ooolo jojoo @@@oE] @C_C@l// ooooo o/o@@ ,ojoj oooo/ oojoo oooooo oooooo ooojo o@ooo F.@o,/ jojo,oj ooo/o ,ojj//jF FFE@C o@@C/ ooooo o@@C@ /o@E@ B@@C@@@ ooo@,o ,oooF@C joooo @@@,@ EoC@/ oj,jo ojjo@ @@@@C /@/oj @E@@o/ @CFCoo oooo !o/oFEF @F@@@] oojoo @jCoEjCoE jojoj,/ //,C/ojF ooooooooo @/@@oC@n F@q,/@E C@@@E@C@.@,/oo ooooo Cj,@^F oo@/Cio @@EFE jooooo/oo oo///,E//C @^@@@ /oEC@o qC@@^C/ @@,EC@C/, Cjooo ^F/o@ ,j@/,j/ooo,oo j/Fjj@CE, @@CE@ oooo@@,@ oojooo @,j/o ojooooo @@Co/ E//oj xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx +++*+ ++R+x xxxxxx RTAIL